• 红字故事渐渐变成传说

    The story of the scarlet letter grew into a legend.


  • 又一次红字女人伸出了手。

    He again extended his hand to the woman of the scarlet letter.


  • 但是医生不久红字佩戴者消失了,珠儿走了。

    But, in no long time after the physician's death, the wearer of the scarlet letter disappeared, and Pearl along with her.


  • 接着看到匣子还有文件,就放在紧挨着那个红字的地方

    Then I saw that there was an old packet of papers next to its place in the box.


  • 难道在漫长岁月中,在红字折磨备受痛苦还悟一些忏悔之意吗?

    Had seven long years, under the torture of the scarlet letter, inflicted so much of misery and wrought out no repentance?


  • ,还真个戴红字女人;还,一点不还有红字似的小东西在身边着呢!

    Behold, verily, there is the woman of the scarlet letter; and, of a truth, moreover, there is the likeness of the scarlet letter running along by her side!


  • 丝特·白兰,”着,生来严峻目光盯住红字女人,“最近关于的事议论得不少

    "Hester Prynne, " said he, fixing his naturally stern regard on the wearer of the scarlet letter, "there hath been much question concerning thee, of late.


  • 我们新婚燕尔,一起古老教堂门防一刻起就应该看到:我们道路的尽头燃着红字熊熊烈火!

    Nay, from the moment when we came down the old churchsteps together, a married pair, I might have beheld the bale-fire of that scarlet letter blazing at the end of our path!


  • 不过海丝特后半世生活来看,迹象表明,这位佩戴红字幽居者居住在另一片国度里的个人热爱关怀的对象

    But, through the remainder of Hester's life, there were indications that the recluse of the scarlet letter was the object of love and interest with some inhabitant of another land.


  • 那帮水手们注意到了人群拥到了一处,并且弄明白红字涵义,便也凑近来,把让太阳得黑黑的亡命面孔伸进了圈子

    The whole gang of sailors, likewise, observing the press of spectators, and learning the purport of the scarlet letter, came and thrust their sunburnt and desperado-looking faces into the ring.


  • 公司名称白底红字的。

    The name of the company is written in red on a white background.


  • 那些身后窥视低声说,红字在屋内漆黑过道下了一道血红闪光

    It was whispered, by those who peered after her, that the scarlet letter threw a lurid gleam along the dark passageway of the interior.


  • 她的信任和信心下,美国文学最伟大的小说之一《红字》诞生了。

    With her trust and confidence, one of the greatest novels of American literature, The Scarlet Letter, was born.


  • 这个红字就是记号

    This scarlet letter is his mark!


  • 红字是不是记号

    And is this his mark?


  • 然而事实上,恰恰是珠儿集二者一身;而且因为有了这个同一性海丝特才能如此完美孩子外表率象征红字

    But, in truth, Pearl was the one, as well as the other; and only in consequence of that identity had Hester contrived so perfectly to represent the scarlet letter in her appearance.


  • 大概纳撒尼尔·霍桑的小说《红字》。

    You might have read The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne.


  • 在这里红字只有一个人的眼睛能够看见,也就不必堕落女人胸膛中去

    Here, seen only by his eyes, the scarlet letter need not burn into the bosom of the fallen woman!


  • 要求你们一眼海丝特的红字

    He bids you look again at Hester's scarlet letter!


  • 自己衣裙用的祖糙的料子晦暗颜色,上面只有件饰物,就是红字——是她注定不可的。

    Her own dress was of the coarsest materials and the most sombre hue; with only that one ornament - the scarlet letter - which it was her doom to wear.


  • 不知孩于往常一样想要调皮还是受到一个邪恶精灵指使举起小小的食指,去摸红字

    Whether moved only by her ordinary freakishness, or because an evil spirit prompted her, she put up her small forefinger, and touched the scarlet letter.


  • 现在白兰太太,”罗杰齐灵渥斯从今以后我们就这么称呼了,“丢下你不管了!”让婴儿,还有那红字一起过日子吧!

    "And now, Mistress Prynne," said old Roger Chillingworth, as he was hereafter to be named, "I leave thee alone; alone with thy infant, and the scarlet letter!"


  • 孩子另一种形式红字,是被赋予生命红字

    It was the scarlet letter in another form; the scarlet letter endowed with life!


  • 小溪这边岸上!”孩子目光转向看的地方;红字那里,靠着岸边,金丝刺绣在溪中反着光。

    The child turned her eyes to the point indicated; and there lay the scarlet letter, so close upon the margin of the stream, that the gold embroidery was reflected in it.


  • 道路两旁工人正在搭建幅精心制作高达10钢铁混凝土世界地图,置顶的是几个巨大红字首都建设空港

    On the roadside, labourers are building an elaborate 10m-high steel and concrete map of the world topped by giant red characters declaring: "Construction of a New Airport City for the Capital.


  • 难道漫长岁月中,在红字曲折磨下备受痛苦一些仟之意吗?

    Had seven long years, under the torture of the scarlet letter, inflicted so much of misery, and wrought out no repentance?


  • 东麓圣母啊,你为我们祷告”,教堂顶部的红字回应着110年前被围困者的祈愿。

    “Holy Mary of Donglu, Pray For Us”, say large red characters attached to its railings, echoing the pleas of the besieged 110 years ago.


  • 最难看清的颜色是将红色蓝色放在一起。严防红字或是蓝字。

    The hardest colors to look at together are red and blue. Try to avoid red text on a blue background or vice versa.


  • 娱乐专栏编辑钠表示:“韩国社会喜欢坚强妇女认为单身母亲人格障碍如同霍桑笔下的《红字》一样。

    "Korean society does not like strong women, and thinks single moms have a personality disorder," says Park Soo Na, a national entertainment columnist. "It's like a scarlet letter."


  • 娱乐专栏编辑钠表示:“韩国社会喜欢坚强妇女认为单身母亲人格障碍如同霍桑笔下的《红字》一样。

    "Korean society does not like strong women, and thinks single moms have a personality disorder," says Park Soo Na, a national entertainment columnist. "It's like a scarlet letter."


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