• 加拿大广播公司新闻报道,“2012年后每一”,芭比娃娃销量下降

    Sales of Barbie dolls have been falling "every year since 2012," according to CBC News.


  • 加拿大广播公司新闻报道,“2012年后每一”,芭比娃娃销量下降

    Sales of Barbie dolls have been falling "every year since 2012", according to CBC News.


  • 雷对英语很感兴趣,他每天都看英国广播公司新闻

    Li Lei is interested in English and he watches BBC News every day.


  • 它可能会在以后的生活中引发遗传问题,包括癌症的发展。”牛津大学的朱利安·萨乌莱斯库告诉英国广播公司新闻

    "It could cause genetic problems later in life, including the development of cancer," Julian Savulescu from the University of Oxford told BBC News.


  • 你会发现富有的父母会为孩子购买最新的‘升级版’,导致生活中已有的不公愈演愈烈。”旧金山遗传学中心主任玛西·达诺夫斯基告诉英国广播公司新闻

    "You could find wealthy parents buying the latest 'upgrades' for their children, leading to even greater unfairness than we already live with," Marcy Darnovsky, director of the San Francisco Center for Genetics told BBC News.


  • 据称,聚友网的母公司新闻集团正在聚友网寻找买家

    News Corporation, which owns MySpace, is said to be seeking a buyer for the business.


  • 默多克英国报纸公司新闻国际案中他们两者走了。

    In the case of news International, Rupert Murdoch's British newspaper outfit, they got too close.


  • 许多公司采用门户网站提供公司新闻应用程序高度个性化访问

    Portal adoption by companies provide highly personalized access to corporate news and applications.


  • 文采飞扬美国哥伦比亚广播公司新闻编辑室一半员工被裁

    Literarily half of the CBS newsroom got laid off one day.


  • 声明中,福克斯公司公司新闻集团表示乐于看到消费者更多的时间准备

    In a statement, the News Corporation, the parent company of Fox, said it was pleased that consumers would be given additional time to prepare.


  • 他们处于一个恶性二十四小时竞争打破公司新闻揭示了新的产品揭露公司差错

    They are in a vicious 24-hour competition to break company news, reveal new products and expose corporate gaffes.


  • 诺基亚新闻服务网每天提供在线公司新闻;还有企业内部互联网,提供大量详细公司信息

    Nokia news Service offers daily online news from around the organization, and the Intranet contains a vast amount of detailed company information.


  • 我们使用电子邮件住址关于你的帐户新的产品服务更新,和公司新闻和更新派遣给

    We also use your email address to send you updates about your account, new products and services, and company news and updates.


  • 主要公司新闻包括一个重要煤炭开采集团公布了强劲的盈利数据以及股票回购方案,推动煤炭开采板块月中整体走高。

    Major corporate news saw a major mining group announce strong earnings and a share buy back, which boosted the mining sector as a whole around the middle of the month.


  • 1994年,他们接到美国广播公司新闻杂志类节目TurningPoint制片人珍妮丝·汤姆林的个电话。

    In 1994, they received a call from Janice Tomlin, a producer for the ABC news-magazine show "Turning Point."


  • 告诉英国广播公司新闻预测基于,消费类电子产品公司——游戏世界激发灵感——正在制造新的互动介面产品努力

    He told BBC News that his prediction is driven by the efforts of consumer electronics firm which are making products with new interactive interfaces inspired by the world of gaming.


  • 这个星期播出哥伦比亚广播公司新闻主播凯蒂·库里采访节目引起了人们的注意因为佩林州长似乎对库里克提的几个问题回答不上来

    An interview that aired this week with CBS television news anchor Katie Couric has attracted a lot of attention because of a couple of questions Governor Palin seemed unable to answer.


  • 我们已经看到美国公共广播公司新闻一小时的类似电视节目转移到了YouTube上,2010年我们还会看到电视向网络视频自我转变的更加有力的推进方法之一便是“社交电视”。

    We’ve seen TV shows like PBS’s News Hour moving to YouTube, and 2010 will see an increased push for TV to reinvent itself online. One way of doing this is through “social TV.”


  • 一个新的全部女性组成的市场调查公司成立了了解女性关于重要新闻问题看法

    A new all-woman market research company has been set up to find out what women think about major news and issues.


  • 鲁珀特•默多克新闻国际公司得力助手。

    He is Rupert Murdoch's right-hand man at News International.


  • 新闻6点钟英国广播公司电视台播出。

    The news is on BBC One at 6.


  • 例如F&C 汽车,一个大型汽车公司,将于下周举行新闻发布会

    F&C Motors, a major auto company, for example, is holding a press conference next week.


  • 认为这种相同道德使命感缺失正在伤害新闻国际这样公司使迷失方向变得更为可能正如之前发生大规模非法电话窃听一样

    This same absence of moral purpose was wounding companies such as News International, she thought, making it more likely that it would lose its way as it had with widespread illegal telephone hacking.


  • 通过满尖刻话语的信函新闻发布会公司互相攻击对方。

    The two firms are bombarding one another in barbed letters and spiky press conferences.


  • 新闻发布会结束公司展示电力驱动模型

    After the press conference, the company will present its new electronically-operated models.


  • 告诉BuzzFeed新闻大一化学要求使用麦格劳·希尔公司提供Connect系统学生可以在该系统中提交作业参加考试跟踪他们成绩

    She told BuzzFeed News that her freshman chemistry class required her to use Connect, a system provided by McGraw Hill where students can submit homework, take exams and track their grades.


  • 许多新闻公司来说网上发布新闻一个有吸引力选择而且具有灵活性,可以随着形势变化随时改变

    Posting news online is a much more attractive option for many news companies and it also offers flexibility in its offering and can change minute by minute as situations evolve.


  • 许多新闻公司来说网上发布新闻一个有吸引力选择而且具有灵活性,可以随着形势变化随时改变

    Posting news online is a much more attractive option for many news companies and it also offers flexibility in its offering and can change minute by minute as situations evolve.


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