• 湿地附近水域观鸟推荐穿长袖长裤,它们可以将蚊子和其他昆虫叮咬减少到最低程度,并且长袖衫也保护皮肤避免来自太阳的伤害。

    Long sleeves and long pants are recommended for birding in wetlands or near waterways to minimize mosquito bites and other insects, and long sleeves also help protect your skin from the sun.


  • 智利海军这些水域巡逻美国森林服务部驻智利处游客提供保护负责开发这一区域

    The Chilean Navy patrols these waters. CONAF—the Chilean version of the U.S. Forest Service—has assumed responsibility for protecting as well as exploiting the region.


  • 1971年来,鳄鱼一直受到联邦法律保护它们澳大利亚热带水域数目一直稳步增长

    Crocodiles have been protected by federal law since 1971, and their Numbers in Australia's tropical waters have steadily grown.


  • 美国官员正紧锣密鼓地布置计划保护海岸线野生动物,打算开阔水域漏油进行有计划的点燃处理。

    US officials are also planning a controlled burn of oil in open water in an effort to protect shoreline and wildlife.


  • 国际自然保护联盟将这个深海物种列入危名单,新的报告,英格兰水域以前从未发现过这个深海物种。

    Listed as near threatenedby the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the deep-seaspecies native had previously been unknown in Greenland waters, the newreport says.


  • 世界自然基金会保护司司长吉利·埃林污染水域进行考察后如果漏油接近海岸引起全球性危害

    WWF director of conservation Dr Gilly Llewellyn, who conducted a three day expedition through the polluted waters, said if the spill were closer to shore there would be global outrage.


  • 但是,一些澳大利亚军事人员继续留在伊拉克保护澳大利亚外交官艘澳大利亚军舰也将继续波斯湾水域巡逻

    Some Australian military personnel will remain in Iraq to protect diplomats and a navy vessel will continue to patrol the Persian Gulf.


  • 迄今为止环保者们一直运用国家海洋禁猎法案保护夏威夷周边水域奋斗

    Conservationists had hitherto been struggling to preserve the waters around Hawaii using the National Marine Sanctuaries Act. The battle had been expected to continue for at least another year.


  • 之前Rapanos案,将几个密执安州开发者以及大片土地卷入其中,并且提出了这样一个问题:与水域连接湿地,何时可纳入清洁水法的保护范围。

    That matter, known as the Rapanos case, involved a Michigan developer and a large tract of land, and turned on the question of when wetlands are connected to the waters covered by the clean-water law.


  • 比如美国法庭曾经召开听证会解决石油公司环境保护组织关于阿拉斯加水域钻井争议

    For example, courts in the continental United States have been hearing disputes between oil firms and environmental groups about drilling in Alaskan waters.


  • 三个保护区内总计500,000平方米水域更好地保护起来,这一面积大概相当于西班牙国土面积的大小。

    In total some 500, 000 square kilometres, roughly equivalent to the size of Spain, will be better protected in the three zones.


  • 苏必利尔湖国家海洋保护鳟鱼白鱼鲱鱼角膜白斑提供了无与伦比水域

    The Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area offers unparalleled waters for trout, whitefish, lake herring, and walleye.


  • 里朴岛周围水域里,多达25%世界热带鱼种在保护水域游来游去(该岛绿龟岛(Tarutao国家海洋公园内)。

    Up to 25 percent of the world’s tropical fish species swim in the protected waters around Koh Lipe (the island is in Tarutao National Marine Park).


  • 世界各地,发现即使发达国家保护水域免遭非法捕鱼也无能为力。

    I have traveled around the world to witness the inability of even developed nations to protect their waters from illegal fishing.


  • 渔业环境渔业权人得到许可渔业水域从事养殖捕捞等生产活动所拥有的保护渔业水域环境权利

    The right to piscatorial environment is an environmental protection right of fishery right holders when they do aquatic breeding or fishing at the licensed fishery waters.


  • 任务中国海军一个开始此之前,海军任务重心主要沿海防御并非保护外海水域船只

    The mission would be a first for the Chinese navy, which has mainly concentrated on coastal defense and not protection of ships in overseas waters.


  • 保护太湖水域环境江苏环保界十分关注问题之一

    The protection of water region environment of Tai Lake is one of the problems with interest of Jiangsu environmental circles.


  • 任何生活好插销举行这些麻烦地中海水域,生活可以使用所有保护可以得到

    Life latches onto anything that will hold it and in these troubled Mediterranean waters, life can use all the protection it can get.


  • 文章对我国环境保护系统研制出用于海洋江河水域环境监测牡蛎生物环境标准样品的一些情况做了详细介绍

    This paper described in detail the oyster biology and environment reference material used in environment monitoring of ocean and rivers and prepared by environment protection system.


  • 湖滨连接湖泊水域生态系统陆地生态系统一个功能过渡,是湖泊最后一道保护屏障

    The riparian zone is a functional transition region, the last protection barrier of lakes, which is connected the lake aquatic ecosystem and the terrestrial ecosystem.


  • 这个保护水域面积通常达到将近300平方千米,现在已经减少只有44平凡千米。85%的面积严重干旱

    The protection zone, which normally reaches nearly 300 square kilometers, has declined to merely 44 square kilometers. 85% of it is in severe drought.


  • 目的维持良好水上交通秩序以确保船舶流能够迅速、畅通安全的运行,防止减少船舶交通事故以及保护水域环境免遭船舶污染。

    The aim is to keep Marine traffic order, ensure the security of the vessels, avoid and deduce vessel traffic accidents and protect Marine circumstance against the vessel pollution.


  • 目的维持良好水上交通秩序以确保船舶流能够迅速、畅通安全的运行,防止减少船舶交通事故以及保护水域环境免遭船舶污染。

    The aim is to keep Marine traffic order, ensure the security of the vessels, avoid and deduce vessel traffic accidents and protect Marine circumstance against the vessel pollution.


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