• 真正青春,贞洁的妙龄的青春,周身充满新的血液,体态轻盈而不可侵犯,这个时期只有几个月。

    True youth pure youthfulness with fresh blood ijnviolable youth with graceful carriage lastsfor a few months.


  • 现在电视节目为什么这么喜欢描写男人妙龄性感女郎的故事呢?

    What is this current television obsession with older men and nubile young women?


  • 希斯·克里夫收养家庭中的地位愈发重要,然后沦为仆人心爱妙龄女孩决定嫁给别人的时候,他离家出走了。

    Heathcliff rises in his adopted family and then is reduced to the status of a servant, running away when the young woman he loves decides to marry another.


  • 2008年西伯利亚阿尔泰山脉,在丹尼索瓦挖掘过程中,考古学家们发现妙龄少女的手指尖化石碎片

    The fossil scrap —just the tip of a juvenile female’s finger —was discovered in 2008 during excavations of Denisova cave in Siberia’s Altai Mountains.


  • 实际上,认识所有女性接受了眼前的事实,就是千万别拿自己《时尚芭莎》封面生造出的妙龄女郎比,那纯粹自扫尊严

    Virtually all the women I know have come to terms with the fact that their self-esteem cannot be tied to Photoshopped 15-year-olds on the cover of Harper’s Bazaar9).


  • 但是,如果让妙龄少女得知矗立她们面前的就是世界首家正宗购物商城的话,她们不但会尖语“Oh,My God!”

    “Ohmigod!” chimes a group of teenage girls, on learning that they are standing in the world’s first true shopping mall.


  • 但是,如果让妙龄少女得知矗立她们面前的就是世界首家正宗购物商城的话,她们不但会尖语“Oh,My God!”

    “Ohmigod!” chimes a group of teenage girls, on learning that they are standing in the world's first true shopping mall.


  • 看着女儿,两个漂亮聪明黑皮肤妙龄少女白宫草坪她们的宠物狗嬉笑打闹。

    And I watch my daughters, two beautiful, intelligent, black young women playing with their dogs on the White House lawn.


  • 白宫段时间里,我们看着她们活泼女孩成长文静的妙龄少女,心里别提多开心

    And during our time in the White House, we've had the joy of watching them grow from bubbly little girls into poised young women.


  • 喜欢沿着第五大街漫步,熙熙攘攘的人流几个妙龄女子遐想着分钟后进入她们生活没有发现或是反对

    I liked to walk up Fifth Avenue and pick out romantic women from the crowd and imagine that in a few minutes I was going to enter into their lives, and no one would ever know or disapprove.


  • 20年前风雪晚上,一个妙龄少女离奇酒店式住宅1303房间

    In a wind and snow evening 20 years ago, a young girl died in this hotel type house of rooms 1303 extraordinarily.


  • 由于回家的路比较偏僻妙龄女子深感情况不妙。

    Because the way home is more devious, marriageable woman feels the situation is bad.


  • 萨拉年幼的弟弟小妹妹院里玩耍两个妙龄女郎,沐浴在灿烂阳光里,坐在那兴致勃勃地聊天

    While Sara's baby brother and sister played in the front yard, the two young women sat in the sun, engrossed in small talk.


  • 那位小姐正处在女性含苞待放青春妙龄

    The younger lady was in the lovely bloom and spring-time of womanhood .


  • 那位小姐正处在女性含苞待放青春妙龄

    The younger lady was in the lovely bloom and spring-time of womanhood.


  • 右边墙面上镶欠着发光水滴形状台面上矿泉水瓶子暗藏灯源下犹若一位位妙龄女子笑一颦,甚是动人。

    The water drop shape light embedded in the right wall, along with the hidden lights shine the mineral water bottle on the table charming as a young cute girl.


  • 露拉贝尔小姐正当二八妙龄温柔美丽少女

    Miss Laura Bell, at the age of sixteen, was a sweet young lady.


  • 自从孩子们步入花季妙龄他们恋人的苦苦寻觅经常这个母亲彻夜

    Since they have reached their teens, however, their often painful searches for that special someone have left me sleepless many a night.


  • 有一大约22岁妙龄女子背对着,侧桌子站在我的两腿之间

    A pretty young lady of about 22 backed up between my legs and leaned against the edge of the table.


  • 亲爱的妙龄少女的话许多真理,但更为重要,你这些时看起来非常美丽

    My dear young lady, there was a great deal of truth, I dare say, in what you said, and you looked very pretty while you said it, which is much more important.


  • 实际上认识所有女性接受了眼前的事实就是千万别拿自己《时尚芭莎》封面生造出妙龄女郎比,那纯粹自扫尊严

    Virtually all the women I know have come to terms with the fact that their self-esteem cannot be tied to Photoshopped 15-year-olds on the cover of Harper's Bazaar9).


  • 拥有善良明镜似的无人载入的摆件,唯有上的妙龄

    Have your kind heart, no one can mirror like load my place, only you. I the twilight of the city's young…


  • 开始创作中国水墨画作品《妙龄》、《凝神》、《大海生日

    Started painting in ink & brush: Golden Age, Gaze, Birthday of the Sun, etc;


  • 但是,如果让妙龄少女得知矗立她们面前就是世界上首家正宗购物商城的话,她们不但尖语“Oh,My God !”

    But it is. "Ohmigod!" chimes a group of teenage girls, on learning that they are standing in the world's first true shopping mall.


  • 如果父亲失踪那年十七的话,现在应当是二十七岁——正是自我意识褪,经生活磨炼头脑开始变得清醒的青春妙龄

    If she were seventeen at the time of her father's disappearance she must be seven-and-twenty now, —a sweet age, when youth has lost its self-consciousness and become a little sobered by experience.


  • 如果父亲失踪那年十七的话,现在应当是二十七岁——正是自我意识褪,经生活磨炼头脑开始变得清醒的青春妙龄

    If she were seventeen at the time of her father's disappearance she must be seven-and-twenty now, —a sweet age, when youth has lost its self-consciousness and become a little sobered by experience.


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