• 度假回来还没过5感觉好像从未离开过

    Within five minutes of arriving back from holiday, it feels as if I've never been away.


  • 小睡时候,感觉睡眠时间远远超过了20分

    Now most of my naps feel like they're about 2 hours long, so it actually feels like I'm sleeping a lot more than I am.


  • 还能感觉女孩呼吸一秒不见了。 尽管老陈是个爷们,但是他自己说当时也是失声恸哭。

    One second he could feel her breath on him; the next she was gone and Mr. Chen tough as he was claimed to have burst into tears.


  • 2 - 3,对身上从头到脚的每块肌肉集中注意力如果感觉任何紧张的肌肉,放松它。

    For 2-3 minutes pay attention to every muscle in your body from head to toe. If you find any tense muscle, relax it.


  • 那场比赛之后,只花了的时间练习,他感觉棒极了!

    He felt so well that after the race he spent five minutes doing exercises!


  • 这样做的一个好的效果平均每天晚上睡觉时间减少90但是感觉轻松,我想这主要是因为我床上的时间基本上都在睡眠中

    A side effect was that on average, I slept about 90 minutes less per night, but I actually felt more well-rested. I was sleeping almost the entire time I was in bed.


  • 星期三:舒适的交叉训练活动(骑车游泳空中漫步机)3040如果感觉非常迟缓或者疼痛休息一日

    Wednesdays: Do a cross-training (ct) activity (biking, swimming, elliptical trainer) at easy to moderate effort for 30 to 40 minutes. If you're feeling very sluggish or sore, take a rest day.


  • 有些感觉自己很简直不需要停下来,有些天我又只能勉强跑20分

    Some days I feel like I can run and never stop, some days I can barely finish a 20-minute run.


  • 发现强调多于质的通常会带来挫败厌倦怨气——没有被迫每天90作盲目机械而单调练习这感觉差了。

    I find the emphasis on quantity over quality often leads to frustration, boredom, and resentment-there's nothing worse than the mindless, rote tedium of feeling forced to play 90 minutes a day.


  • 几次感觉上如果做梦了(眼动睡眠),我需要15分小睡就可以让我精神焕然一新。

    Those are the best naps of all, leaving me feeling the most refreshed and awake. Even a 15-minute nap can totally refresh me if I have a dream (REM sleep).


  • 保持30感觉脖子肩膀拉伸

    Hold for 30 seconds and feel your neck and shoulder stretch.


  • 这里的湿度不是在白天逐渐升高的,前一感觉不错,后就会立刻感觉到湿热难忍。

    The humidity does not just gradually build up during a day like dry heat does. One minute you are fine; the next you feel like you are being strangled.


  • 大多数感觉信号经过丘脑处理会发动特定中枢,而光线刺激直接影响生物系统

    While most sensory information isprocessed” by the thalamus before being sent on its way, Ellenbogen says, light goes directly to the circadian system.


  • 理论上讲每天晚上比前一天提前20感觉睡意,为了增强效果,临睡前应该避免电脑电视等发出的亮光。

    In theory, you'll gradually get sleepy about 20 minutes earlier each night, and you can facilitate the transition by avoiding extra light exposure from computers or televisions as you near bedtime.


  • 如果15不能入睡另外一个安静地方直到感觉可以入睡然后返回卧室睡觉

    If you are unable to get to sleep within 15 minutes, go to another quiet place and lie down until you feel ready to fall asleep, and then return to your bedroom to sleep.


  • 感觉像是10完成10小时的化妆工作

    It's like a 10-hour makeup job in 10 seconds.


  • 为了这个练习,内建议选择一个惬意地方1020逐一记下每个想法感觉

    To do this, Neff suggests picking a comfortable spot and sitting down for 10 to 20 minutes. Acknowledge each thought, feeling or sensation and just go on to the next one.


  • 花了下落但是感觉像是小时

    It took me just one minute to get down, but it seemed like an hour.


  • 动作持续10或者感觉完全放松为止

    Continue for 10 minutes, or as long as it takes you to feel fully relaxed.


  • 伸出相反手臂抓住座椅底部同时使悬着——你感觉到脖子暴露部分的拉伸——保持30

    With your opposite arm, grab the bottom of your chair and pull up while your head still hangs-you'll feel the stretch in the exposed side of your neck-hold for 30 seconds.


  • 确信一旦大家感受到这种感觉都会迫不及待每天把闹前20

    I am sure if you could feel that you would make the run to set your alarm 20 minutes early every day.


  • 因为每次小睡短(30,也就睡着15 - 20),感觉就像一直都是醒着的。

    Because the nap times are so short (30 minutes maximum with actual time spent asleep of 15-20 minutes), it feels like I'm awake around the clock.


  • 我们生物周期外部昼夜交替周期不一致时,我们就有倒时差感觉

    Jet lag happens when your circadian rhythm is running on a different day-night cycle than the day-night cycle of the outside world.


  • 一个60微笑有希望使感觉更轻松并且内心不再压抑

    It's a 60 second laughter experiment that will hopefully have you feeling lighter, and a little less stressed on the inside.


  • 的跑步感觉舒服流畅最后5- 10舒服的加速”的配进行,也就是你坚持30- 60左右的配速。

    On runs when you're feeling good and fluid, finish up the last 5 to 10 minutes at a "comfortably fast" pace, about the pace you could maintain for 30 to 60 minutes.


  • 车上得不轻,所以感觉不错下一感觉临头

    The sickness among those on board is so virulent that one minute you are feeling fine and the next you're at death's door.


  • 独特之处: 在没有窗户封闭隧道中连续行驶20让人感觉乏味所以心理学家和工程师决定采取措施,维持驾驶员注意力集中

    Why It's Unique: Driving through a windowless tunnelfor 20 minutes can get a bit monotonous, so a team of psychologists andengineers focused on retaining driver concentration.


  • 过去感觉清爽身披毛巾穿拖鞋走出浴室

    Ten minutes later, she emerged from the bathroom feeling fresh and clean, with only a towel on her shoulders and slippers in her feet.


  • 这样呼吸60次,至少10感觉非常轻松

    Remaining focused on your breath to the exclusion of all else. Do this for 60 breaths (at least 10 minutes) and you will feel very relaxed.


  • 这样呼吸60次,至少10感觉非常轻松

    Remaining focused on your breath to the exclusion of all else. Do this for 60 breaths (at least 10 minutes) and you will feel very relaxed.


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