• 还养了一些鱼、兔子、猫、一只松鼠、一头奶牛和一头小牛、一匹马、鸡等。

    He also kept some fish, rabbits, cats, a squirrel, a cow and a baby cow, a horse, chickens and so on.


  • 头驴匹马拴一棵树上。

    He tethered a donkey and a horse to a tree.


  • 作为孩子,在我们房子附近我们养了一马,一头牛,我们还有牛奶喝

    As a child, near our house, we have a horse, and we had a cow and we had milk.


  • 头配合手上动作就像匹马儿

    She followed the movement of his hand with her head, like a horse.


  • 每年要九个不同山谷赶上的总共有10 000只羊1 000头母牛几百匹马其中许多稀有的本地品种

    In total, 10, 000 sheep, 1, 000 cows and hundreds of horses - many of these rare, endemic species - are driven up and down nine different valleys.


  • 匹较的头狼死亡,较年轻匹需要等待一个时间取代的位置,这是因为受到死亡气息的惊吓。

    When an old Wolf dies a younger one waits for a month to occupy his place being scared of the death odor.


  • 想象一下头驴22马赛跑,一点机会没有

    Imagine 22 horses and a donkey (racing), you just wouldn't stand a chance.


  • 所有这些补偿竟然10只养头牛一匹马。

    All this was compensated with ten goats, a cow and a horse.


  • 这次拍卖包括了2鲨鱼群头金牛、一头黑绵羊、一匹斑马具带的牛头还有塑料鲸鱼角的小矮马,看似就像一头麒麟。

    This sale includes two lots of sharks, a calf, a black sheep, a zebra and four skinned cows' heads, as well as a pony dressed up with a plastic narwhal horn to look like a unicorn.


  • 古巴提供十九自己有余动物包括头长颈鹿头狮子匹斑马,一头犀牛匹侏儒河马

    Cuba is to supply 19 animals from species of which it now has a surplus. They include a giraffe, two lions, four zebras, a rhino and a pygmy hippo.


  • 头狮子可以耗掉大量体力去追捕一匹斑马是因为一旦抓住了那匹斑马,它能摄入斑马肉里的能量大大超过了他追捕过程中消耗的能量。

    A lion will expend a lot of energy running down a zebra because, once it is caught, the calories contained in the meal far.


  • 头狮子可以耗掉大量体力追捕一匹斑马是因为一旦抓住了那匹斑马,摄入的斑马肉里的能量大大超过追捕过程中消耗的能量。

    Expend a lot of energy running down a zebra because, once it is caught, the calories contained in the meal far outweigh those.


  • 大匹的头织物成型机织出,通过可以不断显示绒头织物重量的刻度传送带传送

    A fleece flow comes out of Forming Machine and passes Scale Conveyor, where the fleece weight is continuously measured.


  • 群臣面前送了鹿皇上千里马。

    He presented a deer as a tribute to the emperor in front of the court, and said that it was a swift horse.


  • 有学问能够种语言来给匹马起名字,可愚蠢买了一头母牛来

    He was so learned that he could name a horse in nine languages; so ignorant that he bought a cow to ride on.


  • 匹马具时候,不要把“又狠又”的拴一个坚固物品上,因为如果拉拽的话(大部分马驹至少这样做次),他弄伤脖子

    When tying a foal for the first few times, do not tie him "hard and fast" to a solid object because if he pulls (which most foals will do at least once or twice) he could injure his poll or neck.


  • 每年减少到了头嗷嗷叫的小毛猪。 亨利现在养的唯一一匹马只贪牲口的不算太饱,也不十分干净

    The annual keep of pigs had been reduced from five to one grunting porker, and the single horse which Hey now retained was a sleepy animal, not over-nourished and not very clean.


  • 随后那个农民妻子头奶牛一匹马。

    Then the farmer's wife thought of asking for a cow and a horse.


  • 自称是战马夸口身经百战,却一个乳臭小儿比下去了——一个孩子不过是一头驹子,生平从没有也没有受过任何良好教育见过任何典范

    I, who called myself a war-horse and boasted of a hundred fights, to be beaten by a little human boy - a child, a mere foal, who had never held a sword nor had any good nurture or example in his life!


  • 栗色的马头灰白毛驴。

    It was drawn by an old bay horse and a little grey-and-white burro.


  • 妻子,”那个农民,“没有枚戒指我们拥有匹马头奶牛的。”

    "My good wife," said the farmer. "We shall get a horse and a cow without the ring."


  • “那不是真的普!”摇着头,“没有马车但是至少吧,对吗?匹普,没有?没有?”

    'Is none of it true, Pip?' he asked, shocked. 'no black carriage? But at least there were dogs, weren't there, Pip? No? Not even one dog?'


  • 马一头牛被套犁上

    One horse and one cow were teamed to a plow.


  • 如果小牛在一匹马的旁边,能说头马就是小牛的妈妈

    If a calf is standing near a horse, do you say that the horse is the calf's mother?


  • 面对头狮子斑马跟着领头的斑马逃跑

    When faced with a lion, the zebras flee and follow one lead zebra.


  • 狠狠地眼睛使眼前的景象清晰起来,然后定睛瞧,原来不是马,而是一头棕熊

    He rubbed his eyes savagely to clear his vision, and beheld, not a horse, but a great brown bear.


  • 亚尼亚动物园拥有大约600只动物47头动物死亡后于7月21关闭,死亡动物包括头狮子2河马食蚁兽一只凯门鳄。

    Goiania's zoo, which houses about 600 animals, closed its gates on 21 July after the deaths of 47 animals, including a lion, a jaguar, two hippos, an ant-eater and a caiman.


  • 以上的指挥员发给匹马头骡子

    Battalion commanders and up were entitled to a horse or a mule.


  • 我们这个农场养活12匹马20头牛数百而且他们能过上现在我们几乎想象不到舒适尊严的生活

    This single farm of ours would support a dozen horses, twenty cows, hundreds of sheep -- and all of them living in a comfort and a dignity that are now almost beyond our imagining.


  • 我们这个农场养活12匹马20头牛数百而且他们能过上现在我们几乎想象不到舒适尊严的生活

    This single farm of ours would support a dozen horses, twenty cows, hundreds of sheep -- and all of them living in a comfort and a dignity that are now almost beyond our imagining.


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