• 有人也就英国撒切尔夫人减税措施进行了类似分析发现税率改变会出现一种相对敏感的回应富人纳税所得额1979年时忽上忽的波动状态。

    Similar work analysing Mrs Thatcher’s tax cuts in Britain found a comparably sharp response to changing rates; the taxable income of the rich swung from falling to rising in 1979.


  • 不过考虑到娜的税率这样减税并不很划得来所以账户看起来是个更好选择

    That tax deduction, however, wouldn't have been worth much, given Hannah's low tax rate, so the Roth seemed like a better bet.


  • 报告说,奥巴马可能提出年收入超过25万美元的家庭减税政策到期,从而有效地提高税率增加财政收入

    There are also reports he may propose allowing existing tax breaks for families making more than $250, 000 a year to expire, effectively raising tax rates to generate revenue.


  • 参议院计划内容包括个人企业减税,给大多数退休人员额外发放补助,对于大学学费提供税额减免,对于可再生能源降低税率

    The Senate plan would include tax cuts for individuals and businesses, bonus payments for most retirees, tax credits to help pay for college, and tax breaks to promote renewable energy.


  • 一个可以人们以激励事情比如工作从而产出更多支付更多——或许,这有赖于削减是哪种税收

    One is that you cut tax rates, and therefore give people incentives to do things like work and produce more and pay more — maybe, depending on what kind of taxes.


  • 第一个减税法令于1981年8月生效,一揽子减税计划包括边际税率削减最高税率70%降低50%,最低税率由14%降低到11%。

    His first tax bill was enacted in August 1981. It included a sweeping cut in marginal income tax rates, reducing the top rate to 50% from 70% and the lowest rate to 11% from 14%.


  • 大家都知道,达成这个协议需要美国当前水平上再减少农业补贴金同时也需要欧盟其他新兴经济体大幅

    Everyone knows that such a deal requires deeper reductions in farm subsidies than America has so far offered, as well as bigger tariff cuts from the European Union and emerging economies.


  • 美国而言,历年减税之后税率已经处于历史低位,增也应该其他领域一样赤出力。

    In America the tax take is historically low after years of rate reductions. There, and elsewhere, tax rises need to bear some of the burden.


  • 2003年这些变了,2003年颁布就业进一步减税协调法案》,将股利税率减至15%,与资本收益相同。

    However, that all changed in 2003 with the Jobs and Growth tax Reconciliation Act of 2003, which cut the rate of taxation of dividends to 15% — the same rate that capital gains are taxed.


  • 英国税收结构其中的千余种减税项目税率,效率严重低下

    The British tax structure, with its thousand-odd reliefs and numerous tax rates, is woefully inefficient.


  • 戴理公布一个为期一年增值税减税方案,将增值税的标准税率17.5%降至15%,希望消费者增加开支从而缩短衰退期

    Darling will also unveil a one-year cut in standard-rate VAT from 17.5% to 15%, in the hope consumers bring forward spending and shorten the recession.


  • 本周英国财政大臣公布项占GDP1%减税计划随后还计划提高收入人群的所得税税率——是一项不利产出的计划。

    This week Britain’s chancellor laid out tax cuts worth 1% of GDP, but coupled these with a counterproductive plan to raise income taxes on high earners later.


  • 华盛顿某些人士声称减税计划到期作废不是提高税率

    Some in Washington argue that letting tax relief expire is not a tax increase.


  • 表示愿意暂时延长所有减税政策,但前提条件是随后提升富有的美国人所得税税率

    He has also indicated a willingness to extend all tax cuts temporarily with the stipulation that income tax rates for the wealthiest Americans would go up at a later date.


  • 顺便一句我们应当这么说里根减税了,但克林顿维持了税率

    By the way, by the way, we should say Reagan cut taxes and Clinton left them low.


  • 奥巴马支持这样窝端的税率冻结但是行政部已经准备好收入低于25万美元的家庭减税

    Obama has made clear that he would not support such a blanket freeze but says his administration is ready to extend tax cuts for families making less than $250,000 a year.


  • 报告说,欧巴马可能提出年收入超过25万美元的家庭减税政策到期,从而有效地提高税率增加财政收入

    There are also reports he may propose allowing existing tax breaks for families making more than $250,000 a year to expire, effectively raising tax rates to generate revenue.


  • 发表了篇内容与几年前不同讲话谈的税率过高使生产失去刺激以及减税会使经济得到增长。

    I launched into a variation of the speech I had made for years, about how excessive tax rates can take away the incentive to produce, and how cutting taxes can generate growth.


  • 企业减税政策可以通过降低企业税率或是扩大应纳税所得额扣除范围的方式来实行。

    The tax break of enterprises could be achieved by lowering the tax rate and expanding the item…


  • 企业减税政策可以通过降低企业税率或是扩大应纳税所得额扣除范围的方式来实行。

    The tax break of enterprises could be achieved by lowering the tax rate and expanding the item…


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