• 分别利用稳态光谱仪仪器实现了黄瓜中西农药残留快速测定

    Moreover, the rapid measurement of carbaryl residues in cucumbers is implemented with a steady-state fluorescent spectrograph and the new system respectively.


  • 2010年,设计苹果产品而被《财富杂志誉为世界上聪明的设计师”。

    Recognized for his part in creating Apple's products in 2010, Fortune magazine named Ive "World's Smartest Designer".


  • 不仅可以测量西维因农药残留量而且通过改变仪器的有关参数后可以测量其他物质的含量。

    The system can not only detect carbaryl residues, but can detect other residues as well by modifying its some parameters.


  • 研究泡菜并且发现其中含有大量亚硝西维因(致癌化合物)的研究,是泡菜混合硝酸盐之后人类胃肠受状态”下检测出来的。

    The one study that analyzed kimchi and reported high levels of N-nitroso (the carcinogenic compound) found this after the kimchi was mixed with nitrites in "simulated human stomach conditions."


  • 罗警官说乞讨而被捕的事情天天都有。

    Sergeant Rivero says arrests for panhandling take place every day.


  • 裂谷的西侧龙加山脉鲁文佐里山脉以及几个深深的裂谷充满水而形成湖泊

    The western rift includes the Virunga and Rwenzori mountain ranges and several of Africa's Great Lakes, where the deep rift has filled with water.


  • 布雷特塞也自己的罪行26监禁母亲作为从犯判了18个月的监禁。

    For his crimes, Breitwieser was sentenced to 26 months in prison. His mother served 18 months for being an accomplice.


  • 原来以为对阵西布朗时同时和迪奇换下费迪南德需要休养十月初

    It was thought that Ferdinand, who like Vidic was replaced during the West Brom game, would be sidelined until the start of October.


  • 肠出血性大肠杆菌产生毒素志贺样毒素(与志贺氏痢疾杆菌相似而得名)。

    EHEC produces toxins, known as verotoxins or Shiga-like toxins because of their similarity to the toxins produced by Shigella dysenteriae.


  • 同时拉里尔以3 - 1战胜了进入名。

    Meanwhile, Villarreal moved into the top five thanks to a 3-1 victory at Oveido.


  • 保罗·策马狂奔传递警报而出名,这一点写费罗的中,家喻户晓无人不知。然而历史的贡献更多地来自在他作为工匠天分以及他的产业洞察力。

    Although most familiar as the hard-riding hero of Longfellow's poem, Paul Revere's claims to historical significance rest even more on his talent as a craftsman and on his industrial perspicacity.


  • 西班牙演员尔·巴尔顿所依》而获得最佳配角。

    And Spain's Javier Bardem won best supporting actor in "No Country for Old Men."


  • 克尼飞车生涯中,最终能登上吉尼斯记录是用他35根断换来的;他的身上布满了嘎嘎作响的别针金属板而且有人本该肺部症而自己床上听起来实在荒谬。

    Over his career, his 35 broken bones made the Guinness Book of Records; his body rattled with pins and plates, and it seemed preposterous that he should have died in his bed, of pulmonary fibrosis.


  • 每日镜报记者詹姆斯·希普城市滑头”栏目透露股票内幕信息的丑闻入狱。 他宣称小报普遍存在非法入侵语音信箱的行为。

    The former Daily Mirror journalist James Hipwell, jailed over the City Slickers share-tipping scandal, has claimed that voicemail hacking is widespread at tabloids.


  • 后来脸谱公司干涉公司业务坚持继续持有30%的股份起诉了他,两人的关系此闹僵了。随后萨林提出反诉。

    Relationship soured when Facebook sued Saverin for allegedly interfering with business and insisting on keeping 30% stake; Saverin countersued.


  • 媒体行业中,亚康姆通用电气(General ElectricCo.)旗下的NBCUniversal也在裁员,行业预计明年广告收入将会大幅下降

    In the media business, Viacom and General Electric co. 's NBC Universal are slashing jobs as the industry girds for a steep advertising decline next year.


  • 这个研究所建立源于前明尼苏达前锋STringer于2001中风去世

    The institute was founded after Stringer, a Minnesota Vikings offensive lineman, died of heat stroke in 2001.


  • 西班牙爸爸佩德罗·曼纽尔·罗卡·阿尔斯(Pedro Manuel RocaAlvarez挑战这项法律,休假申请小孩妈妈自由业者而被驳回,为此他要鸣不平。

    Spanish dad Pedro Manuel Roca Alvarez, who challenged the law, cried foul after his application for leave was tossed out because the mother of his child was self-employed.


  • 这个满18周岁的斯夫,热卖专辑热门单曲《TimMcGraw去年音乐界引起轰动.

    Swift, who turns 18 this month, burst onto the music scene last year with a best-selling album, and a hit single called "Tim McGraw."


  • 位于哥伦比亚德拉蒙德pribbenow的煤矿工人上个星期一同行工人达戈·贝托·克拉霍-巴兰科工殉职后,就工作安全条件的问题而愤然离职。

    Miners at the Pribbenow DE Drummond coal mine in Colombia walked off their jobs last Monday over safety conditions following the death of a fellow miner, Dagoberto Clavijo Barranco.


  • 沙尔克帅朗尼克表示,今年夏天霍尔特比一定从美茨租借回归尔廷球场。

    New Schalke 04 manager Ralf Rangnick has made sure he will return to the Veltins-Arena after his loan-deal expires in the summer.


  • (Wake)校区77个卓越不同学校成为北卡罗来纳最有名的地方。

    The Wake County school District is strong, too, with 77 schools of excellence and distinction — the highest designations in North Carolina.


  • 奥利亚替代了格雷斯成为受欢迎的名字,格雷斯这个名字是好莱坞荧幕明星格雷斯·凯莉闻名这次滑落第三位置是通过网络父母Bounty投票显示的。

    Olivia took the top spot from Grace, made famous by Hollywood screen star Grace Kelly, which slipped back to third place, the poll by Internet parenting group Bounty showed.


  • 奥利亚替代了格雷斯成为受欢迎的名字,格雷斯这个名字是好莱坞荧幕明星格雷斯·凯莉闻名这次滑落第三位置是通过网络父母Bounty投票显示的。

    Olivia took the top spot from Grace, made famous by Hollywood screen star Grace Kelly, which slipped back to third place, the poll by Internet parenting group Bounty showed.


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