• 研究反应温度、催化剂用量、反应物比例反应影响

    The influences of reaction temperature, reaction time, ratios of MSA and ratios of acetic acid have been studied.


  • 2003年工资,和2009年的比,得出年增长简单学运算很容易被反驳

    I'll take 2003 wage rate, use 2009 projections to get an annual growth rate, this is very simple math, easily argue against.


  • 这儿失业全国平均两倍

    Unemployment here is twice the national average.


  • 这些成本随着工资上升而上升,抑或随着生产每一工人使用的劳动工具)的下降而下降

    These costs go up when wages riseor productivity (widgets per worker) falls.


  • 奥利弗·布朗查德写了一篇关于“贝弗里曲线”的重要文章,文章中描述了职位空缺失业关系

    He wrote a key paper with Olivier Blanchard on the "Beveridge curve," which captures relationship between the number of job openings and the unemployment rate.


  • 这些美元计算的支出削减仍然高于通胀调整的美元是因为虽然通货膨胀,但其仍大于

    And because the inflation rate, though low, was greater than zero, these cuts in dollar terms were even larger in inflation-adjusted dollars.


  • 研究人员发现个子比较矮身上,会出现发生拷贝变异过剩——部分基因组缺失

    And the researchers found an excess of low frequency CNV deletions - where part of the genome is missing - in shorter people.


  • 不过死亡下降就是按英里计算死亡人下降更为重要因为这种计算方法有助于消除经济周期影响

    But more significant is the decline in the death rate, or deaths spread across miles of driving — long division that helps smooth out effects of economic cycles.


  • 考察印尼西爪哇两个地区产妇死亡决定因素以及评估专业卫生人员协助下提高婴儿出生项目效果

    To examine determinants of maternal mortality and assess the effect of programmes aimed at increasing the number of births attended by health professionals in two districts in West Java, Indonesia.


  • 根据117人口统计分析得出,如果男性超过女性,女性在两性关系中占据主动,结婚上升,非婚生子降低。

    Analysis of demographic data from 117 countries has shown that when men outnumber women, women have the upper hand: marriage rates rise and fewer children are born outside marriage.


  • 同样可以容易创建一个类别专门处理客户重要商业指标比如ROI,点击转化量或者重复顾客

    Likewise, it would be very easy to create a category that deals exclusively with your client's important business metrics, for example, ROI, click-through rates, conversions, or repeat customers.


  • 年度经济增长6%左右,通货膨胀下降,同2000年相比减少

    It is growing at about 6% a year, while inflation is down to single figures, about four times less than the rate in 2000.


  • 这个测试的问题有如世界不同国家每个妇女婴儿的存活

    The quiz asks about births per woman and child survival rates in different countries around the world.


  • 根据现有的出生死亡我们预见下地狱会成幂增长

    With the birth and death rates what they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially.


  • 用户一件商品需要更少点击,就会有更

    The less clicks it takes for a customer to buy a product, the higher returns.


  • 同时它又帮助美国企业利润依旧能保持二位年增长

    It helps, too, that company profits in America are still growing at a double-digit annual rate.


  • 实施敏捷实践之后组织普遍认可改进包括:产品上市时间缩短、生产增加缺陷减少

    The most commonly cited improvements that organizations realized from agile practices were: accelerated time-to-market, increased productivity, and reduced defects.


  • 一些DVI线缆或者端口分辨设备设计的时候可以所以仔细查看针

    Some DVI cables or ports may include fewer pins if they are designed for lower resolution devices, so you'll need to watch for this.


  • 该城私人直升机拥有全世界二——算是人们躲避底下惨不忍睹现实世界做掩耳盗铃之举,一点也不为过。

    The city has the highest rate of private helicopter use in the worlda literal sign of what heights people will go to in order to avoid the realities of the world below.


  • 20062007年间,生育生育以及生育未婚女人增加了3到5个百分点。

    The total number of births, birth rate and proportion of births to unmarried women all increased by 3 percent to 5 percent from 2006 to 2007.


  • 把每年的收益求一个平均吧。

    Let's take the average over all the different years.


  • 如果因为几代人生育,那么处于育龄的女性很多,即便每个人生育的少了,总增加的。

    If, because of high fertility in earlier generations, there is a bulge of women of childbearing years, more children will be born, though each mother is having fewer children.


  • 生育一个女性预计生下孩子

    The fertility rate is the number of children a woman can expect to have.


  • 夏威夷混血人口总人23%,高于其他所有——2000年开始增长就是23.6%。

    In Hawaii, for instance - where the multiracial group accounts for 23 percent of the population, highest of any state - the growth since 2000 was 23.6 percent.


  • 大多土著需要改进低下教育水平值的预期寿命(比国家平均少17)、儿童死亡惨淡的就业前景

    What most aborigines need is improvements in low educational achievements, low life expectancy (17 years below the national average), high mortality among children and poor job prospects.


  • 试验田中央小麦确实丰产公顷产出10,单产经济作物领域二。

    In the centre of the field the wheat is abundant, yielding 10 tonnes a hectare, one of the highest rates in the world for a commercial crop.


  • 为了计算包含,将搜索引擎索引中的页面除以站点页面

    To calculate your inclusion ratio, divide the number of pages in a search engine's index by the total number of pages on your site.


  • 为了计算包含,将搜索引擎索引中的页面除以站点页面

    To calculate your inclusion ratio, divide the number of pages in a search engine's index by the total number of pages on your site.


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