• 记者不得不撤离因为有个人在斩首了

    Your correspondent had to turn back from the town of Wajid (see map) this week because, within, a man was being beheaded.


  • 马哈·苏德巴基斯坦一侧活动,瓦吉人却生活边境两侧

    The Mehsuds only live on the Pakistani side, while the Wazirs inhabit both sides of the border.


  • 格亚姆先生瓦吉许先生儿子现在成了我们家庭老师。

    Gyan Babu, son of Pandit Vedantavagish, was now our tutor at home.


  • 我们缅甸人也曾有我们的布不幸的是没有与突埃两国相同结果

    We Burmese had our own Bouazizi, but unfortunately not the same end result.


  • 我们瓦吉古山堡下停住,上了岸走进一个打扫得干净农家宅院里。

    We stopped at one of Shivaji's old hill forts, and stepping ashore found our way into the clean-swept little yard of a peasant's home.


  • 孟买最后一天里在快傍晚的时候回到了贾特拉帕蒂.希瓦吉终点站

    On my final day in Mumbai, I returned to Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus in the late afternoon.


  • 经济学那进行采访,又三个被斩首,还有两个人附近的村庄遭受相同命运

    As the Economist went to press, three more were to be beheaded in Wajid, and two more had suffered the same fate in a nearby village.


  • 然而南部非洲发展共同体各国领导人提出一项根本不可行的方案—两党瓜分内务部。茨瓦吉拉伊拒绝提议。

    Yet leaders of the Southern African Development Community (see map) say the interior ministry should be shared-an unworkable proposal rejected by Mr Tsvangirai.


  • 明尼苏达大学家长主任玛娇莉.塞瓦吉表示:「我们一定谨记件事,这个时代已经和我们上大学的过往岁月大相同。」

    Marjorie Savage, parent program director at the University of Minnesota, says, "One thing we really have to keep in mind is that life is not like it was when we went to college."


  • 一个原因该国不同凡响领导人BNP卡莉达•齐亚“人民联盟”的谢赫哈西娜瓦吉德。孟加拉妇女她们两个贵妇”。

    The other is their appalling leaders, the BNP's Khaleda Zia and Sheikh Hasina Wajed of the AL—the women Bangladeshis call thetwo begums”.


  • 至少八十证实袭击中丧生,其中人在洽拉巴帝西瓦吉火车站(CST, 之前称为维多利亚火车站)遭枪击身亡。火车站是孟买市中心两个大型火车站之一

    At least 80 people were believed killed, with 10 shot dead at Chhatrapati Shivaji terminus, formerly known as Victoria terminus, one of the two big stations in central Mumbai.


  • 每当节日的时候,我们藏人唱歌跳舞人们一起唱歌,我学会了更多唱歌的知识。”达

    "Whenever there is a festival, we Tibetans sing and dance. I sang songs with the old people, and I learned more about how to sing," said Dawa Dorji.


  • 这些拉支队中,使亨利军队膨胀4.2万名战斗人员

    These, added to the detachments of De Givry, and Navarre, swelled Henry's army to forty-two thousand fighting men.


  • 争论已经导致了过去一年内一系列针对美国目标恐怖阴谋袭击之后的强烈情绪许多起阴谋和袭击得到了阿·拉先生鼓励支持。

    The dispute has tapped strong emotions in the wake of a series of terrorist plots and attacks over the last year aimed at American targets, several of them inspired or encouraged by Mr. Awlaki.


  • 雅妮娜--乔布鲁诺-登曾两位战地记者。1993年,他们萨拉热窝认识相爱,是时这座城市将要陷入持续攻城之中。

    JANINE DI GIOVANNI and Bruno Girodon were war reporters who met and fell in love in Sarajevo in 1993, just as the city was settling into the siege that would last nearly four years.


  • 为了银河系和平着想,不得不指出同样存在很多英语转换肯语、罗慕仑语、埃沃语、沃奇语、佛瑞语等多种语言的项目

    Footnote In the interests of Galactic Peace it should also be pointed out that there are also programs that translate English into Vulcan, Romulan, Ewok, Wookie, Ferengi ...


  • 几周内,卡受影响严重

    As in the preceding weeks, Katsina and Jigawa states are seriously affected as well.


  • 加州大学圣地亚哥分校生物学家特·论述道自身死亡之必然的认知进化引入死胡同

    Ajit Varki, a biologist at the University of California, San Diego, argues that the awareness of mortality on its own would have led evolution to a dead end.


  • 这个10风电项目风电场

    This is the first wind farm in the 10 gigawatt mega-project.


  • 去年美国的风电产能上升了45%,达到17

    Capacity in America jumped by 45% last year to reach nearly 17 gigawatts (GW).


  • 纽博格林赛道拥有四种不同的路线配置并且历史最重要比赛的举办地:1955年德国大奖赛1935年大奖赛塔齐奥·诺拉利的夺冠

    It featured four configurations and was home to arguably the two greatest races in history: Fangio’s victory in the 1955 German Grand Prix and Tazio Nuvolari’s GP win in 1935.


  • 纽博格林赛道拥有四种不同的路线配置并且历史最重要比赛的举办地:1955年德国大奖赛1935年大奖赛塔齐奥·诺拉利的夺冠

    It featured four configurations and was home to arguably the two greatest races in history: Fangio's victory in the 1955 German Grand Prix and Tazio Nuvolari's GP win in 1935.


  • 这部做作影片中的女吸血鬼奥德特由·戴维斯扮演,影片讲述了一对小报记者前往特兰斯·尼亚寻找弗兰肯斯坦时遇到故事。

    Geena Davis plays the vampiress Odette in this campy movie about a pair of tabloid reporters who travel to Transylvania in search of Frankenstein.


  • 卢斯科尼受到意大利唯一一名黑人议员·伦纳德•多批评,这名议员具有刚果血统

    Berlusconi was also criticised by Italy's only black parliamentarian Jean Leonard Touadi, who is of Congolese origin.


  • 未来11年中他们希望看到装机容量达到33海上风车总共大约5,000个涡轮机)落成。

    They are hoping to see 33GW-worth of maritime windmills (somewhere around 5, 000 turbines in all) built over the next 11 years.


  • 法国电力公司EDF(打算英国核电站法国国有公司)估计的英国用电缺口32,而德国意昂公司认为26

    EDF (a state-owned French firm that wants to build nuclear plants in Britain) puts the size of the hole at 32gw, and E. on, a German competitor, reckons it will be 26gw.


  • 法国电力公司EDF(打算英国核电站法国国有公司)估计的英国用电缺口32,而德国意昂公司认为26

    EDF (a state-owned French firm that wants to build nuclear plants in Britain) puts the size of the hole at 32gw, and E. on, a German competitor, reckons it will be 26gw.


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