• 本周他们扣掉15%工资

    They've docked 15% off my pay for this week.


  • 沃纳先生本周公布了策略

    Mr. Werner unveiled his new strategy this week.


  • 委员会本周举行第一全会

    The new committee holds its first plenary session this week.


  • 本周休假,这完全是应当的。

    She's having a well-earned rest this week.


  • 意大利葡萄酒本周特价销售。

    Italian wines are on (special) offer this week.


  • 本周出现抢购雨伞的现象。

    There's been a rush on umbrellas this week.


  • 政界本周晚些时候讨论这个议案

    Politicians will be debating the bill later this week.


  • 有关四国各派部长本周开会协商。

    Ministers from all four countries involved will meet at the conference table this week.


  • 市场本周平静气氛中收市

    The markets ended the week on a quiet note.


  • 奥斯卡比赛本周之后进入最后阶段。

    The Oscars race will enter the homestretch after this weekend.


  • 法国葡萄酒本周特价销售。

    French wine is on special offer this week.


  • 入选参加本周比赛

    He has been picked to play in this week's game.


  • 本周演出门票全部售完

    This week's performances are completely sold out.


  • 格林先生本周到外地去

    Mr Green is out of town this week.


  • 本周数百张请贴正在发出

    Hundreds of invitations are being sent out this week.


  • 总统本周华盛顿之行似乎值得的。

    The president's trip to Washington this week seems to have been worthwhile.


  • 本周第三迟到了,不行啊。

    This is the third time you've been late this week; it simply won't do.


  • 顾问一直争取本周完成份报告

    The consultants had been working to finish a report this week.


  • 预计本周天气。

    The outlook for the weekend is hot and sunny.


  • 这辆汽车本周使用

    I have the use of the car this week.


  • 本周证券交易遭到重创。

    The stock exchange has registered huge losses this week.


  • 咱们电影吧,本周上映一部片子

    Let's go to the cinema— there's a good film on this week.


  • 本周一支出场队伍中首次亮相。

    He will make his debut for the first team this week.


  • 成就载入本周出版传记中。

    Her achievements are chronicled in a new biography out this week.


  • 本周我们客人来访。

    We've got visitors coming this weekend.


  • 本周姐姐

    She has gone to see her sister this weekend.


  • 本周那部被大肆炒作的电影伦敦上映

    This week his much hyped new movie opens in London.


  • 本周为止,一切严格执法的努力失败了

    Until this week, every attempt to tighten up the law had failed.


  • 优惠本周截止

    The offer closes at the end of the week.


  • 优惠本周截止

    The offer closes at the end of the week.


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