• 我们销售信息计算机处理

    Our sales information is processed by computer.


  • 信息随机顺序处理

    The information is processed in a random order.


  • 我们根本无法处理30按揭贷款业务

    It's a 30-year mortgage we just flat out can't handle.


  • 这些指令翻译二进制代码这是计算机容易处理一种形式

    The instructions are translated into binary code, a form that computers can easily handle.


  • 然而它们银行一个独立部门处理

    However, they are dealt with by a separate part of the bank.


  • 负面情绪警示我们可能需要处理威胁挑战

    Negative emotions warn us of threats or challenges that we may need to deal with.


  • 怎么处理呢?

    How do you deal with it?


  • 万一有不能处理紧急情况,你可以打电话给

    You can call me in the event of an emergency you can't handle.


  • 人们逃避所有情绪愤怒似乎最难处理

    Of all the moods that people want to escape, rage seems to be the hardest to deal with.


  • 拥有信息超出所能处理极限,全部

    You have more information than you can handle, and still not all of it.


  • 为了找到解决方案理解我们正在处理问题是很重要的。

    To find solutions, it's important to understand what we're dealing with.


  • 葡萄柚的果肉果汁那些需要经过肝脏处理药物共同作用。

    Grapefruit and its juice can interact with medications that have to be processed through the liver.


  • 经过新奥尔良设备处理邮件转移上层这样可以避免对邮件造成损坏

    Mail that was already processed in New Orleans facilities was moved to an upper floor so it would be protected from water damage.


  • 我们自己经历变得不敏感意味着我们处理信息更少时间似乎加速

    We become insensitive to our experience, which means we process less information, and time seems to speed up.


  • 教室噪音会加剧他们其他孩子口头交流老师的指令的理解处理困难

    Noise in classrooms can only exacerbate their difficulty in comprehending and processing verbal communication with other children and instructions from the teacher.


  • 需要得到特别许可才能接触它们处理时候必须上手套因为我们手上

    You need to get special permission to access them, and then you have to wear gloves to handle them because the oils in our hands can destroy the paper.


  • 目前我们账户是由一家广告代理公司处理但是最近我们结果不是满意,并且我们可能会把账户转给一家代理公司。

    At present, an advertising agency handles our account, but we haven't been too pleased with the results lately and we may give our account to another agency.


  • 无论是农场,还是进行储存处理设施,其用于驱动机器能源增加了能源总量这一能源总量目前全球能源消耗3.1%左右。

    Energy to power machinery, both on the farm and in the storage and processing facilities, adds to the energy total, which currently represents about 3.1% of annual global energy consumption.


  • 正在办法解决废物处理问题

    Attempts are being made to solve the problem of waste disposal.


  • 未经处理污水要进行化学处理

    The raw sewage is chemically treated.


  • 我们容易处理的问题着手

    Let's start with the more easily addressable issues.


  • 国会通过了管理废物处理法律

    Congress passed a law that regulates the disposal of waste.


  • 海上覆盖着薄薄未经处理污水。

    The sea is coated with a film of raw sewage.


  • 要求处理的

    Your request will be actioned.


  • 水泵将未经处理污水排入海中不够的。

    It's not enough to get rid of raw sewage by pumping it out to sea.


  • 学校积压下来等待处理维修养护工作。

    There is a backlog of repairs and maintenance in schools.


  • 法国人提出了将外交工作交由联合国处理意见

    The French had floated the idea of placing the diplomatic work in the hands of the UN.


  • 法官驳回宽大处理请求,判处监禁

    The judge rejected pleas for leniency and sentenced him to a year in prison.


  • 他们的每位工作人员所处理平均个案总数32个家庭

    Social workers say the average caseload is 32 families per employee.


  • 船开始注满水时,保罗是怎么处理的

    When the boat started to fill with water, how did Paul deal with it?


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