• 通往人界即将关闭,但丁

    The portal to the human world is closing, Dante...


  • 机器人界蟑螂,该款机器人设计用于搜索灾难现场

    The cockroaches of the robot world, these were designed to search disaster sites.


  • 因此很强的潜力能成为事实上行业标准,而言之,也就是机器人界微软

    As such, it is in a strong position to become the industry's DE facto standard-in short, the Microsoft Windows of robotics.


  • 人界娶了一位术的民女为妻,生了两个儿子一家四着世外桃园般的生活

    Married to one sector of a Club Road in the civilian clothes, had two sons, four live in a constant motif in general life.


  • 不管是天界、 仙界、人界无论还是从来没有能够阻挡狂放不羁战士。

    Whether it is heaven, Once upon a time, one community, whether in business or in the week, who has never been able to stop the wild uninhibited Berserker.


  • 西方神话强调自由性人的本性,所架构的神界人界具有对话性,可以展开实质性对话

    But in the structure of occidental mythology dialogue exists and the essential dialogues can be achieved between human world and divine world, in which freedom and human's nature is emphasized.


  • 也许的确涅墨亚狮子但是他却让名字人界口耳相传,一个凶残战士,一个杀手成了英雄,一个凡人成了神。

    Perhaps he did allow me to kill the Nemean Lion, but he made your name known amongst the people. a fierce warrior, a killer made hero, a man made a god.


  • 政府发言人新闻界发表了份声明

    A government spokesperson made a statement to the press.


  • 发言人拒绝新闻界透露公司收购详细情况

    The spokesman refused to disclose details of the takeover to the press.


  • 中国领导人已经强调增进第三世界国家之间合作需要

    China's leaders have stressed the need for increased co-operation between Third World countries.


  • 第三世界国家巨额债务负担成了许多贫困国家领导人核心问题

    The massive debt burden of the Third World has become a crucial issue for many leaders of poorer countries.


  • 大主教已经发出警告提醒世界领导人注意第三世界的债务

    The archbishop has sounded a warning to world leaders on third world debt.


  • 大约有80位世界领导人观看了此次盛会。

    Around 80 world leaders watched the show.


  • 作品当时欧洲人揭示自然界充满异国情调富有戏剧性价值一面因此获得了很多赞誉

    In her work, she revealed a side of nature so exotic, dramatic and valuable to Europeans of the time that she received much acclaim.


  • 1998年世界杯上,挪威人出人意料地以2:1的比分战胜巴西足球王子

    Norwegians could point to their country's unexpected 2-1 victory over Brazil's footballing princes at the 1998 World Cup.


  • 尽管有些人软件数据引用学术界流行但它们带来其他好处

    Although some say that citations for software or data have little currency in academia, they can have other benefits.


  • 修订丹麦时尚道德宪章》明确指出:“我们意识到时尚完美身材影响尤其是年轻人影响,为此承担责任。”

    The newly revised Danish Fashion Ethical Charter clearly states: "We are aware of and take responsibility for the impact the fashion industry has on body ideals, especially on young people."


  • 可能感觉像是一个陌生新世界包括加拉格尔的妻子霍莉在内的一些认为教育界人士雇主时候接受了。

    It may feel like a strange new world, but Mr. Gallagher's wife, Holly, is among those who say it's time for educators and employers to embrace it.


  • 他心目中的高层次应该这样积极自律,即强调一个人对自然界永恒之物的感悟

    The active discipline of heightening one's perception of what is enduring in nature would have been his idea of the high.


  • 学习应该包含激发性游戏元素概念学术界的大部分看来只是愚蠢事实就是如此

    The notion that learning should have in it an element of inspired play would seem to the greater part of the academic establishment merely silly, but that is nonetheless the case.


  • 强化当事人举证责任成为我国法学理论司法实务共识

    Enhancing the party's onus probandi has been the common understanding of the law and judicial circle in our country.


  • 另一世界”对完全封闭,那灭绝人性、非人道的世界,是个乌有的天堂;存在不会推心置腹地跟人说话除非人的面目出现。

    But that "other world" is well concealed from man, that dehumanised, inhuman world, which is a celestial naught; and the bowels of existence do not speak unto man, except as man.


  • 主要疟疾代表专家供资人举行一系列会议确定克服研制疟疾疫苗所面临种种挑战方法

    Leading malaria community representatives, experts, and funders held a series of meetings to determine ways to overcome challenges facing the development of a malaria vaccine.


  • 而在金融界中,巴菲特先生投资人从来都不会被解雇

    In the financial world, no one ever gets fired for investing like Mr Buffett.


  • 比赛创始人目标2050年世界杯上,有一支机器人球队打败真人球队。

    The tournament founders' goal is a robot team that will defeat the human World Cup champs by 2050.


  • 黄色: 黄色黑色自然界让人过目难忘的组合——老虎蜜蜂都是这样一身装扮。这样颜色宣告:最好注意

    YELLOW: Yellow and black is the most unignorable colour combination in nature - tigers, stinging bees - it’s the colour that says: you’d better pay attention to me.


  • 看上去好像是一个奇异的新世界包括加拉格尔的妻子霍莉在内的一些认为教育界人士雇主接受这种情况了。

    It may feel like a strange new world, but Mr. Gallagher's wife, Holly, is among those who say it's time for educators and employers to embrace it.


  • 意味着不能作为自然界一个无足轻重旁观者而是作为整个自然界的中心,并且是最为重要的力量

    It means treating humans not as insignificant observers of the natural world but as central to its workings, elemental in their force.


  • 支持这项计划基金时尚界高级经理人莉女士于2000年创立

    The foundation behind it was established in 2000 by the fashion executive li Quan.


  • 支持这项计划基金时尚界高级经理人莉女士于2000年创立

    The foundation behind it was established in 2000 by the fashion executive li Quan.


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