• 21岁的玛格丽特·托斯南加州大学的一大四学生。

    Margarite Santos is a 21-year-old senior at USC.


  • 至少12儿童医院接受治疗,但是对于生还者人数无法给出确切数据。

    Hasan said at least 12 children were being treated at hospitals but could not give an exact figure for the number of survivors.


  • 英军已经(超过200英国士兵在那里阵亡)被重新调派到赫尔曼德其它区域。

    British forces have been redeployed to other parts of Helmand Province from Sangin, where over 200 British soldiers died.


  • 维基志愿者格以前一个朋友分别我们证实了这个数字

    A former Wikileaks volunteer and a former friend of Assange both independently confirmed the number to us.


  • 周四英国法官准许有条件保释

    On Thursday, a British judge released Assange on conditional bail.


  • 患者乌法(邻近叙利亚接壤南部边界)锡尔特省(与该国东部凡湖毗连)的居民

    The patients are residents of Sanliurfa Province, near the southern border with Syria, and Siirt Province, which is adjacent to Van in the eastern part of the country.


  • 克拉克斯图尔特以及维里特全都卷入一位叫费奥娜·斯塔女子的紊乱爱情纠葛之中。这次谋杀案发生时她才19

    Clarke, Stewart and Mr Everitt had all been involved in a tangled love affair with a woman called Fiona Statham, who was 19 at the time of the murder.


  • 1905年,巴黎生活之后,《大西洋月刊》撰稿人阿尔万·伯恩回到家乡。是这样描写纽约城的,“这一个丑陋丛生的荒蛮之地。”

    In 1905, after years of living in Paris, Atlantic author Alvan Sanborn came home to a New York City that was, he wrote, "a wilderness of sprawling ugliness."


  • 18岁时候就成了父亲孩子达尼埃尔今年21岁

    At 18, Mr Assange became a father when his son, Daniel, now 21, was born.


  • 尽管德海唯一一首进入前40榜单的单曲,但是很多酒店以及戏剧歌手单独表演或者录制唱片时常常选用的歌曲。

    Although it was Sondheim's only Top 40 hit, his songs are frequently performed and recorded by cabaret artists and theatre singers in their solo careers.


  • 1964年2月25日一位凯谢尔斯·克莱年轻拳击手击败了当时的世界重量级拳王·里斯顿。

    On February 25, 1964, a young boxer named Cassius Clay faced off against Sonny Liston, the heavyweight champion of the world.


  • 男子正在帮助一位年轻布鲁武士,年轻人阿切站附近这块干燥河床上凿,以取水为牛群解渴。

    A man helps a moran, or young Samburu warrior, drive cattle toward a small borehole dug into a parched riverbed in Archer's Post.


  • 伯格流行文化影响跳,儿子在玩星球大战游戏对她说“长大了,我要太空中,当星球大战勇士。”

    Sandberg says that the impact of popular culture struck her when her son was playing a Star Wars game. "when I grow up, I want to live in space and be a Star Wars person as a job," he told his mother.


  • 朱利安·以前是一澳大利亚黑客,2007年建立了这个服务中心现在全球大概拥有800志愿者,包含了技术专家激进主义分子律师

    Julian Assange, an Australian former hacker, founded the service in 2007. It now has perhaps 800 volunteer technologists, activists and lawyers around the world.


  • 研究所开展的这项研究从肺癌患者皮肤癌患者身上分别提取肿瘤细胞组织正常细胞组织,运用新型高效DNA测序技术基因组进行了全面破解

    The Sanger Institute studies used powerful new DNA sequencing technologies to decode completely the genome of both tumour tissue and normal tissue from a lung cancer and a malignant melanoma patient.


  • 员工提及对Leaf很感兴趣后,尼西海岸沟通小组负责人与他取得联系,并缪尔(Muir安排了一次个人试驾活动。

    After mentioning his interestto a Nissan employee, he was contacted by the head of Nissan’s West Coastcommunications team, who arranged for Mr. Muir to get a personal test drive.


  • 图10 2010年1月28星期四印度阿拉哈巴德一年一度长达一月佛浴节(MaghMela信徒把头巾(Sangam)岸边,那里是恒河雅满那的交汇处。

    Pic.10 A Hindu holy man ties a turban on the banks of "Sangam, " the confluence of rivers Ganges and Yamuna during the annual month long fair "Magh Mela" in Allahabad, India, Thursday, Jan. 28, 2010.


  • 份声明中表示赢得8.4万合格选民支持,让感到“于心有愧”。

    In a statement, Mr Sangay said he was “humbled” by the support he had won among 84,000 eligible voters.


  • 撒谎日常生活中的一部分BellaDePaulo说过,她是·芭拉,加尼福尼亚大学研究学者

    Lying is a part of our everyday lives, according to Bella DePaulo, a researcher at the University of California - Santa Barbara.


  • 自从12月批捕以来,奇就一直严格保释条件下富裕支持者一起。

    Mr Assange has been living under strict bail conditions with a wealthy backer since his arrest in December.


  • 巴布尔渴望成为伟大的诗人写到他羡慕那个不幸表弟格赫•米尔扎Baysunghur Mirza)的望。

    Babur longed to be a great poet, writing admiringly of the fame of his unfortunate cousin Baysunghur Mirza.


  • 阵亡将士纪念日早晨(译注:每年11月11日最近的星期日),第四步枪兵在赫尔曼德(Sangin)附近的一起爆炸身亡

    A serviceman from 4th Battalion, The Rifles, died in an explosion near Sangin, in Helmand province on the morning of Remembrance Sunday.


  • 不幸的是,德海姆眼中,母亲弗克西·德海姆是个恋、情绪激动的臆想病人。斯蒂芬是“出了的鄙视”弗克西。

    Unfortunately for young Stephen, he saw his mother "Foxy Sondheim" as narcissistic, emotionally abusive, and a hypochondriac. citation.


  • 视频中,该被认为里的枪手枪击期间男子阳台上争论

    The video shows a gunman, believed to be Sonboly, arguing with another man standing on a balcony during the shootings.


  • 2010年,詹妮·福德福德离婚,此前担任州长福德承认阿根廷女性有染

    Jenny Sanford got divorce in 2010 after the then governor admitted to having an affair with a woman from Argentina.


  • 白人女性潜在陪审团成员当地艺术节志愿者,她担心案件福德造成负面宣传

    And that a potential juror is a white woman who volunteers for a local arts festival and worries about negative publicity for Sanford.


  • 俄罗斯安全部门捣毁了企图莫斯科制造袭击事件阴谋并杀死嫌犯中的两个丹尼尔·福德莫斯科报道。

    The Russian security services say they've foiled a plot to carry out an attack on Moscow, killing two of the three suspects. From Moscow, here's Daniel Sandford.


  • 俄罗斯安全部门捣毁了企图莫斯科制造袭击事件阴谋并杀死嫌犯中的两个丹尼尔·福德莫斯科报道。

    The Russian security services say they've foiled a plot to carry out an attack on Moscow, killing two of the three suspects. From Moscow, here's Daniel Sandford.


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