• 喜欢鞋带到顶靴子

    I like boots that lace up to the top.


  • 他们到顶时候,塔里克几乎喘不过来气来。

    Tariq was badly out of breath when they reached the top.


  • BIG设计改变这种到顶变化,提出颠倒摩天大楼的概念。

    BIG's design exploits the changing context from the foot to the pinnacle, proposing a skyscraper turned upside down.


  • 我们回到远古大地燃烧不断营火;堆高到顶柴薪丰足无虞的象征

    Let us return to the ancient earth, the continuous burning campfire; Reaching the peak of firewood, is the symbol of full life.


  • 公寓内部沿着夹层图书馆从底到顶的橡木书架,建立一个大型开放式休息室餐饮区域

    Inside the apartment, a large open-plan lounge and dining area have been created alongside a mezzanine library and floor-to-ceiling oak bookshelves.


  • 所以包含一个长期问题我们小学一直到顶加大教育力度这样我们人口作为劳动力有竞争力

    So part of this is a long-term problem: We have to enhance education from grade school all the way up so that the population becomes more competitive as a labor force.


  • 就职后我们期待前景也是为什么资金投入教育系统而不是就业行业中,我们开始名为冲刺到顶竞赛

    That's been our vision since taking office. And that's why instead of just pouring money into a system that's not working, we launched a competition called Race to the Top.


  • 装修标明屋顶布局图纸业主顶面图中可以看出装饰屋顶的状况尺寸、顶面灯具位置以及各个家具到顶距离。

    The top figure is marked with the roof decoration layout drawings, the owners can see from the top figure decorative roof condition, size, location and the top surface of lamps furniture to distance.


  • 梦想座没有药“电梯”—捷径摩天大楼”,成长犹如看不阶梯虽然可能一步登天一步一步走上顶楼

    Dream is like a "lift" shortcut "skyscraper", grow up just like that can't see the top of the ladder, although it is impossible to expect success, but step by step on the top floor.


  • 按了按钮

    I pushed the button for the top floor.


  • 波特小姐奋斗的过程中赢得坚强果断的名声。

    Ms. Potter has won a reputation for toughness and determination on her way to the top.


  • 20世纪70年代,农业研究公共支出增长到顶此后持续减少

    The growth in public agricultural-research spending peaked in the 1970s and has been shrinking ever since.


  • 他们花了很长时间多年等待唯一回报他们有了自己报纸,他们俩都知道自己想要什么,坚定地着手实现

    They took a long time getting to the top, the only reward for the long years of waiting being that when they had their own newspapers, both knew what they wanted and firmly set about getting it.


  • 这种情况下顶极群落脆弱稳定的,因为它们可能需要数百才能恢复状态

    In that case, climax communities would be the most fragile and the least stable, since they can require hundreds of years to return to the climax state.


  • 如果玻璃保持足够温度就会熔化的流动表面变得平整水平底部表面完全平行

    If the glass were kept hot enough, it would flow over the molten tin until the top surface was also flat, horizontal and perfectly parallel to the bottom surface.


  • 西部迁移的行为19世纪30年代

    Emigration to the West reached a peak in the 1830's.


  • 最好投资机会来临时候,人们股票市场失望程度刚好到顶

    Just when the best investment opportunity comes, the degree of people's disappointment with the stock market has just peaked.


  • 社区中心大楼入口进来,你径直走上前面楼梯一直

    When you come in through the entrance of the community centre building, you'll need to go straight up the stairs in front of you, all the way to the top.


  • 到顶部会很刺激的!

    It would be exciting to climb to the top!


  • 手可以使用简单的岩点从侧面慢慢爬到顶端。

    Newcomers can make their ways slowly up to the top from the sideways with easy holdings.


  • 让乔爬到顶上,这样他就可以把船推到附近的一个岛上。

    He asked Joe to climb on top so that he could push the boat to a nearby island.


  • 青年时期达段时间内趋于平稳,然后普遍开始随着年龄的增长而缓慢下降

    It peaks in young adulthood, levels out for a period of time, and then generally starts to slowly decline as we age.


  • 上司的错怪。

    He was unjustly blamed by his immediate supperior.


  • 底部实际显示颜色

    From bottom to top the actually shown color.


  • 要想低价到顶好的商品一定要去流向地方——或者曾经流向的方向。

    To score the best goods at low prices, go where the money is—or was.


  • 报告分析核心内容2000年到顶的“青年产生持续效果

    At the heart of its analysis is the ongoing effect of a "youth bulge" which peaked in 2000.


  • 目前尽管探测到了通常冬季才达到顶季节流感,但90%正在传播的流感H1N 1流感

    Right now, about 90 percent of the circulating flu is H1N1, although seasonal flu, which typically peaks in winter, has also been detected.


  • 只要,你尽可巅的能力。

    You may have the pinnacles if you have enough blood to pay.


  • 这些高级经理人机会商业学校一般商学院同行进行交流时,他们似乎能够迅速地融入其中

    When senior managers are offered the chance to mix with their peers at a top business school, rather than a bog-standard institution, they seem to be quickly won over.


  • 这些高级经理人机会商业学校一般商学院同行进行交流时,他们似乎能够迅速地融入其中

    When senior managers are offered the chance to mix with their peers at a top business school, rather than a bog-standard institution, they seem to be quickly won over.


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