• 这部电影后期制作于来年初完成

    The film's postproduction will be completed early next year.


  • 这些窗户可能中世纪后期精制而成。

    The windows would probably have been crafted in the latter part of the Middle Ages.


  • 这部歌剧缺少后期作品中所具有上乘境界

    The opera lacks the polish of his later work.


  • 这部电影目前正在进行后期制作,下月发行

    The movie is now in post-production and will be released next month.


  • 有些胎儿畸形部位得等到妊娠后期才能诊断出来

    Some foetal malformations cannot be diagnosed until late in pregnancy.


  • 20世纪60年代90年代后期存在有趣的相似之处。

    There are interesting parallels between the 1960s and the late 1990s.


  • 所有这些特征都出现植物进化史后期

    All of these features appeared later in the evolutionary history of plants.


  • 帽子电话配备来看,很有可能大革命后期

    Judging by his headgear and telephone, it's most likely the post-revolutionary period.


  • 直到20世纪后期评论家们才意识到所做事情力量

    It wasn't until fairly late in the century that critics recognized the power of what she did.


  • 电影业默片”向其他方向转变始于上世纪20年代后期

    The shift of the industry away from 'silent' films began during the late 1920s.


  • 多亏发展项目所说的“失去腿”,这些特征发展后期就消失了

    Thanks to developmental programs that say "lose the leg", these features disappear later in development.


  • 会议主席设定明天中午后期限。

    The conference chairman has set a deadline of noon tomorrow.


  • 是在几天完成的。

    I finished several days ahead of the deadline.


  • 版权作者去世七十满无效

    Copyright expires seventy years after the death of the author.


  • 什么也没有更改依然有效

    Nothing has altered and the deadline still stands.


  • 他们已经限延长24小时

    They have extended the deadline by twenty-four hours.


  • 只有特殊情况下延长限。

    This deadline will be extended only in exceptional circumstances.


  • 延迟午夜的最根本不可能

    It is totally out of the question to postpone the midnight deadline.


  • 这个十一月后期限前拼命工作

    The team worked feverishly to the November deadline.


  • 他们正在试图赶在午夜的最前完成。

    They were trying to beat the midnight deadline.


  • 战争后期生活艰苦。

    Times were hard at the end of the war.


  • 清辉在赛季后期被选入美国职业棒球大联盟。

    Chin-Hui was a late-season call-up to the majors.


  • 那些完全不切实际合同后期呢?

    Who wants to hear about contracts and deadlines that are purely academic?


  • 我们那时仍然很有希望限之前完成目标

    We were still right on target for our deadline.


  • 随着限的临近心绪变得纷繁复杂起来。

    As the deadline approached she experienced a bewildering array of emotions.


  • 必须能够立刻作出决定,因为后期迫在眉睫

    You've got to be able to make decisions on the fly as deadlines loom.


  • 上周五后期限内未能偿还$1.14亿贷款

    He failed to meet last Friday's deadline for repayment of a $114 million loan.


  • 老师告诉我们明天

    Our teacher told us that the deadline is tomorrow.


  • 皂在19世纪后期成为人们的最爱。

    Soap became people's favorite in the late 1800s.


  • 他生命的后期,迪斯尼先生梦想建立一个新的游乐园。

    Later in his life, Mr. Disney dreamed of building a new kind of amusement park.


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