• 根据第5下列哪项旅游优势

    According to Paragraph 5, which of the following are the advantages of tourism?


  • 1637年荷兰郁金香泡沫现在金融混乱历史

    Finance has a history of messing up, from the Dutch tulip bubble in 1637 to now.


  • 大学广告工作了一时间

    Right out of college I worked in advertising for a while.


  • 时间,由美国创造处于计算机时代核心半导体制造似乎成为下一个受害者

    For a while it looked as though the making of semiconductors, which America had invented and which sat at the heart of the new computer age, was going to be the next casualty.


  • 美国交通运输生产率大幅提高时期可能即将结束在大多数国家很长的路

    In America, the period of huge productivity gains in transportation may be almost over, but in most countries the process still has far to go.


  • 如果已经酒店呆了一时间那么很大可能你对其他酒店已经熟知,特别是当地的酒店。

    If you have been in the hotel any length of time, it is highly likely that the "other" hotels are well-known to you, especially the local ones.


  • 不知为何,感觉需要写写这些他们为了书籍生,无论发生什么事都坚持做售书花了时间来让故事成形

    I felt a need to somehow acknowledge people like that, the ones who lived for books and kept selling books no matter what, but it took a while for the right story to develop.


  • 这本书讲述作者中年丢掉广告高级职位而且婚姻告终颇不寻常的人生历程

    It tells of the author's unusual journey after losing a senior advertising job and his marriage in middle age.


  • 服务走来走去并且大块地往盘里蛋白质直到吃了很多足以让你冬眠时间了。

    Waiters come around and literally chomp off large slabs of protein onto your plate until you’ve eaten so much meat, the meal sends you into a long hibernation.


  • 过去20,40岁至59岁的人群使基金管理实现了惊人增长本世纪20年代婴儿整体超过工作年龄

    The 40-59 demographic has delivered extraordinary growth to the fund management industry in the last 20 years, but in the first part of the next decade boomers as a whole move beyond working age.


  • 对金融来说2009充其量痛苦的疗伤期。

    But 2009 will, at best, be a year of painful convalescence for the Banks.


  • 西南航空很长时间内都美国航空处于劣势。

    Southwest was for a long time the underdog of American aviation.


  • 耶和华使承受分为。又要预备道路使误杀的,都可以逃到那里去

    Build roads to them and divide into three parts the land the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, so that anyone who kills a man may flee there.


  • 约瑟的子孙约书亚说:"耶和华到如今既然赐福我们我们大人多,为什么阄一之地分给我们呢?"

    The people of Joseph said to Joshua, "Why have you given us only one allotment and one portion for an inheritance? We are a numerous people and the LORD has blessed us abundantly."


  • 虽然保险光彩历史,但最近也做出了一个180度转弯

    Though it has a shameful history, the insurance industry has done a U-turn of late.


  • 进入衰败期已有一时间。

    This industry has been in decay for some time.


  • 时期朋友谈到放弃广告方面工作不过后来并没有什么结果

    At one stage my friend talked of throwing up his job in advertising, but nothing much came of it.


  • 通常关系灵魂基因力所共有,因为关系几个特殊的灵魂选择步入一个特殊的形态所造成的。

    There is generally a relationship between soul karma and genetic karma, and it is because of such a relationship that any particular soul chooses to incarnate or walk into a particular form.


  • 1985年,任天堂红白机上的超级马里奥兄弟动摇了游戏基础台主机应该得再过时间才能到达的巅峰。

    Super Mario Bros on Nintendo's NES console rocked entertainment's foundation blocks with a well-aimed headbutt in 1985, but surely it would take a while to match its might?


  • 未来时间我国旅游处于一个爆炸性增长

    For a long period of time in the future, China's tourism industry will be in an explosive growth stage.


  • 很长一岁月里,地球行星身体承继人口陷入了负面性,二性和不和谐的统治中,并且差不多所有的灵魂角色都遭受了严重课程问题

    During the long ages when Earth's planetary body and her successive populations were embedded in negativity, duality and divisiveness reigned and almost all personages incurred serious karmic lessons.


  • 某种程度上,经验原因影响需要时间

    On one level, karma refers to the experience of cause and effect over a period of time.


  • 王雪表示:“调查提醒我们中国餐饮全面拒绝鱼翅还有长一但是北京状况有所改善,这十分令人鼓舞。”

    "The survey reminded us there is still a long way to go to remove shark fins from Chinese hotels and restaurants, but the improved situation in Beijing is encouraging," said Wang.


  • 关于未来摔跤结束的生涯,回到WWE条款短暂运行退休比赛

    Regarding his future in the wrestling industry, he said that he'd like to finish his career on his terms and return to WWE for a brief run and retirement match.


  • 也是Mila的一重要旅程因为老师已经终结,是让她自己翱翔时候了。

    This was also an important journey for Mila, as the karma with her teacher was complete, and it was time for her to fly on her own.


  • 古镇资丘虽然地处祖国腹地沿江运输相当长的时间内异常发达

    Ziqiu ancient town is located in the hinterland of the motherland while, but the transport industry along the Yangtze River in a fairly long period of time developed abnormal.


  • 对于媒体或者广告中竞争激烈工作可以简历开头先进行个人简介

    For some highly competitive jobs such as the media or advertising you could include a personal profile at the start of the CV.


  • 对于媒体或者广告中竞争激烈工作可以简历开头先进行个人简介

    For some highly competitive jobs such as the media or advertising you could include a personal profile at the start of the CV.


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