• 人魅力来自独特文化气质

    Her unique glamour also comes from her unique culture makings.


  • 源于西方蕴含着中国文化气质

    It originated in Western countries, but contains qualities of Chinese culture.


  • 国画油画分别具有典型东方西方文化气质的画种。

    Chinese traditional painting and oil painting are a kind have the representative east and west cultural ethos painting respectively.


  • 项调查结果可以巧妙地让人管窥美中两文化气质

    The survey results provide a gimmicky glimpse into cultural psyches in the G-2 nations.


  • 每个城市都有自己独特的文化气质阅读恰好是这种气质的具现。

    Every city has its own unique cultural habitude, and reading can illustrate this character.


  • 中国传统文化浪漫主义电影结合,形成了具有特殊文化气质的电影类型

    The combination of Chinese traditional culture with romantic movies results in a genre characterized by its unique cultural mood.


  • 毕业河南大学艺术学院善于突出空间文化气质强调视觉符号主题性空间设计把控。

    Graduated from the art institute of henan university, is good at outstanding cultural temperament of the space, emphasis on visual symbols, thematic controls the space design.


  • 甘肃清水宋金墓室彩绘画像砖其稚拙朴实、渗透着浓厚本土意味艺术风格凝聚特定时代文化气质人文地域的精神内蕴。

    Today, in Qingshui County, Gansu province, the portrayal bricks in tombs of Song Dynasty and Jin Dynasty represent the native art style and the distinct culture of the time.


  • 神奇魔方- - -富有古老神秘色彩东方印记再次印证了独特的文化气质高低起伏构造凝重变幻莫测的空间效果

    Magic cube-the Oriental imprint full of old and mysterious flavor proves the unique cultural ethos again, and the ups and downs constructs the dignified and varied space effect.


  • 韩国文化中,男人会哭也会轻易地表现自己情绪西方文化中,可能会认为是男性气质背叛

    In Korean culture, men cry and otherwise easily show their emotions, something that might be considered a betrayal of masculinity in Western culture.


  • 最初工作发现文化四个方面有所不同,其中之一男性气质-女性气质

    His initial work found that cultures differ in four dimensions, one of which was masculinity-femininity.


  • 文化传统文化被抚育可能气质,都会一个人感觉表达悲伤痛苦方式起塑造作用

    Cultural traditions and upbringing within a culture, and perhaps also temperament, play a role in shaping one's attitude about feeling or displaying sadness and agony.


  • 篇论文里,主张奥克纳所描写丑陋尤其是小说女人丑陋的形象南部女子气质文化有关。

    And in that essay she argues that o 'connor's grotesqueness, especially the grotesqueness of the women figures in her novels, is all wrapped up with the culture of southern womanhood.


  • 儒学包含着中国人生命气质一种世界性文化资源

    Confucianism has been a worlds cultural resources which contains Chinese peoples life disposition.


  • 回顾已有研究基础上,文化因素影响较大气质性情感角度研究人格工作满意度的影响。

    Based on previous researches, the influence of personality on job satisfaction is being studied from the Angle of dispositional affect which is influenced greatly by culture.


  • 近乎讽刺迹象根据梦者集体无意识,在那时以前那样家庭,那样的文化中,女性内心中没有男人男性气质一个位置。

    An almost ironical evidence that, according to the dreamer's collective unconscious, until that moment in that family, in that culture there was no room for men and for "manly" attitudes in women.


  • 西方人的视角看唇膏珠子本符合女性的温柔气质的,但是沃达贝人的文化传统强调男性

    Lipstick and beads may be associated with femininity in Western eyes, but the ceremonial costumes aim to emphasise male beauty.


  • 摇滚乐迷通常比较有艺术气质或者反叛古典乐爱好者则较有文化修养说唱乐迷则比较有运动天赋,但容易产生对立情绪。

    People often view rock fans as artistic or rebellious, classical buffs as intellectual and rap followers as athletic or hostile.


  • 表面看来思想复杂多变由于浓厚文人气质,加上早年写作经历,他的建筑思想里始终贯穿着文化理念的追求

    Apparently, his thought seems to be complex and changeable, but because of his strong culture temperament and his early writing experience, his thought has always run through the cultural pursuit.


  • 约瑟夫·康拉德(1857—1924)一位人生际遇文化背景创作思想个人气质非常复杂英国作家

    Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) is an English writer whose fortune of life, culture background, ideas of composing, individual temperament are very complicated.


  • 它们核心词汇都是品质”,前者强调作为特定社会历史文化典型之代表意义,后者则强调其作为个体心理气质的意义。

    The central term of them is character, the former sees it as the representative of specific history, society and culture, and the later as the disposition of individual psychology.


  • 建筑承载历史城市文化人文精神内涵赋予了建筑性格、品涵气质

    Architecture loads spirit connotation of history, city, culture, and humanity. Human spiritualize architecture with character, meaning and disposition.


  • 都已形成了各自独特鲜明艺术符号,但作品气质精神文化上却有着千丝万缕的联系。

    Although formed their own distinct art symbols already, the works of the four artists have something in common regarding to disposition and spiritual culture.


  • 影响行为问题儿童情绪因素气质教养方式家庭环境社会文化背景

    There are lots of factors that influence behavior problem children's emotion: temperament, breeding method, family environment and social cultural background, etc.


  • 一个人的气质性格品德智慧文化修养能力以及专业技术水平方面综合品质

    It was the multiple quality which includes a teacher's temperament, character, morality, wisdom, intelligence, culture cultivation, ability and academic skills in specific field.


  • 作为世界最有影响力电影导演之一李安独特的文化背景艺术气质受到广泛关注

    As one of the most influential film director in the world, Ang Lee has received wide concern because of his distinctive cultural background and artistic temperament.


  • 设计力图创造一个地标形象,充分反映山东鲜明性格气质使之成为具有齐鲁文化丰富内涵的酒店

    The design seeks to create a landmark building fully embodying the brilliant personality of Shandong people, and build it into a hotel with rich Qilu culture.


  • 设计力图创造一个地标形象,充分反映山东鲜明性格气质使之成为具有齐鲁文化丰富内涵的酒店

    The design seeks to create a landmark building fully embodying the brilliant personality of Shandong people, and build it into a hotel with rich Qilu culture.


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