• 我们月票

    We went to renew our monthly season ticket.


  • 战斗断断地进行了个月

    Fighting continued sporadically for two months.


  • 会谈断断地进行了3

    The talks went on intermittently for three years.


  • 断断小睡了片刻。

    For a while she dozed fitfully.


  • 科林迷迷糊糊进入断断睡眠中。

    Colin drifted off into a fitful sleep.


  • 几个迟到者在陆抵达

    A few latecomers were still arriving.


  • 断断地下了一整天

    It rained on and off all day.


  • 随着乡镇企业裁员人们城市

    As rural factories lay off workers, people drift toward the cities.


  • 一些捐款已经到了。

    Some donations are already trickling in.


  • 断断地好不容易弹完了支钢琴曲。

    I stumbled through the piano piece with difficulty.


  • 客人终于到达了。

    At last the guests began to arrive.


  • 多数会众成员在礼拜开始分钟到达。

    Most members of the congregation begin arriving a few minutes before services.


  • 许多年轻点离开农村城市工作

    Many younger people are leaving the land to find work in the cities.


  • 断断地下了3个小时之后比赛取消了

    After three hours of intermittent rain, the game was abandoned.


  • 由于承担其他任务,只能断断

    Because of other commitments I can only write my book in fits and starts.


  • 正式学校教育断断地持到了11岁时

    His formal schooling continued erratically until he reached the age of eleven.


  • 他们正在1989年那张成功专辑录制一张辑。

    They are recording a follow-up to their successful 1989 album.


  • 上午10开门时间还早,顾客陆陆地来了。

    Shoppers began arriving long before the 10am opening time.


  • 看来无法更长期这项税收,把取得的现金另一项退休金计划里。

    There seems to be no way to spread out the tax or roll over the cash into another pension plan.


  • 从我被封锁以来,我看到一批批医务人员陆抵达这座城市。

    Since I was locked down, I have seen groups of medical workers arrive in the city, one after another.


  • 天晚上8点外滩约有30万人,并且越来越多的人陆到达,直到11点左右,人们突然变得吵闹和愤怒。一些人摔倒在楼梯上,遭到严重踩踏而死。

    About 300,000 people were on the Bund by 8:00 that evening and more kept arriving until people suddenly became noisy and angry around 11:00. Some people fell on the stairs and were stepped heavily on and died.


  • 我们船上

    One after another, we hopped into one of the boats.


  • 你们胜利了,朋友们。”断断

    "You have conquered, my friends," he said in broken accents.


  • 如果不是话题,我们整个晚上都会沉默不语

    If she didn't keep the conversation going, we'd spend the whole evening in silence.


  • 2002年起,美食酒吧已经香港各地出现

    The gastro-pub has existed in various locations in Hong Kong since 2002.


  • 断断颤抖的声音说出想知道信息

    In disjointed and trembling syllables the man gave the information desired.


  • 坐在这儿,”,“断断地坐上好几天。”

    "I shall sit here," he said, "on and off, for days and days."


  • 2007年就断断住在这儿。我名记者

    I have lived here off and on since 2007. I am a journalist.


  • 跑步活动实际上于上午9开始跑步者们8点45分时就到场了。

    The actual run begins at 9 am but the runners start arriving at about 8:45.


  • 另外以了解是个有点浪子气息的家伙。我们断断在一起露营了近两年

    I believe, from what I know of him, he was a bit of a rake. We bivouacked together on and off for nearly two years.


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