• 主教几百当地人布道。

    The bishop preached to a crowd of several hundred local people.


  • 警察辖区内巡逻发现男孩子在街上瞎转。

    A policeman was patrolling his regular beat, when he saw a group of boys milling about the street.


  • 喧闹25000狂热球迷格兰德中心车站欢迎球队

    A raucous crowd of 25,000 delirious fans greeted the team at Grand Central Station.


  • 美国军队一个洞穴里出其不意地抓获了8敌军士兵。

    U.S. troops surprised eight enemy fighters in a cave complex.


  • CosAngel服务员为一青少年提供服务。

    In Cos Angel, a waiter served a group of teens.


  • 切娜惊讶的是,这个古老游戏引起了兴趣超过1000学生加入了这个俱乐部。

    To Chena surprise, the old game has interested a huge crowd more than 1,000 students have joined the club.


  • 南非中部玉米挤成一团,围着农学家放在灌溉电脑

    A group of corn farmers stands huddled around an agronomist and his computer on the side of an irrigation machine in central South Africa.


  • 由于人数越来越多,这一死亡人数增加——2000年有18434百岁老人死亡2014年有25914人死亡。

    Because this population is getting larger, the number of deaths in this group is also increasing—18,434 centenarians died in 2000, whereas 25,914 died in 2014.


  • 渣打银行计划18个月内消费者银行业务招聘850客户关系经理,以求在亚洲富裕消费者中取得市场份额

    Standard Chartered intends to hire about 850 relationship managers for its consumer banking business over the next 18 months, to gain a larger market share of affluent customers in Asia.


  • 日本释放了一在押中国籍渔船船长,此前船在中日争议岛屿附近日本巡逻船只发生碰撞

    Japan released the captain of a Chinese fishing boat whom it had detained since his vessel hit two Japanese patrol boats near a cluster of disputed islands.


  • 最近逃离委内瑞拉古巴迈阿密告诉一份报纸,他们贿赂了一在加拉卡斯飞机场负责检查护照的古巴官员

    A group of Cubans who recently fled Venezuela told a newspaper in Miami that they had bribed a Cuban official working in passport control at Caracas airport.


  • 但是死里逃生人质看起来美国的人救出来的。

    But one hostage who survived the ordeal said he was freed by a group with men who looked like Americans.


  • 牙买加潜水员在观察军士长(雀鲷),它因身上彩色条纹颇似军士徽章

    In Jamaica's Long Bay, a snorkeler watches a school of sergeant major fish, named for the colorful stripes that resemble a sergeant insignia.


  • 乌合之众只是四处寻找武器只有囚犯释放出来

    Although the crowd was primarily in search of arms, it found just seven prisoners to be freed.


  • 目前美国最大前沿部署舰队,拥有“乔治·华盛顿”号航母战斗60艘战舰,350辆飞机,6万海军以及海军陆战队成员。

    At present it's the largest of the forward-deployed us fleets, with the aircraft carrier George Washington, over 60 ships, 350 aircraft and 60-thousand Navy and Marine Corps personnel.


  • 房间后面男子记者中间移动并在他们低语

    In the back of the room, a man begins moving from reporter to reporter whispering something in their ears.


  • 而利比亚国家电台重播这段图像表明国外战士作为卡扎菲关于反对派了药基地极端主义者一指控证据

    Libyan state TV rebroadcast his image and suggested that he was a foreign fighter, evidence for Qaddafi's allegations that the opposition was a mob of pill-popping al Qaeda extremists.


  • 人类遵从计划上表现可是出了的。

    As a species, humans are notoriously poor at following through with their plans.


  • 起因行凶抢劫者狠狠地打了顿,结果变成了一数学艺术天才

    And it all started when some muggers kicked his ass so hard, they turned him into a math and art phenomenon.


  • 2008年2009年,精神分析师探访了亚马逊雨林的居民,因为居民十分重视梦境以及对应的解析

    In 2008 and 2009, two psychoanalysts visited a population group in the Amazon rainforest who place great emphasis on dreams and dream interpretation.


  • 辆原军用装甲车摩托车载着20露点女星和几个男人驶过大街,围在街道旁边的男人纷纷举起手机摄像机拍照

    A mostly male crowd wielding camera phones and video cameras massed along the street as two armoured ex-military vehicles and motorbikes carrying 20 topless women and a few men drove by.


  • 成为了军用列车战时护士,成天照顾一难民士兵精疲力竭了就等候新生儿哭声睡去。

    She became a wartime nurse on troop trains, dealing with crowds of refugees as well as soldiers, falling asleep exhausted in waiting rooms with the cries of new babies in her ears.


  • 应用程序客户很大而且多样化包括 3,000 超级用户以及数千临时用户。

    The application’s client base is large and diverse, with 3,000 power users plus thousands more occasional users.


  • 铁路发言人称,由于一大年轻人轨道来回穿越,杜伊斯一些主要车站关闭。

    The main railway station in Duisburg was closed because of the number of young people wandering across the tracks, a railway spokesman said.


  • 在全国范围内150儿童有一诊断患有自闭症疾病(asd)。

    Nationally, one out of every 150 children is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).


  • 不远处孩子正在跳舞,一渡轮签约乐师正在弹拨乌德更多的时候着烟。

    Nearby, a dozen small children were inventing a dance. A musician contracted by the ferry line plucked vaguely at an oud, but mostly smoked.


  • 接下来的第二阶段实验则研究人员都不驱赶鸽子

    This was followed by a second session when neither chased away the pigeons.


  • 不幸是,当时天很黑、四周乱成一团警察下车后,把考克斯误认为逃犯追捕

    And unfortunately, in the dark and the chaos of the night, a group of officers getting out of their cars mistook policeman Cox for one of the fleeing suspects, and went after him.


  • 有的是以小投资者的组织;而有的则拥有几百成员。

    Some contain a handful of investors; others have several hundred.


  • 有的是以小投资者的组织;而有的则拥有几百成员。

    Some contain a handful of investors; others have several hundred.


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