• 阿波罗11宇航员(由左):尔·阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong),迈克尔·柯林斯(Michael Collins)巴兹·奥尔(Buzz Aldrin)。

    Apollo 11 astronauts (left to right) Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz aldrin.


  • 这些勇敢·阿姆斯特朗·奥尔知道他们没有回来的希望他们同样知道他们的牺牲将会人类带来希望。

    These brave men, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, know that there is no hope for their recovery. But they also know that there is hope for mankind in their sacrifice.


  • 这些勇敢·阿姆斯特朗·奥尔知道他们没有回来的希望他们同样知道他们牺牲将会人类带来希望。

    These brave men, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, know that there is no hope for their recovery. But t hey also know that there is hope for mankind in their sacrifice.


  • ·阿姆斯特朗巴兹·奥尔德登月何处

    Where were you when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon?


  • 进步飞快,加加林飞行仅年后,人类完成复杂行动宇航员·阿姆斯特朗巴兹奥尔德林送达月球表面

    Progress was rapid-only eight years separated Gagarin's flight from the infinitely more complicated mission that put Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the surface of the moon.


  • 当然登月灾难没有发生,阿波罗11号也完好无事。尔·阿姆斯特朗温·奥尔时,克松通过到月球的电话联线他们进行了对话。

    Of course, there was no moon disaster and the Apollo 11 astronauts and Nixon spoke with them by a phone-to-moon link while Armstrong and Aldrin were on the lunar surface.


  • 奥尔德转向阿姆斯特朗,“,”,“我们错过了一切。”

    Aldrin turned to Armstrong. "Neil," he said, "we missed the whole thing".


  • 1969年巴兹·奥尔·阿姆斯特朗设置月球着陆器位于张图像中心,一块儿很小的白点箭头所指处)。

    The lander set down on the moon by Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong in 1969 is at the center of this image, a small white dot [arrow] with a long shadow stretching to the right.


  • ·阿姆斯特朗巴兹·奥尔德允许踏入白宫迈克尔·柯林斯只能开车在白宫外转圈圈

    Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were allowed to set foot inside the White House, while Michael Collins was forced to drive around in circles outside.


  • 1969年7月,刚刚月球返回·阿姆斯特朗巴兹·奥尔德林观看有关世界登月反应的纪录片。

    In July 1969, soon after their return from the moon, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were shown footage of the world's reaction to the lunar landing.


  • 1969年7月16日美国航空航天局工作人员佛罗里达州航天中心观看阿波罗11号发射升空,本次前往月球的旅行携带了宇航员·阿姆斯特朗奥尔迈克尔·柯林斯

    Out of this world: NASA staff watch Apollo 11 blast off from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on July 16, 1969, heading to the Moon carrying Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins.


  • 飞速行驶火箭顶部宇宙飞船里,三位美国宇航员名字很快传遍世界·阿姆斯特朗,艾文·奥尔德迈克尔·柯林斯

    In the spacecraft at the top of the speeding rocket were three American astronauts whose names soon would be known around the world: Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins.


  • 奥尔·英吉利海峡中一岛屿。位于较大的海峡群岛北端,湍急海峡奥尔德水道将其法国海岸分开。

    British island in the English channel. The northernmost of the larger channel Islands, it is separated from the French coast by a swift channel, the Race of Alderney.


  • 难道我们应该主要功绩归于·阿姆斯特朗·奥尔这样月球第一留下足迹吗?

    Should we should not be attributed to the major achievements or Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin on the moon the first time such a footprint left by the people?


  • 卢克梦想成为一名火车司机渊博的交通知识曾帮助他父亲仅仅依靠公共交通设施曼彻斯特奥尔到达布列塔(法国西北地区)。

    Luke, who wants to be a train driver, is so knowledgeable that he managed to get himself and his father from his home in Oldham, Greater Manchester, to Brittany using only public transport.


  • ·阿姆斯特朗哈苏500el相机奥尔德拍摄登月照片传遍世界哈苏一夜成名

    Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin with a Hasselblad 500el camera to shoot the moon photo spread throughout the world, let Hasselblad overnight.


  • 宇航员奥尔·阿姆斯特朗迈克尔·柯林斯飞往月球,阿姆斯特朗和奥尔德那里7月16日,1969年,个人成为第一踏上月球表面

    Astronauts Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, and Michael Collins flew it to the moon, where Armstrong and Aldrin, on July 16, 1969, became the first two humans to walk on the lunar surface.


  • 1969年五月24日墨西哥湾阿波罗十一号船员们训练间隙放松休息。左起:布兹·奥尔·阿姆斯特朗迈克尔·柯林斯

    The Apollo 11 crew relaxes during training in the Gulf of Mexico, May24, 1969. Lr: Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, and Michael Collins.


  • 阿波罗计划宇航员A .阿姆斯特朗E.巴子·奥尔成为首次月球表面行走同时,他正停留月球轨道上

    He remained in lunar ORBIT while APOLLO PROJECT astronauts NEIL A. ARMSTRONG and EDWIN e. BUZZ "ALDRIN, JR., became the first human beings to walk on the Moon's surface."


  • 阿波罗计划宇航员A .阿姆斯特朗E.巴子·奥尔成为首次月球表面行走同时,他正停留月球轨道上

    He remained in lunar ORBIT while APOLLO PROJECT astronauts NEIL A. ARMSTRONG and EDWIN e. BUZZ "ALDRIN, JR., became the first human beings to walk on the Moon's surface."


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