• 这些练习意图加强教材理解

    These exercises are intended to enhance your understanding of the material.


  • 因此,对于我国初中生几何证明理解作调查分析有意义

    Therefore, the degree of understanding of our junior high school geometry proved meaningful analysis of the survey.


  • 理由相信引起阅读因素理解度 有关

    There is some reason to believe that the factors producing slow reading are also involved in lowered comprehension.


  • 进一步研究发现8语音错误”在低语境条件影响语音可理解度

    The author went further study and found that 8 types of pronunciation "errors" were detrimental to intelligibility.


  • 一个社会文明是否进步关键这个国家人民约定俗成规范中的理解尊敬

    Whether or not the progress of a civilized society, the key is the people of this country established and accepted norms in the understanding and respect for degrees degrees.


  • 每个人分别四个平台上阅读海明威各种短篇小说,然后测量它们阅读故事理解度

    The subjects each read different short stories by Ernest Hemingway on all four platforms, and were measured for their reading speeds and story comprehension.


  • 随着教育变得更为像,充斥大量类别,我们担心基础知识理解开始下降

    We are concerned that as education has become more abstract and more packed with topics, the depth and comprehensiveness of understanding of the fundamentals has declined.


  • 农民受体农业政策类信息关注知晓理解赞同支持信奉如何?。

    What are the concern degree, knowledge degree, understanding degree, association degree, support degree and confidence degree for the peasants on those rural policy information?


  • 上帝生命忽略了,所以那时没有勇气祈求女儿康复而是请他理解他,我能够更接近他。

    I had rather cut God out of my life, and I didn't have the nerve at the time to ask Him to make my daughter well -i only asked Him to help me understand, to let me come in and reach Him.


  • 衡量总量的大小,过,理解上的

    It measures how much, I said that probably when we were trying to understand 2d divergence.


  • 如果人们对于意愿价值标准关注重心,以及你的情感成熟足够的理解信心他们信任你的个性

    People believe in your character when they understand and have confidence in your intentions, your values and standards, what you truly care about, and your emotional maturity.


  • 国际残疾人一年一活动旨在促进人们对残疾问题理解动员人们支持维护残疾人尊严权利幸福

    International Day of Disabled Persons is an annual event to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of people with disabilities.


  • 投资者这些金融产品过于复杂,从来应该成熟不高、还不能理解它们个人

    Investors say the financial products were so complex that they should never have been offered to individuals not savvy enough to understand them.


  • 软件架构设计一直没有明确定义因为软件开发作为门学科尚未完全理解其中的复杂内涵

    Architecture and design in software have resisted firm definitions for a long time because software development as a discipline has not yet fully grasped all their intricacies and implications.


  • 模式复用已有资产减少人类通过高级工具语言产生东西数量,构建良好弹性质量理解,和复杂控制

    Pattern: Reuse existing assets, reduce the amount of human-generated stuff through higher-level tools and languages, and architect for resilience, quality, understandability, and complexity control.


  • 使用读者理解其他关键主题搜索引擎同样会通过关键相关性而决定相关

    So use other keywords and topics that make sense to your audience, the search engine measures keyword relations to determine relevancy too.


  • 使用2 - d地图保持精确需要理解空间引用系统合理使用。

    Preserving accuracy when using a 2-d map requires understanding spatial reference systems and using them appropriately.


  • 一实践极大改善需求理解需求准确并且显著减少了实行之后返工

    This practice has greatly improved the understanding and accuracy of the requirements, and greatly reduced rework after the fact.


  • 测试脑筋灵活以及数字理解

    Numerical tests, which test your mental agility and how quickly you understand Numbers.


  • 因此我会随后分钟,来帮助大家理解迈克及时在恢复间接视力之后,仍为何实现一流,大家知道。

    So, for the next few minutes, I will give you a sense of why it is like that Mike has not achieved that fluidity, even though his peripheral vision has been restored.


  • 每个领域可以分为一系列实践我们评估每个实践意味着组织成熟理解

    Each area can been subdivided into a set of practices, the strengths in each of which we will assess as the means for understanding the organization's maturity.


  • 这么一来他们可以天空行星位置做出了,而且奏效,偏差也只正负之内。

    And By doing that they were able to give an account of the position of the planets in the sky, that worked out pretty well. Of the order of five degrees, plus or minus.


  • 必须具有管理风险能力,从而理解并且保持风险的容忍

    You must have some ability to manage risk, to understand when you are over-exposed, and to stay within your tolerance for risk.


  • 另外一个理解方法是源头冒出”,流体系统输入的量,也就是单位时间内,单位面积新冒出的流体。

    The other way to think about it is divergence is the source rate, it is the amount of fluid that is being inserted into the system, that is being pumped into the system per unit time per unit area.


  • 是什么

    So, what's the physical interpretation of a divergence field?


  • 一旦听完朋友的话,他们认为自己理解那么接受你的想法建议接纳大地多。

    Once you have listened to your friend and they believe they are understood, then they are much more receptive to hearing your ideas and advice.


  • 比如相比于流行更微妙标准来评价工具我们更好地理解这个世界正在发生什么

    For example, tools that can measure by subtler yardsticks than popularity will give us vastly better ways to understand what's happening in the world.


  • 如果某个提案实现RTF文档阐释需求该提案开发进行复杂评估时,首要步骤就是这个RFP进行全面理解

    A thorough understanding of the RFP is the first step in trying to assess the complexity of developing a proposal that realizes the requirements illustrated in the RFP document.


  • 如果某个提案实现RTF文档阐释需求该提案开发进行复杂评估时,首要步骤就是这个RFP进行全面理解

    A thorough understanding of the RFP is the first step in trying to assess the complexity of developing a proposal that realizes the requirements illustrated in the RFP document.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定