• 用户要求机密性消息完整性发方鉴别不可抵赖

    Users require confidentiality, message integrity, sender authentication and receiver non - repudiation.


  • 仲裁认证既要防止敌手欺骗要防上发方互相欺骗。

    Unconditionally secure authentication codes with arbitration protects against deception from the transmitter and from the receiver as well as those from the opponent.


  • 具有仲裁认证既要防止敌手欺骗,又要防止发方的互相欺骗

    Authentication codes with arbitration protect against deceptions from the transmitter and from the receiver as well as those from the opponent.


  • 最后发方计时并且丢失损坏开始,重所有未接收的帧。

    The sender eventually will time out and retransmit all unacknowledged frames, beginning with the lost or damaged one.


  • 通过一个PDA手机平台音频视频发方系统实际例子证明了实用性有效性

    Finally, an example of the sender of audio and video subsystem of a PDA platform illustrated the practicability and effectiveness of the approach.


  • 文章提出了一种公平的依赖可信第三的反协议同时解决的拒认问题

    This paper proposes a fair non-repudiation protocol to solve repudiation problem both in sender side and in receiver side, which is based on trusted third party.


  • 最后他们检测这种做法可行性设想如果采取这个行动将会什么事。

    Finally, they test the practicality of this course of action by imagining what will happen if the action is taken.


  • 该中心周一这份调查结果面表明人们获取信息改变

    The survey results being released by thegroup Monday offer another sign of how people are changing they way they getinformation.


  • 上述询价已于10月10可是我们现在没收答复,请早日感谢。

    The above inquiry was forwarded to you on Oct. 10, but we haven't received your reply until now. Your early offer will be highly appreciated.


  • 相关人士称,作为调查一部分FTC准备第三民事传票,提供调查有关文件证据

    As part of its probe, the FTC is preparing to send out civil subpoenas to third parties to provide documents and evidence in its investigation, said people familiar with the matter.


  • 第一划艇魏子旗在比赛的前晚,关于雨衣的问题,“主办是免费雨衣吗?”

    The first one was rowing, and Wei Ziqi called the night before with a question about raincoats.


  • 运,我们就寄单据副本。

    We "ll send you by air a full set of non-negotiable documents immediately after the goods are loaded."


  • 点击右上目录选项可以设置同步管理注册Kindle给制作反馈信息。

    Click on the Menu option on the upper right to access settings, sync items, manage your registered Kindle, and send feedback about the app.


  • 允许消息请求通过通道送与指定WS - RMSequence相关消息

    This allows for the sender of this message to request that only messages related to the WS-RM Sequence specified be sent on the back channel.


  • 受访投行内部律师中,有九成的人预言投资者招股说明书中的错误陈述而向其它相关索赔的案件变得更加普遍

    Almost 9 in 10 of the in-house lawyers predicted that claims by investors against issuers and other parties for mis-statements in the prospectus would become more common.


  • 面,其余 行版本大部分都假定希望以 1024x768分辩率运行X11不是 1280x768 —— 我宁愿自己来选择,而不愿CD弄错

    Then again, most of the rest of the distributions assumed I wanted to run X11 at 1024x768 rather than 1280x768 -- I'd rather get the choice than have the CD get it wrong.


  • DealogicSNL Financial提供数据分析显示,39美国银行牵头的交易中,美国银行其中26REIT的主要贷款

    Bank of America was a lead lender to the REIT in 26 of the 39 stock offerings it led, according to analysis of data provided by Dealogic and SNL Financial.


  • 并可能因此今生大量需求一触即特别是父母任何或是这些前世的业力的时候。

    You may thus come into this life with a great deal of need ready to be triggered, especially if you have karma with one or both of your parents around these issues.


  • 我们市场来说太高了。

    The quotation you submitted is too high for our market.


  • 国际劳工组织于1977年关于跨国企业社会政策原则宣言》,承认企业在消除童工劳动面的作用。

    The ILO's Tripartite Declaration of Principles Concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy of 1977 recognizes the role of enterprises in the elimination of child labour.


  • 德性道德主体孟子的特别著名。

    Dharma is the principal part of human morality. Mencius did very well in this aspect.


  • 考虑到以前的订单我们首选机会但是我们希望迅速答复以便万一你没有兴趣,我们可以向别的客户普遍盘。

    We are giving you the first chance in view of your previous order, but we should appreciate a prompt reply so that we can put the offer out in the event of your not being interested.


  • 2003年法律条文解释如果离婚正式实施配偶父母婚前其子女购买房产可以回归配偶名下。

    A legal interpretation issued in 2003 says that if a divorce is disputed, property bought for one partner by a spouse's parents before marriage can revert to the partner alone.


  • 人们认为你们所报价格可止,表示接受

    The price you quoted being found workable, we have faxed you our acceptance.


  • 人们认为你们所报价格可止,表示接受

    The price you quoted being found workable, we have faxed you our acceptance.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定