• 人才危机说到底是人才资源管理问题。

    The talent crisis lies in the human resource management.


  • 我国已经出现灰领人才危机特别是制冷人才供求严重失衡

    In China, the crisis of vocational technician, "Grey collar", has occurred, and the unbalance of refrigeration technician is critical.


  • 软件组织人员能力研究软件企业摆脱人才危机提高软件生产率重要途径

    The research on people capability of software organization is an important path to get rid of software talent crisis and to improve software productivity.


  • 高校图书馆人才危机主要核心人才危机,建立核心人才继任机制人才危机管理的必然选择。

    The college librarys talented person crisis is mainly the core talented persons crisis and the succession mechanism of core talented person is the best choice of talented person crisis management.


  • 加入WTO我们面临一个突出问题就是人才竞争加剧河北省乃至全国面临全面人才危机

    After entering the WTO, we will face a prominent problem that the talents compete severely; not only Hebei Province but also the whole country will face the all-around talents crisis.


  • 分析了图书馆人才危机表现原因,并基于危机管理的理论,提出应对图书馆人才危机的管理策略。

    This paper discusses the expression and the cause of talent crisis of library. On the basis of the crisis management, the author proposes some solutions to the crisis management of library talent.


  • 埃森哲·马克·斯佩尔曼认为这场危机显示少数企业能够通过他们人才战略来思考。

    This crisis is revealing how few firms have really thought through their talent strategies, says Mark Spelman of Accenture.


  • 债券市场袭击确实有所减弱只有那些放着风筝、吃着牡蛎的人才相信这次危机已经永久结束

    The bond market's assault has indeed abated, but only the most carried-away kite-flying oyster-eater could believe that this crisis is over for good.


  • Kjelleren美国金融机构过分强调用巨额奖金(留住人才以及银行救援资金的依赖一定程度上也目前这场经济危机负责

    The emphasis on big bonuses at American financial institutions and expectations for bank bailouts were partly responsible for the current crisis, Kjelleren said.


  • 人才流失危机管理包括事前管理、危机处理事后管理三部分。

    The crisis management of enterprise talents loss include management in advance. Dealing with the crisis, management after the event.


  • 时期人才测评理论实践遭遇深刻危机,与科学心理学范式影响有着密切关系。

    The profound crisises and frequently encountered problems in assessment practice and theories in the new era are mainly caused by the influences from the paradigm of modern psychology.


  • 部分包括企业人才流失危机管理主客体体系内容体系功能以及体系成功运作关键因素等内容。

    It include: main body and object of the crisis management of enterprise talents loss, content and function of the system, key factor that-can proof the system run successful.


  • 时期人才测评理论实践所遭遇深刻危机现代心理学范式影响有着密切关系。

    The profound crises and frequently encountered problems in assessment practice and theories in the new era are mainly caused by the influences from paradigm of the modem psychology.


  • 应对金融危机影响必须重视和做好人才工作,重视和加强技术创新工作,提高核心竞争力

    Dealing with the influence of financial crisis must pay more attention to the talented person work, strengthen the technological innovation work, enhances the core competitiveness.


  • 尤其是对于中国企业人才问题上我们对于这次危机从长远角度考虑

    Particularly, for Chinese companies, we need to have a long term perspective for this crisis, regarding the people issue, I think it's time now for the company to commit to their own people.


  • 国际金融危机大环境下高等院校会计专业人才培养面临巨大的挑战

    In the environment of international financial crisis, the accounting specialty of universities is faced with huge challenges.


  • 危机过后竞争情报工作包括:培养竞争情报人才建立竞争情报系统,建立竞争情报机制

    After the crisis, the work of the competitive intelligence conclude competitive intelligence personnel training, building a competitive intelligence system and a competitive intelligence mechanism.


  • 我国华人社会不久面临华文人才短缺危机

    Singapore's Chinese community will soon face a critical shortage of people who are proficient in the Chinese language.


  • 中国高校金融人才培养应当接受美国金融危机的教训,调整金融教学内容加强职业道德教育,重视职业迁移能力培养,形成自己特色金融培养人才模式。

    China 's financial institutions in the training should adjust the financial instruction content, enhance the professional ethics and professional training and ability to build his own character.


  • 中国高校金融人才培养应当接受美国金融危机的教训,调整金融教学内容加强职业道德教育,重视职业迁移能力培养,形成自己特色金融培养人才模式。

    China 's financial institutions in the training should adjust the financial instruction content, enhance the professional ethics and professional training and ability to build his own character.


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