• 例如一个标识某个系统可能唯一的,但是在整个企业范围不一定真的唯一。

    For example, an identifier might be unique within a single system but is it really unique across the enterprise?


  • 显示关于业务服务使用情况关键信息比如使用量、单位成本、成本修饰时间段成本。

    It displays key details about the usage of a business service such as its volume, cost per unit, cost modifier, and the total cost in a particular period.


  • 标识必须在此节点部署到代理实例具有全局唯一性。

    This identifier must be globally unique within the broker instance that this node is deployed.


  • 整个企业的范围应该组织中的每个分配唯一的标识并且离开组织之后,不再继续使用这个标识

    Each person in an organization should be assigned a unique identifier across the enterprise that is only assigned to that person, and when that person leaves the organization, it is retired.


  • 注意最初的 “最小模式运算模式捕捉圆括号进行了指定:\(...\)。

    Note that both the initial "minimal number of characters" subpattern and the operator subpattern are specified within capturing parentheses: \(...\).


  • 定义别名规则主机宽松得多,但是别名应该企业范围惟一的标识

    The rules for defining alias names are significantly less rigid than for host names, but should still be an enterprise-wide unique identifier.


  • 由于PAC标识采用,在线路传递实际成员信息已经一个广泛的范围最小化了

    The actual membership information flowing through the wire has been minimized to a large extent because of the use of PAC identifiers.


  • EWU标识整个企业范围具有单一任何参数

    An EWU identifier is any parameter that has a single unique value across the entire enterprise.


  • 因此损益表的信息创建标识(每月金额)。

    So you may have to create column identifier for the income statement period information (i.e. Monthly amounts).


  • 消息描述队列管理器驻留在队列每个消息相关

    A message descriptor is associated with every message that resides on a queue within a queue manager.


  • 相反操作输入输出名字会标上范围背景标识(拥有活动类)中的参数变量或者结构性特性

    Instead, the names of the input and output pins on the actions are labeled by a parameter, variable, or structural feature in the context classifier (the class owning the activity) that is in scope.


  • 然后,它使用SHIP操作外表BAD_CREDIT,散列连接检查生成查找表。

    IT then reads from the outer table BAD_CREDIT using the SHIP operator, hashing the join column values, and checking in the lookup table generated for the inner table.


  • 意味着抽象方法包括abstract关键可见度修改function关键字,以及圆括号选的参数列表

    That means that they should include the abstract keyword, optionally a visibility modifier, the function keyword, and an optional list of arguments in parentheses.


  • HTMLElement占位Identifier消息键组成,并且这个消息键解析之后显示 HTML元素

    The String is formed by pairs of HTML Element (placeholder) Identifiers and the message-key that will be displayed inside that HTML element after resolution.


  • 但是仍需要处理所有繁琐细节比如不同语言使用的不同的小数分组分隔—若intl代劳的话,您自然非常乐意

    But when you have to handle all the boring details - different decimal and grouping separators used in different languages, for example - you will like that you can use intl to do it for you.


  • 我们看到编辑中的第一Overview页面页面包含可修改插件标识信息以及描述可以在插件编辑各个条目的信息。

    The first page in the editor we see is the Overview page, which contains modifiable plug-in identifier information with sections describing the various items you can edit within our plug-in.


  • 除了信息之外,嵌入式消息描述(MsgDesc)也作为消息数据一部分存储MQXQH结构

    Besides the addressing information, an embedded message descriptor (MsgDesc) is stored within the MQXQH structure as part of the message data.


  • set(key,value [,expiry]) —使用缓存标识存储这个特定

    set(key, value [, expiry]) — Stores the specified value using the identifier key in the cache.


  • 如果详细了解Pythonhelp工具只需Python解释器中的命令提示键入help,就可以访问交互式帮助工具(参见清单4)。

    If you want to know more about the help facilities within Python, just enter help at a command prompt in the Python interpreter to access the interactive help utility (see Listing 4).


  • 随之出现NewEGLPart向导根据WSDL文件定义创建EGL接口Web服务客户机绑定添加EGL部署描述文件。

    The resulting New EGL Part wizard creates EGL interfaces from definitions in the WSDL file and adds web services client bindings to the EGL deployment descriptor file.


  • 查询,?film变量代表电影URI标识

    In the query, the? Film variable stands in for the film's URI identifier.


  • Links工具条占位链接通过一个钻石型的图标进行标示。

    In the links sidebar, placeholder links are identified with a diamond-shaped icon.


  • 使用Transform运算加总所有订单

    Use a Transform operator to sum all the order amounts within a year.


  • 可以使用Ctrl+空格获得当前范围所有可用标识比如变量类型名等)。

    You can also hit Ctrl+Space to get all identifiers available in the current scope (such as variable and type names).


  • 下面规则中的选择结合了派生选择属性选择它匹配任何元素,如果(1)该元素设置了"href"属性;且(2)包含P元素,而P元素又包含在一个DIV元素

    The selector in the following rule, which combines descendant and attribute selectors, matches any element that (1) has the "href" attribute set and (2) is inside a P that is itself inside a DIV


  • 运算个范围迭代。因此脚本不是10而是- n开关生成循环迭代10次(请参阅perldocperlrun清单2,以获得循环的示例)。

    Thus, the script does not count 10 lines, it counts 10 iterations of the loop generated by the -n switch (see "perldoc perlrun" and Listing 2 for an example of that loop).


  • 创建不会范围其他标识相冲突编程标识遵循当前语言命名规则

    Creates a programmatic identifier that does not collide with other identifiers in the scope, and follows the current language naming rules.


  • 每个(其实例容器使用)必须至少实现拷贝构造函数(实现运算也是习惯)。

    Each class whose instance will go into the container must implement at least the copy constructor it is good to implement also the assignment operator.


  • 尝试描述限定200尽可能具有描述性。

    Try to keep it under 200 characters and make it as descriptive as possible.


  • 公式节点运算函数都是可用的。

    These operators and functions are available inside the Formula Node.


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