• 疏远粉丝是它承受不起的。

    But it can't afford to alienate its fan base.


  • 毫无疑问,足球有着最大粉丝

    There is no doubt that soccer has the largest group of fans.


  • “神探夏洛克”系列中国拥有庞大粉丝

    The Sherlock series has long had a large fan base in China.


  • 许多人愿意使用网站免费工具建立粉丝用户直接沟通

    Many preferred to use the site's free tools to build up fan bases and communicate with users.


  • 为了能够成功需要保证自己拥有庞大粉丝

    However, in order to be successful, you need to ensure that your micro blog has a large number of followers.


  • 所说的工作的是,花费大量时间网络形象打造粉丝

    And by work, he means spending a huge number of hours building fans of his Internet persona.


  • 理查德·谢尔曼难以言喻认为我们世界杰出粉丝群

    Richard Sherman: It's incredible, man. I think we have the most outstanding fans in the world.


  • 这部卡通系列包括中国韩国在内亚洲其他国家拥有庞大粉丝群

    The cartoon series also has a large following in the rest of Asia, including in China and South Korea.


  • 基队,相对全国范围内有更加广泛粉丝居然有13%的搜索率是来自于太平洋地区

    The Yankees, on the other hand, have a more broadly distributed fan base across the country, even receiving 13 percent of their searchers from the Pacific region.


  • 相反福特使用网站免费选项创建粉丝建立分享福特汽车图片故事粉丝等来展开宣传。

    Instead, Ford used the site's free options, such as creating fan pages, to build up groups of fans who would share pictures and stories about their cars over the site.


  • 克斯孩子气容貌、他的妙语如珠、以及他用简单类比表达复杂构想诀窍赢得了稳固粉丝

    Mr Cox has secured a large fan base with his boyish good looks, his happy turns of phrase and his knack for presenting complex ideas using simple analogies.


  • 坚实粉丝拥护下,通过百度搜索引擎可以找到1.9亿小说相关新闻评论及其他内容

    With a solid base of fans, up to 190 million pieces of news, reviews and other content related to the novel can be found through the search engine Baidu. com.


  • 使用FanTrail,艺术家可以定制消息商业提议特定粉丝地点LoveMeter等级分类。

    Using FanTrail, artists can tailor messages or commercial offers to specific groups of fans, identified by location or LoveMeter ranking.


  • 过去15年里通过古墓丽影粉丝群认识了很多朋友,我也一直活跃论坛里看到许多多人劳拉影响着,而这些人都来自世界各地,大家都通过古墓丽影融入在了一起,感觉就像一个大家庭一样。

    I've made lots of friends from the Tomb Raider community over the past 15 years that I have been active on forums, and it is wonderful to see how many people are inspired by Lara.


  • 如今需要证明你自己卖点,能引起众人的注意,并且能拥有愿意和你同甘共苦的粉丝

    These days you need to prove you can sell units, draw in crowds, and build a fan base that is willing to follow you through think and thin.


  • 如果只是用这些词语不能形容赛事具有意义,请看以下来自蒙特利尔一些评论,粉丝聚集当地的酒吧观看站赛事。

    If mere words don't express how much it meant to some, here's the view from Montreal where a group of fans got together to watch the tournament at a bar.


  • 我们读写网的这家伙都是推荐技术铁杆粉丝喜欢X会喜欢Y”这类简单的推荐技术更为复杂算法推荐,无一例外。

    We're big fans of recommendation technologies here at ReadWriteWeb, from relatively simple "people who like X also like Y" to more complicated algorithms.


  • 录影带最后,洛佩兹带领男性粉丝跳起舞来,这段舞蹈简直原封不动地照搬了迈克尔·杰克逊以前的作品。

    It concludes with Lopez leading the men in a dance routine seemingly lifted intact from an old Michael Jackson video.


  • 他们一起逛街时候手牵着手Penn没有注意到身边有一绯闻女孩》的粉丝粉丝下了他们。

    The couple held hands as they strolled the streets, and Penn didn't go unnoticed by a group of Gossip Girl fans, who flagged him down as they walked by.


  • 帕丁森曼哈顿拍片尽量保持低调的那一大粉丝还是逮到

    Pattinson has tried to keep a low profile while shooting on location in Manhattan, but his legion of fans are reportedly still tracking him down.


  • 最近成龙澳大利亚粉丝分享自己英文缘由因为这个国家有了自己的第一个英文名,所以适合故事观众

    Jackie Chan recently Shared the origin of his English name with his Australian fans, a befitting audience for his story since it was the country where he first got his name.


  • 然而忠实粉丝负责。 球队的老板期待能有好戏回归赛场,教练菲利普•塞默•霍夫曼 饰演)因为一份合同也在念叨个不停

    Yet he has a loyal fan base to impress, an owner who expects a good product to still be placed on the field and a coach (Phillip Seymour Hoffman) nagging for a new contract.


  • 青年人围坐在一起,Salah西甲巴塞罗那超级粉丝

    Sitting with a group of other young men, he says he is a big fan of FC Barcelona.


  • 充满活力的人,他们大多数书迷——忠实粉丝信奉者,他们来到这里看书

    It was a giddy, animated crowd, but most of all bookisha collection of fans and believers, here to listen to the written word.


  • 充满活力的人,他们大多数书迷——忠实粉丝信奉者,他们来到这里看书

    It was a giddy, animated crowd, but most of all bookisha collection of fans and believers, here to listen to the written word.


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