• 这会引起失明严重视力衰退

    It causes blindness or serious loss of vision.


  • 早期诊断治疗通常可以防止失明

    Early diagnosis and treatment can usually prevent blindness.


  • 失明糖尿病常有一种并发症

    Blindness is a common complication of diabetes.


  • 那场爆炸双目失明了。

    She was blinded in the explosion.


  • 失明以后,就开始打理生意

    I started helping him run the business when he went blind.


  • 严重感染地区有一半人口失明了。

    In heavily infected areas, half the population become blind.


  • 失明以后其他感官变得更加敏锐了。

    When she lost her sight, her other senses grew more acute.


  • 医生们认为失明

    Doctors think he will go blind.


  • 只耳朵聋了并且一定程度上失明

    Lisa is deaf in one ear and partially blind.


  • 马克先天失明

    Mark has been blind from birth.


  • 博物馆专门设备失明视力有缺陷的参观者使用。

    The museum has special facilities for blind and partially sighted visitors.


  • 天生失明

    He was blind from birth.


  • 失明孩子动作发展一方面往往失明孩子更加被动

    Blind children tend to be more passive in this area of motor development than sighted children.


  • 总而言之,失明没有阻止这些孩子有视力儿童喜爱许多事情

    The fact is blindness hadn't stopped the children from doing many of the things that sighted children enjoy.


  • 出于同样愚蠢原因双目失明

    For the same foolish reason, I have lost the sight of both eyes.


  • 不幸的是,重病之后失明了。

    Unfortunately, she became blind after a serious illness.


  • 早就安于自己失明了。

    I have long since come to terms with my blindness.


  • 一次事故使双目失明

    His blindness is the result of an accident.


  • 只猫假装瞎子多年真的双目失明

    The Cat, after pretending to be blind for so many years, had really lost the sight of both eyes.


  • 弥尔顿让主人公参孙为他失明而哭泣。

    Milton has his hero, Samson, bewailing the fact of his blindness.


  • 之后擦干净胡须眼睛再次失明

    After eating the bird, he cleaned his whiskers, closed his eyes, and became blind once more.


  • 眼睛血管受损引起,会导致视力逐渐丧失失明

    It is caused by damage to the blood vessels in the eyes, and results in gradual vision loss and blindness.


  • 根据现有的医学知识三分之二盲人不用遭受失明的痛苦。

    With existing medical knowledge, two thirds of the blind should not have to suffer.


  • 海蒂见到那位失明老奶奶听听多么喜欢面包卷。

    The child was longing to see the blind woman again and to hear how she had liked the rolls.


  • 唯一担心那位可怜的失明奶奶可能不在时候去世了。

    Her only fear was that the poor blind grandmother might have died while she was away.


  • 大颗大眼泪失明眼睛里涌出,喜悦的泪水海蒂手上

    Out of her blind eyes big tears of joy fell down on Heidi's hand.


  • 阳光回到了失明奶奶生活中使日子不那么黑暗沉闷了

    Sunshine had come again into the blind woman's life, and made her days less dark and dreary.


  • 5的时候,弟弟去世了大约在同一时间查尔斯开始失明

    When he was 5 years old, his younger brother died, and around the same time, Charles started to lose his sight.


  • 库克告诉克拉拉如何随着时间推移而失明的,分享作为旅行推销员故事

    Cook told Clara how he had become blind over time and shared stories of his days as a traveling salesman.


  • 出生时双目失明

    Wang was blind when she was born.


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