• 随着人们生活水平提高电冰箱便成为许多家庭购买支出首要一项。

    With the enhancement of people's living standard, refrigerators have become the first big item (that) households buy.


  • 促销带给顾客不仅仅节约购买购买支出这种单一利益而是包括一系列利益的组合。

    Promotion offer customers not only cost saving, but also a series of promotion benefits, such as convenience, entertainment, value expression.


  • 雪上加霜的,发自美国蔓延全球信用紧缩以及经济不景气导致欧洲消费者减少购买支出

    What is more, the global credit crunch and economic recession that initiated in the U. S. is catching up with Europe, causing reduced consumer spending in Europe.


  • 一些认为企业支出事项购买服务器实际上资产负债表里企业资产列示。

    Some things you might think of as expenses of a business, like buying servers, are actually posted to the Balance Sheet.


  • 美联储可能短期发布更多的小数目的款项,以观望态度预计未来分批支出不是承诺某个确定时间购买大量国债

    Rather than promise to buy a large amount of bonds by a certain date, the Fed will probably announce more modest amounts over shorter periods, predicating future instalments on the outlook.


  • 公司迅速缩减资本支出消费者会放弃购买新车食物医疗健康方面减少开支

    Firms are quick to scale back capital spending and consumers skip new cars rather than scrimp on food or healthcare.


  • 正如电话账单一样,购买珠宝其他礼物的大额支出或账单会彻底泄露秘密

    As with phone bills, major expenses or bills for jewelry and other gifts are a dead giveaway.


  • 公司会计他们希望确保公司绝对必要时候购买硬件并且公司可以支出(不管是日元、欧元还是人民币)中得到最大化的利益。

    Corporate accountants who want to make sure that hardware is only purchased when it is absolutely needed, and that the company gets the best value for its dollars (or yen, or euros, or yuan).


  • 未来30内打算增加消费人群中,56%的购买节日礼物占节日支出大头。

    Duringthe next 30 days, among consumers who expect to spend more, 56 percentsay they will be spending the most on holiday gifts.


  • 该项服务可能影响家用电脑支出使用比如说用户可能不再需要购买容量硬盘存储备份所有文件

    It also has the potential to affect the economics and usage of home computers, lessening consumers' need to buy big hard drives to store and back up all of their files, for example.


  • 未来30打算增加消费人群中,56%的购买节日礼物占节日支出大头。

    During the next 30 days, among consumers who expect to spend more, 56 percent say they will be spending the most on holiday gifts.


  • 不过虽然这些市场交易多次进行不是那么重要消费者因为支出大笔钱,在做购买决策时会就更多时间、做更多的研究

    Although repeat business is less important in these markets, consumers will put more time and research into considering decisions that require large expenditures.


  • 汽车许多消费者作出昂贵支出购买汽车存在长期合约

    A car is the most expensive purchase many consumers make, and by buying a car they also enter into a long-term contract.


  • 阿尔伯达(加拿大西部一省)买下了200,000英亩Duvernay页岩气资源估计购买继续雪佛龙今年资本支出将会增加20%,达到260亿美元。

    It also bought 200, 000 acres of the Duvernay shale gas formation in Alberta, Canada. Expect the buying to continue: Chevron says it will boost capital spending 20% this year to $26 billion.


  • 另外项研究中,PublicisGroupe旗下的媒体空间购买公司实力传播(ZenithOptimedia)107日预计,包括日本在内亚洲市场明年广告支出增幅仅有5.2%,低于今年的6.6%。

    In a separate analysis, Publicis Groupe media-buying firm ZenithOptimedia predicted Oct. 7 that AD spending growth in Asia, including Japan, would slow to 5.2% next year, down from 6.6% this year.


  • 所以千万不要礼物假日用品以及食品购买方面严重超支,建议大家可以列一张购物清单,仔细的检查遍,直到确保所对应的预算和支出是最最合理、完美的。

    Don't overspend on gifts, holiday outfits and food purchases. Make a list, check it twice, make sure it fits your budget nice.


  • 这个数据包括购买土地支出支出反映土地所有者变化没有提高容量增加价值

    They include purchases of land, which only reflect changes in ownership, not an increase in capacity or value added.


  • 这种环境花销包括购买维护操作系统费用购买升级硬件的花费以及管理支出

    Costs for such environments include the purchase price and maintenance for the operating system, initial outlays and upgrades for hardware, and other administration expenditures.


  • 衰退经济放缓已经降低了美国民众的购买消费者许多方面勒紧了裤腰带——尽管女性服装和腰带支出男性多。

    The recession and economic slowdown have reduced buying power and consumers are tightening their belts in many ways, though spending on women’s clothes (and belts) fares slightly better than men’s.


  • 目前许多实验室购买投入运营资金的一半只剩很少一部分用来应付科研人员薪水其他支出

    Purchasing helium may now account for half of total operating costs at some US labs, leaving little left over for researcher salaries and other expenses.


  • 变化在于,人们越来越意识到,2009年2010年中国大规模刺激性支出贷款,有很大一部分最终用来购买土地导致房价不可持续的态势上涨

    A growing realization that much of China's massive stimulus spending and lending of 2009 and 2010 ended up in land purchases, driving up prices in an unsustainable fashion.


  • 然后要列明支出计划用途;有的放矢的预算(不论是欧洲度假还是购买房子)往往富成效

    Then, give your spending plan a sense of purpose; budgets with a goal, whether it's a European vacation or buying a home, tend to be the most successful.


  • 但是首次购买平板电脑客户可能难以接受为此额外支出费用

    Customers just buying a tablet for the first time, though, may have trouble justifying the extra cost.


  • 为了降低维护这些方案持续的成本支出公司购买商业解决方案。

    Companies are buying commercial applications as a way to reduce their ongoing support costs to maintain these solutions.


  • 美联储两个月来多次表示,计划购买美国国债降低贷款利率刺激借贷消费支出

    The central bank has hinted for two months it plans to buy Treasurys to drive interest rates lower in an attempt to spark lending and spending.


  • 那样的话,负担医疗费用小型雇用单位全国的“购买集合资金用于保险支出

    Small employers burdened with health-care costs would be able to use a nationwidepurchasing poolfor insurance.


  • 定期寿险每月支出便宜非常多,所以更应该把别的保单现金价值取出来,来购买新的定期寿险

    Term insurance is substantially cheaper per month, enough so that it's worth cashing in the other policy, removing the cash value, and instead start a term policy.


  • 外购无形资产成本包括购买价款相关税费以及直接归属于使该项资产达到预定用途所发生的其他支出

    The cost of outsourcing intangible assets shall include the purchase price, relevant taxes and other necessary expenditures directly attributable to intangible assets for the expected purpose.


  • 他们得好听这样导致通胀美国家庭平均收入不变前提下,购买相同产品支出不断提升。

    Well says but that will cause inflation because average American Family with the same income, will have to foot out more everything for the same purchase.


  • 他们得好听这样导致通胀美国家庭平均收入不变前提下,购买相同产品支出不断提升。

    Well says but that will cause inflation because average American Family with the same income, will have to foot out more everything for the same purchase.


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