• 这样可以使大部分来自多个埃杜联系

    That way you can make the most from multiple EDU links.


  • 高兴能打进第二球,”埃杜表示

    I was pleased with my second goal, "said Edu."


  • 此外沙尔克前锋埃杜加倍导致使2 - 1纪分牌。

    In addition, Schalke striker Edu doubled the lead to make it 2-1 on the scoreboards.


  • 主要缺席的球员其实是莫伦·特斯、上面两位的其中一位埃杜

    The main people who are missing are Morientes, one of those two and Edu.


  • 埃杜尔·古德·约翰森前往曼联可能巴塞罗那夏季清洗一部分。

    Eidur Gudjohnsen could be on his way to Manchester United as part of Barcelona's summer shake-up.


  • 埃杜回到伦敦科林西安总经理身份来寻找一些修建球场的灵感。

    Edu has been back in London to gather ideas for Corinthians' new stadium project having been appointed general manager back in Brazil.


  • 埃杜第一英超联赛中及荣膺英超冠军又取得足总杯冠军的巴西人。

    Edu is the first Brazilian player in England to have won both the Premiership title and the FA Cup.


  • 巴西同样感觉同胞埃杜离开导致阿森纳中场缺乏经验力量

    The Brazillian also feels that the departure of his fellow countryman Edu has contributed to Arsenal's lack of experience and physical strength in the middle of the park.


  • 阿森纳中场吉尔博托表示,在维埃拉埃杜离开承担起更多的责任

    Arsenal midfielder Gilberto has insisted he wants to shoulder more responsibility following the departures of Patrick Vieira and Edu.


  • 是的但是建议都是我们曾一起给我,”埃杜说。

    "Yes I have spoken to him but the advice he gave to me was during The Times I was with him," Edu said.


  • 清楚眼前机会,俱乐部拥有维埃拉埃杜前面,我一定要努力的工作

    I am aware of my chances here and, having players like Vieira and Edu in front of me, I must work even harder.


  • 埃杜于2001年1月加盟阿森纳,但过程一波三折。持有葡萄牙护照而被英国拒签

    Edu joined Arsenal in January 2001 after the move was delayed when he was refused admission to the United Kingdom because he held a fake Portuguese passport.


  • 天晚上, 第六十六兵团正向埃杜进发炮弹飞来,一个士兵妻子击倒地上,显然死了

    One evening the 66th Regiment was advancing towards the river Adour when a cannon shot flattened a soldier's wife, leaving her apparently dead.


  • 切尔西足球俱乐部首席执行官皮特·肯尼恩主教练何塞·穆里尼奥今天(周四)感谢埃杜尔·古德约翰森年来为俱乐部做出的贡献

    Chelsea Football club chief executive Peter Kenyon and manager Jose Mourinho today (Thursday) thanked Eidur Gudjohnsen for his six year contribution to the club.


  • 亨利第一,他并没有打进很多认为埃杜·瓦多可以打进20- 35个球,也许不是在他年,但是我确信一笔超值的买卖

    Remember, in his first year, Thierry didn't score many goals. I think Eduardo can score between 20 and 35 goals, maybe not in his first year but I am sure he's an excellent buy.


  • 结束酋长球场体检之后阿森纳萨格勒布迪那摩队引入克罗地亚前锋埃杜尔多?席尔瓦的交易就算全部完成了,剩下的工作只是等待领取工作许可证

    Arsenal have completed the signing of Croatia striker Eduardo da Silva from Dinamo Zagreb, pending receipt of a work permit, after he completed a medical at the Emirates Stadium.


  • 埃杜·瓦多·维拉·斯蒂吉是墨西哥流行歌星电视小说演员一改在自己一部好莱坞电影《脚踏三条船》中的花花公子套路,扮演遁世脆弱乔斯

    Eduardo Verastegui, popular Mexican pop-star and television novella actor, breaks free of the playboy stereotype of his first Hollywood film, Chasing Papi, by playing the reclusive, vulnerable Jose.


  • 目前正在达夫妮·杜穆里埃的《蝴蝶梦》续集

    She is currently writing a sequel to Daphne du Maurier's "Rebecca."


  • 对于杜洛埃科娃来说高水平数学重要可以美国课堂上引起孩子们的好奇心

    For Droujkova, high-level math is important, and what it could use in American classrooms is an injection of childlike wonder.


  • 喜欢东西在这里博物馆志愿者协调员菲尔里埃说:“我最喜欢的展品20世纪50年代制造古德伊尔充气式飞机。 所有部件都打包在一个板条箱里,里面还装配有完整的发动机和压缩机。

    One of my favorite things here, " says museum volunteer coordinator Phil Duryea, "is an inflatable aircraft made by Goodyear in the 1950s.


  • 瓦利埃迅速国家安全服务机构中巩固自己实力通过贿赂敲诈勒索为自己亲信们聚拢财富,并且树立个人崇拜

    Duvalier quickly set about consolidating his power over the state and security services, enriching himself and his cronies through bribery and extortion, and building his own personality cult.


  • 杜埃尔同事出席星期一佛罗里达州奥兰多召开的美国癌症研究协会年会

    Duell and his colleagues are slated to present their findings Monday in Orlando, Fla., at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research.


  • 克罗雷(音译)万杜埃(音译)表示他们目前正着重于构造基础扩大用户开发地点数据库

    Mr. Crowley and Mr. Selvadurai say they are focusing on trying to build up the infrastructure, expand the user base and develop a database of locations.


  • 也许以为你可以通过激动人心喜剧《牙买加客栈》感情绚丽的《丽贝卡了解 · 穆里埃。

    You may think you know Du Maurier from the high drama of Jamaica Inn and the noir of Rebecca.


  • 毕马威的资助计划今年秋季学季开始杜伦大学埃克塞特实行伯明翰大学明年加入这一行列。毕马威预计最终将资助400多个名额

    The KPMG scheme begins at Durham and Exeter this autumn, and will be extended to Birmingham University next year. The firm ultimately expects to offer more than 400 places.


  • 今年法国埃马纽勒莱·拉杜里出版《蒙太罗》一书35周年纪念日

    This year marks the 35th anniversary of the publication in France of Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie's Montaillou.


  • 今年法国埃马纽勒莱·拉杜里出版《蒙太罗》一书35周年纪念日

    This year marks the 35th anniversary of the publication in France of Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie's Montaillou.


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