• 苏里南昆虫变态图谱》之前梅里花了年的时间记录欧洲植物昆虫,出版一系列书籍

    Before writing Metamorphosis, Merian spent decades documenting European plants and insects that she published in a series of books.


  • 见到英国喜剧演员朱利·克莱里时,害羞谨慎电视表演分出色。

    When I met the British comedian Julian Clary, he was shy and cautious, yet his TV performances are perfect.


  • 可以通过许多不同方式来追踪时间但是发现正在进行或者为了制订计划需要快速统计时,一些适用于手机或者苹果手机应用软件分有效。

    You can track your time many different ways but some of the best apps that I have found for Android and iPhone are great when you are on the run and need to get a quick statistic to use for planning.


  • 新南威尔士大学朱利·金先生结合数据向我们解释了这一新结论他们震惊

    Mr Julian King from the University of new South Wales explained how, after combining the two sets of measurements, the new result 'struck' them.


  • 到了道森,上等我们的康沃尔人多利阿莫斯年前妻子加拿大人布丽盖特

    Waiting on the river in Dawson was a Cornishman, Dorian Amos. Ten years ago, he and his wife, Bridget, a Canadian, chose the Yukon as home.


  • 我们前面叙述冬天事情转而叙述现在一天吧,琪尔苔丝分手以后

    From the foregoing events of the winter-time let us press on to an October day, more than eight months subsequent to the parting of Clare and Tess.


  • 然而虽然努力,但是美国一个海上涡轮机都没有成。

    But despite a decade of efforts, not a single offshore turbine has been built in the United States.


  • 每日必须自我和解因为克制件苦事,不能和解人枕席难

    Ten times must thou reconcile again with thyself; for overcoming is bitterness, and badly sleep the unreconciled.


  • 玛丽父亲时候去逝了,她不得不出去工作帮助家人维持生活。

    Marian's father died when she was ten years old. She had to go to work to help support her family.


  • 然而大部分围棋程式到游戏进行一半时每秒只能计算几步”,“聪明围棋”软体的设计者·可鲁夫这样

    By midgame, most Go programs can evaluate only a couple of dozen positions each second, said Anders Kierulf, who wrote a program called SmartGo.


  • 亲爱的玛丽,”,“再过几个月,丽诺有八九要定下终身大事了。”

    "In a few months, my dear Marianne." said she, "Elinor will, in all probability be settled for life."


  • 忠告专栏作家·兰德斯曾出版过条(无归属的)好几这个单子广播评论员保罗·哈维过。

    Advice columnist Ann Landers has printed the first ten items (uncredited) several times, and the list has been used by radio commentator Paul Harvey.


  • 调研公司尼尔森最近美国卓系统手机用户进行了调查调查发现流行应用程序了用户43%的使用率,而50名的应用程序则占据了61%的使用率。

    Yet in a recent survey of Android-phone users in America, Nielsen, another research firm, discovered that the ten most popular apps accounted for 43% of usage and the top 50 for a whopping 61%.


  • 到访瓜的行程中,数次来到马诺营地采访,请了名老巡防队员了对马克欧文斯的印象。

    On my three trips to North Luangwa, I made several visits to the Mano camp and interviewed a dozen veteran scouts about Mark Owens.


  • 到访瓜的行程中,数次来到马诺营地采访,请了名老巡防队员了对马克·欧文斯的印象。

    On my three trips to North Luangwa I made several visits to the Mano camp and interviewed a dozen veteran scouts about Mark Owens.


  • ·瓦迪中心对学龄前儿童进行每日的托管教育。此外,还要填写几份记录表,内容囊括儿童体重账户详单

    Anganwadi centres also provide daily pre-school child care and education, as well as keeping a dozen-odd registers recording everything from children's weights to financial accounts.


  • 基里高度赞赏中国重视青年体育运动事业,表示国际大体联中国保持良好合作举办的重大赛事成功

    Gillian spoke highly of the importance China attaches to youth sports, saying that FISU has maintained sound cooperation with China as all major sports events it staged in China achieved success.


  • 三星摩托罗拉手机设计性能方面苹果接近以至于一些狂热的果粉最终叛离倒

    Samsung and Motorola phones have now come very close to the iPhone in terms of design and performance, so much so that even some former Apple fanatics are defecting to Android.


  • 对于那些底层的员工来说,法国企业等级森严的,鲁·撒克权力下放”观点大相径庭,而且老板和员工的距离也疏远

    For those farther down the ladder, French companies are hierarchical, holding no truck with Anglo-Saxon notions of "empowerment". And bosses are more distant than ever.


  • 斯托是位工程师已经华学习年时间了。

    Stoian, an engineer, has studied in China for a decade.


  • 埃里克·特林考斯已经德特人的墓葬记录在案。这些墓葬都遍及西欧东欧甚至西南

    He said a few dozen documented Neanderthal burials from Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia have already been documented.


  • 大约来了牧师包括全国知名查尔斯·斯文·德尔、阿德里·罗杰斯马克斯·鲁卡多。

    About ten ministers came, including nationally known figures like Charles Swindoll, Adrian Rogers, and Max Lucado.


  • 回家家里来了不速之客

    On the tenth day after jack came back, an uninvited lady came to my home.


  • 耶罗波可以拿耶和华以色列如此必将所罗门手里夺回,将支派

    Then he said to Jeroboam, 'Take ten pieces for yourself, for this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says:' See, I am going to tear the kingdom out of Solomon's hand and give you ten tribes.


  • 卡洛斯·特维斯转会的一事因为科林蒂指责曼城私自更改转会协议而再度生变曼城俱乐部方面则对此感到困惑。

    Manchester City have reacted with bemusement and frustration after Corinthians accused the Premier League club of moving the goalposts over Carlos Tevez.


  • 为了防止这些作品被沙滩的游客推倒,阿德里会先作品拍照,放在自己的画廊中,然后亲自把它们拆掉。现在,他画廊里已经有几这种不可思议的艺术作品的照片了。

    In order to avoid them toppling on beach goers, he dismantles them after taking a picture for his gallery, which now includes photographs of dozens of incredible sculptures.


  • 为了防止这些作品被沙滩的游客推倒,阿德里会先作品拍照,放在自己的画廊中,然后亲自把它们拆掉。现在,他画廊里已经有几这种不可思议的艺术作品的照片了。

    In order to avoid them toppling on beach goers, he dismantles them after taking a picture for his gallery, which now includes photographs of dozens of incredible sculptures.


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