• 河道变得无法航行。

    The river became too narrow and shallow to navigate.


  • 黄昏时分,更多游上了

    At dusk more fish come into the shallows.


  • 沙发颜色一点不那么扎眼了

    The sofa would be less obtrusive in a paler colour.


  • 已经慢慢进入睡眠

    She had drifted into a light sleep.


  • 他们在水过河。

    They waded the river at a shallow point.


  • 下降了海平面使白令海底的大陆架露了出来。

    Lowered sea levels exposed the shallow continental shelf beneath the Bering Sea.


  • 墙纸金色的,上面饰有浮凸的涡旋状叶子图案

    The paper on the walls was pale gold, embossed with swirling leaf designs.


  • 蛋产中的洼地里,周围几乎没有保护措施

    It lays its eggs in shallow depressions in the sand with very little protection around them.


  • 时钟设定了你要醒来时间然后之前睡眠阶段按时叫醒你。

    You program the clock with the latest time at which you want to be wakened, and it then duly wakes you during the last light sleep phase before that.


  • 乐事薯片只有五百分之一英寸金黄色完美的马鞍”形状,似乎太可能成为“统治全球武器”。

    Just five one-hundredths of an inch thick, light golden in color and with a perfect "saddle curl," the Lay's potato chip seems an unlikely weapon for global domination.


  • 现在我们证据显示,这些位置珊瑚躲过破坏性漂白这一劫,但在水位更水温更高处生长的珊瑚则会受到影响

    Now, we have evidence that corals in these locations are able to escape the destructive bleaching that affects portions of the reef in shallower or warmer water.


  • 已经靴子换成了一双牛津帮鞋。

    He had changed his boots for a pair of Oxfords.


  • 最好还是中医

    It is best to treat the disease early before it takes a hold.


  • 这本书极为深入

    The profundity of this book is achieved with breathtaking lightness.


  • 心理学研究最近遗传学发现中受益匪

    The study of psychology has recently been widely cross-fertilized by new discoveries in genetics.


  • 饮。

    He slowly sipped his wine.


  • 萄酒可以帮助你入睡,但它会让你睡得更

    Wine may help you fall asleep, but it holds you in the lighter sleep.


  • 克不会踢球,然而这两个朋友边踢边跑,直到太阳把天空变成了橙色。

    Mike was not a good player, yet the two friends kicked and ran until the sun turned the sky pale orange.


  • 的身体需要经历睡眠的三个步骤——睡眠、做梦和深睡眠——从而进行完全的自我修复。

    Your body needs to experience all three steps of sleep—light sleep, dream, and deep sleep—to fully repair itself.


  • 在那门课上取得了 A 的好成绩,并且从中学到的人生经验也让我在课堂外受益匪

    I managed to get an A in that course and learned life lessons that have served me well beyond the classroom.


  • 晚你把家庭作业放进这个文件盘或盒子里,准备好要做作业的时候再拿出来。

    This is a tray or shallow box where you put your homework each night until you are ready to do it.


  • 那位英俊的男孩一双明亮眼睛一头发。

    The handsome boy has large bright eyes and fair hair.


  • 生活中很多好的品质可以受益匪

    There are many good qualities that can benefit you a lot in your life.


  • 每个成员都自告奋勇地打扫地,一共挖了五苗床用于种花

    Each member volunteered to clean up and to dig in plot, five flats of flowers.


  • 没有足够的厚可以托住但是水又不够不能涉水过去

    The lake was not frozen sufficiently to bear her, but it was low enough that she could wade through it.


  • 随着供应商多年来笔记本电脑智能手机电动汽车开发技术产业电池改善受益匪

    The industry is benefiting from improved batteries as suppliers over the years developed technology for laptops, smartphones and electric cars.


  • 设计师克里斯提·布鲁托花瓣凉鞋一种脚踝带上繁复带扣、面上有两个花瓣趾鞋尖的粉色凉鞋。

    Designer Christian Louboutin Petal Sandals Light Pink is a kind of pink sandals with buckle detail at ankle strap, two petals along vamp, and a round open toe.


  • 菌丝白色内菌丝无色乳脂

    Its aerial mycelium is white, substrate mycelium is colorless to cream or pink.


  • 印度可以和平友谊作出贡献工作发挥作用,在协同作用中受益匪

    India can contribute and work in peace and friendship and in synergy benefit a lot.


  • 通过鼻子快速而有节奏呼吸

    Take rapid, rhythmic and shallow breaths through the nose.


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