• 父亲看到所作所为非常气愤

    Dad'll go mad when he sees what you've done.


  • 乔克的所作所为摸不着头脑。

    What Jock had done was beyond my comprehension.


  • 所作所为滥用经理职权。

    What she did was an abuse of her position as manager.


  • 所作所为无法作出合理解释

    There is no rational explanation for his actions.


  • 认为所作所为辜负信任

    I saw her actions as a betrayal of my trust.


  • 乞求饶恕他的所作所为

    He begged forgiveness for what he had done.


  • 认为他们所作所为有点不太公正吗?

    Do you think it's a bit below the belt what they're doing?


  • 最近不断听到很多关于所作所为

    I've been hearing a lot about your doings recently.


  • 觉得自己的所作所为帕特里克的背叛

    She felt that what she had done was a betrayal of Patrick.


  • 告诉警察真诚地考虑过他所作所为依据行为准则

    He told the police that he had thought honestly about the ethics of what he was doing.


  • 他们必须自己所作所为更加负责

    They have to be more responsible for what they do.


  • 所作所为可以看出比较自私

    Judging by his actions, he is rather selfish.


  • 所作所为

    I'm fed up with what you're doing.


  • 忏悔录并不能比喻那些诗人所作所为

    Confession is a bad metaphor for what those poets did.


  • 有时我们朋友所作所为并不满意我们不会指出来,因为我们害怕失去那个朋友。

    Sometimes we are not satisfied with what our friend do, but we will not point it out for fear that we might lose that friend.


  • 不在乎所作所为自己的事!

    I don't care what he does. That's his indaba!


  • 说过国家过去所作所为全体亚洲人民道歉

    He has said he will make an apology to the whole of Asia for his country's past behaviour.


  • 所作所为让更多人学习。

    What he did made much more people study.


  • 所作所为是完全不对的。

    What I did was completely wrong.


  • 想为我的所作所为道歉,但我伤害的人已经不在我们学校了。

    I want to say sorry for what I did, but the person I hurt is no longer at our school.


  • 察告诉他们史密斯先生的所作所为,让他们知道钱包是安全的。

    The policemen told them what Mr. Smith did and that the wallet was safe.


  • 羊子很后悔自己的所作所为,所以他把金子放回了原来的地方。

    Yue Yangzi felt sorry for what he had done, so he put the gold back to the place where he found it.


  • 许你可以写封信解释一下你并不喜欢她对你的所作所为

    Perhaps you can write a letter to explain that you don't like what she did to you.


  • 车道并不是很麻烦,但我的所作所为让一个小男孩再次见到了他的家人,再次回到学校,重新开始他的生活。

    It wasn't too much trouble to shovel a driveway, but what I did got a young boy to see his family again, go back to school again and live his life again.


  • 新闻不断报道人类地球动植物造成严重破坏所作所为

    The news is constantly reporting what human endeavours have caused extensive damage to flora and fauna in the planet.


  • 满意自己所作所为他们坐在草地上,诺乔咽下最后一口气

    Satisfied with their work, they sat on the grass waiting for Pinocchio to give his last gasp.


  • 可能会关于某个国王超自然故事行为和你想象挪威国王的所作所为一样

    You might have a supernatural story involving a king, and he'd act like you'd expect a Norwegian king to act.


  • 阴险哈里森告诉斯特拉如果哈里森睡觉,她可以保护哈里森的安全并且不会揭露哈里森的所作所为

    The sinister Harrison tells Stella that she can keep him safe if she sleeps with Harrison and does not reveal what she has been told.


  • 所作所为他家丢人现眼。

    His conduct brought disgrace upon his family.


  • 必须把你的所作所为父亲解释清楚。

    You must account to father what you have done.


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