• 越来越大压力下,孩子们大部分时间实习学习上。

    Under increasing pressure, children devote most of their time to internships or study.


  • 实习信息实习机会网页提供

    Information on internships is available on the internship opportunities page.


  • 实习时,第一接触到社会

    During my internship, I came into contact for the first time with society.


  • 实习工作期间多少工资

    Q: How much can I earn in an internship job?


  • 实习方面,觉得大量机会

    I also feel like there are ample opportunities for internships.


  • 也许甚至都不记得实习期间认识朋友了。

    You may not even remember the friend you met during your internship.


  • 认为可以实习得到自我价值认定提升

    I think I can get in the practice of self-worth and that the upgrade.


  • 实习工作提高能力海外工作适应能力。

    In practice work to improve language learning ability and the ability to adapt to work overseas.


  • 实习申请宣告不同版本另一个字符串行为

    The behaviour of interning strings which are declared in the application is different from one version to another of the.


  • 实习期间长期缺觉因为每隔三个晚上通宵熬夜医院里。

    During my internship, I was chronically sleep-deprived because I had to be at the hospital and stay up all night every third night.


  • 实习过程中学到的东西今天作为名企业家所利用最宝贵资产

    And the lessons I took away from my internship are some of the greatest assets I use as an entrepreneur today.


  • 实习中,到了许多知识技能而且感到解渴要求延长实习期限

    You have mastered much knowledge and technical abilities. But you still felt you hadn't quench your thirst and asked to prolong the period of your practice.


  • 实习观察期,幼儿教育领域可能会需要更多的附表F结核病测试

    Note: Child Care sites may require more current Schedule F and TB testing (to be done at student's expense) prior to practicum and/or observing.


  • 实习过程采用合理教学方法合理教学计划完成实习教学的重要组成部分。

    In the process of practice, using rational and reasonable teaching methods is the important component of practice teaching to complete the teaching plan.


  • 实习过程所表现工作责任心较快接受能力动手能力获得带教老师好评

    In the practice process of my responsibility, fast accept ability and practice ability, the teacher had won the praise.


  • 并且实习结束时,他们往往可能会得到让人失望结果,此时无法申请研究生学位

    And at the end, they may get a poor result that they cannot apply for postgraduate degree.


  • 为了提高公路勘测设计实习教学质量实习教学计划安排指导方法方面进行了探索

    In order to improve the teaching quality of road surveying and design practice, this paper researches new ways on organizing teaching plan and guidance.


  • 多次告诉记不清次数了),“医科学校毕业实习在实习中学着医生。”

    He has told me, more times than I can count, "You go to medical school and when you graduate, you do your residency to learn to be a doctor."


  • 路上开车时候,捎上朋友基兰公园工作,对外国人推广我们实习的那个认识

    Driving up the road, I filled in my friend Kieran, who works for the park doing marketing to foreigners, on what we've learned during our month of fieldwork.


  • 实习周里打印写的失主找回丢失已久钱包的报道,我的桌子上。

    A few weeks into the internship, he printed out one of my articles, about a guy who recovered a long-lost wallet, circled the first two paragraphs and left it on my desk.


  • 由于实习预先学习学习显得如鱼得水,大三一年所有统计相关课程我都取得了优异的成绩

    Because of the pre-study before that practice, I felt just like a fish in water in my study in Grade Three, and I got all excellent marks in the courses related with statistics.


  • 一旦实习期满,可以选择返回职位工作,如果出现岗位空缺需要员工在实习期内获得技能,员工可以申请

    Once your internship is complete, you're free to return to your original position and, if a position opens up that requires similar skills acquired during the internship, you are free to apply.


  • 方法:选择临床医学专业2002级学生339名,采用与往届不同的教学方式,实习强化训练,引入综合性设计性实验教学模式。

    Method: During the intensive training before practice, the comprehensive and designing experiment was applied to the 339 students from 2002 clinical medical speciality.


  • 第三选定公司实习

    The third year is spent on placement in selected companies.


  • 斯坦福大学附属医院完成了儿科实习

    He completed his paediatric residency at Stanford University Hospital.


  • 1年时间东京日语接着日本政府6个月的实习工作

    He spent a year studying Japanese in Tokyo, followed by a six-month work placement with the Japanese government.


  • 1年时间东京日语接着日本政府6个月的实习工作

    He spent a year studying Japanese in Tokyo, followed by a six-month work placement with the Japanese government.


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