• 想到斯塔格斯花园吗,苏珊?”沃尔特问道

    'Do you want to go to Staggs's Gardens, Susan?' inquired Walter.


  • 这个声音悦耳地方座落一个郊区斯塔格花园居民们都管它叫做伯林

    This euphonious locality was situated in a suburb, known by the inhabitants of Staggs's Gardens by the name of Camberling Town;


  • 迪士尼公司新的首席运营,他就是在该公司管理层任职已久的汤姆·斯塔格斯

    The Walt Disney company has a new chief operating officer: longtime company executive Tom Staggs.


  • 有些斯塔格斯花园是为了纪念已故资本家斯塔格斯先生命名的,这位先生建造是为了供消遣娱乐。

    Some were of opinion that Staggs's Gardens derived its name from a deceased capitalist, one Mr. Staggs, who had built it for his delectation.


  • 斯塔格斯花园园丁们在这里栽培红豆饲养家禽、兔子建造简陋的凉亭(其中小船),晾晒衣服,叼着烟斗吸烟。

    Here, the Staggs's Gardeners trained scarlet beans, kept fowls and rabbits, erected rotten summer-houses (one was an old boat), dried clothes, and smoked pipes.


  • “几年人们认为不是一个创意地方现在情况改变了,创意人才愿意加入我们。”迪首席财务汤姆·斯塔格斯这样说道

    "A few years ago we weren't necessarily seen by the creative community as the place to be," says Tom Staggs, Disney's chief financial officer, "but now that has changed and people want to work here."


  • 斯塔格斯接管以前,迪制作的动画片一个流水线一样的制作过程,由专门的小组想出点子,然后交给导演去拍摄。

    Before Mr Iger took over, says Mr Staggs, Disney had a factory-like process for animation in which a business-development team came up with ideas and allocated directors to them.


  • 斯塔格斯认为:“自从皮克领导层参与管理后,已经运用导演全程控制电影构思拍摄的方法,这种方法被皮克证明是极其成功的。”

    "With the arrival of the Pixar leadership, Disney has adopted the director-driven development and production approach that Pixar has used so successfully," he says.


  • 而且目前需要寻找相关人选接手斯塔格斯负责的乐园度假区业务。 目前这项业务他暂时兼管,他的继任者可能从公司内部产生

    And Iger now needs to find someone—most likely an internal candidateto run the parks and resorts business, which will remain in Stagg's hands for the time being.


  • 其他确定球员包括: 奈杰尔·克拉夫, 德·沃克戴夫沃森,艾伦·斯塔特雷弗·蒂文雷厄姆·图尔特

    Other confirmed players include Nigel Clough, Des Walker, Dave Watson, Alan Stubbs, Trevor Steven and Graham Stuart.


  • 我们禁止核试验条约》上意见一致早就知道因为罗布·塔尔博特外长旺特·人就不扩散事宜共同努力几个月了。

    We didn't agree on the test ban treaty, but I already knew that, because Strobe Talbott had been working with Foreign Minister Jaswant Singh and others for months on nonproliferation issues.


  • 一张照片是“汽车事故――位于美国66号公路亚利桑那州佛拉斯塔之间”,这张照片表现路边尸体尸体一块布遮盖着有四个人悲伤在尸体旁边

    The next photo, "Car Accident -- U.S. 66, Between Winslow and Flagstaff, Arizona, " shows a body on the side of the road that is also covered with a cloth. Four people stand sadly near the body.


  • 我们山谷品酒亚利桑那州远足达黎加观光加拉·帕格斯群岛潜水马尼亚岛体验文化

    We've gone wine tasting in the Napa Valley, hiking in Arizona, sightseeing in Costa Rica, snorkeling in the Galapagos, exploring the culture of Tasmania.


  • 追踪采访中,马特·劳尔莱塔·泰瑞位主持人都记录下了佩林阿拉加州瓦西拉市家中厨房里家人准备晚餐的样子。

    Both Matt Lauer and Greta Van Susteren filmed the Palins preparing a dinner of moose chili in the family kitchen at home in Wasilla.


  • 每一个页面包含了这些学校徽章以及类似于这样的说明,“欢迎来到纽约州大奥分校2015班级”,“欢迎来到塔夫大学2015班级”。

    Each contains the school’s logo, as well as descriptions like, “Welcome SUNY Oswego Class of 2015” or “Welcome Tufts University Class of 2015.”


  • 6月9日迪丹吉查理·约翰逊兄弟爱德华·约翰逊,杰拉尔丁·约翰逊,伦·约翰逊,奥克·塔维娅埃尔南德朱厄妮塔·门德一起下来告诉他们他们哥哥英雄故事

    Dingee sat down with Charles Johnson's siblings Edward Johnson, Geraldine Johnson, Glenn Johnson, Octavia Hernandez and Juanita Mendez on June 9 to tell them the story of their brother's heroism.


  • 我们可不希望另一场埃克森·瓦尔迪兹式的灾难降临到这片海岸,”科塔索族(Kitasoo/Xai'xais)的野外向导海洋规划专家道·涅(DougNeasloss

    "We don't want another Exxon Valdez on our shores, " said Doug Neasloss, a Kitasoo/Xai'xais wildlife guide and marine planner.


  • 2004年11月缅因州奥古·斯塔自由记者·马萨诸塞州顿一所学院门警蒂姆·瓦茨兄弟美国鱼类和野生物管理局递交请愿书,将美洲鳗列为受到威胁,甚至濒临灭绝的物种。

    In November 2004 two brothers, Doug Watts, a freelance journalist who lives in Augusta, Maine, and Tim Watts, a janitor at a college in Easton, Massachusetts, petitioned the U. s.


  • “阿克·洛监护者”58,86,太可能找不到要交还这个任务,你必须和瓦尔·格斯本人交谈而不是幻象本人在塔顶

    Ar 'kelos the Guardian "(tower is at 58.86, you can't miss it) to turn this in, you have to talk to Vargoth himself, not the image, he is at the top of the tower".


  • 配备诉讼菲尔·杰克逊,菲尔·科尔·科林和鲍勃·科·塔坦率采访通电

    Featuring electrifying on court action and candid interviews with Phil Jackson, Phil Kerr, Doug Collins, and Bob Costas.


  • 斯塔成员kjzz的劳雷尔·莫拉莱将带来报道

    From member station KJZZ in Flagstaff, Laurel Morales reports.


  • 下马塔作为法布雷加里的替代者他们可能接下几周离开枪手,分别巴萨和曼城。

    Wenger was looking to sign Mata as a replacement for Cesc Fabregas and Samir Nasri, who are both expected to leave the club in the coming weeks, set for Barcelona and Manchester City respectively.


  • 下马塔作为法布雷加里的替代者他们可能接下几周离开枪手,分别巴萨和曼城。

    Wenger was looking to sign Mata as a replacement for Cesc Fabregas and Samir Nasri, who are both expected to leave the club in the coming weeks, set for Barcelona and Manchester City respectively.


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