• 本文首次“诗会”为题,探讨武后中宗时期宫廷诗人集体吟咏情况

    This article focusing "the verse club" as a topic for the first time, probes into the situation which in WuHou Middle time court poets compose poems and chant in response.


  • 文章对古全浊声母方言中的种类型进行了探源,认为今读送气清音声母最早源头是唐五代汉藏对音《大乘中宗见解》所代表的西北一支方音;

    This paper studies the origin and the evolvement of the four kinds of voiced syllable initials in the present Jin Dialect developing out of their ancient counterparts.


  • 所有宗教中人们某些特定日子东西,过量饮食基督教宗大之一

    All religions have certain days when people refrain from eating and excessive eating is one of Christianity's seven deadly sins.


  • 20世纪法官宗法律案件中对房东提起诉讼,房客处理臭虫,案件的整个过程妇孺皆知

    Bedbugs, one judge remarked in an early 20th century lawsuit against a landlord, "can be dealt with by the tenant by processes known to all housewives."


  • 大案,其夫人儿子提起了公诉。

    His wife and son were also indicted in the sweeping case.


  • 餐馆为例宗典型交易中餐馆遇到少于正常价格的25%的利润。

    Take restaurants: In a typical deal, a restaurant will see less than 25 percent of its regular price.


  • 认为阿森纳时15分钟里表现不错希望能够明晚比赛中(对手特拉布宗)上场时间,然后对阵曼城作好准备。

    I thought he handled himself well in the 15 minutes he played against Arsenal, so I am hoping he will play a part in tomorrow night's game (against Trabzonspor) and then be ready for Manchester City.


  • 因此今天在此指出付费搜索不能事情,即五

    So today I wanted to point out the top things not to do - the top five deadly SINS of paid search (according to me).


  • 去年,世卫组织核实197宗疾病暴发中,有52%以上媒体首先发出警报

    Last year, media reports were the first alert to more than 52% of the 197 outbreaks verified - in just that year - by WHO.


  • 联邦检控官他们正在积极调查这事件,看是否应该起诉,并申明因为耶拿案件中的嫌疑犯未成年人,他们并没有该案件列入起诉之列。

    Federal prosecutors say they are actively investigating several noose incidents for possible prosecution. They say they did not bring charges in the Jena school case because the suspects were minors.


  • 国界敌意出价涉及了人们钟爱品牌危险自然被突出了。

    The danger is particularly pronounced in hostile bids that cross borders and involve much-loved brands.


  • 一份直率声明中,皇家检察署关于案件详细信息大都会自己采取符合本身的更多法律意见

    A mealy-mouthed statement said the Crown Prosecution Service had asked for more information about the case and that the Met itself had taken more legal advice.


  • 去年民事诉讼宗卷中,摩托罗拉控告以及其他13人和家公司阴谋盗用商业机密其他非法行为。

    In a civil lawsuit filed last year, Motorola accused Jin, 13 other individuals and two companies of conspiracy, misappropriation of trade secrets and other alleged misdeeds.


  • 加利福尼亚女士于2004年宗诉讼中获取了一百万美元赔偿,状告一位产科医生不小心弄错了胚胎隐瞒至孩子10个月

    A California woman was awarded $US1 million in 2004 to settle a lawsuit against a fertility specialist who accidentally gave her the wrong embryos and hid the mistake until her baby was 10 months old.


  • 特伦弥撒仪式包括纪念犹太人改复活庆典——这一仪式虽多次修订从未废除

    The Tridentine rite includes an Easter prayer for the conversion of Jews that has been amended but never dropped.


  • 人生过错误,宗介也意识到(不论花了多大气力去避免),总会再次犯错。

    He had also made mistakes in his career, and recognized that (no matter how hard he might try), he was bound to screw up again.


  • 柯达案中发生的情况法官同意这宗两度柯达不利的案子交由一六人委员会进行终审

    In the Kodak case, all that happened was a judge agreed to send to a six-member commission for final review a case that had already gone against Kodak twice.


  • 自尊中的高傲傲慢认为最为严重的,自尊也是高尚

    The conceited, arrogant feeling of pride has been called the deadliest of the seven deadly SINS. Yet pride can also be noble.


  • 最近公布的2008年禁书排名榜纪录了513宗要求查禁书籍案件其中有74宗所提书籍已成功被禁止限制阅读。

    Its newly released rankings for 2008 recorded 513 cases where books were targeted for censorship, of which 74 were successfully banned or restricted.


  • 据报道今年4月中至今,美国已有145宗圣保罗沙门氏引起沙门氏菌病案例其中至少23人因病情严重而住院

    Since mid April, there have been 145 reported cases of salmonellosis caused by Salmonella Saintpaul nationwide, including at least 23 hospitalizations.


  • 一个新的系列文章记忆中的第一,那么首先我们先来说说时间流逝是如何影响我们的记忆的。

    This is the first in a new series on the 7 deadly SINS of memory. First up, how the passage of time affects our memories.


  • 剩余宗超大并购案中的大多数没有很强的保护条款或者实物支付条款安排可以用来延缓利息支付。这种情况达到总数五分之一。

    Most of the eight remaining mega-deals have weak covenants and "payment-in-kind" arrangements that allow them to defer cash interest payments, in one case for up to one-fifth of the total.


  • 2004年,一期短评上帝告诉帕特·罗伯逊梅尔·吉布森是“疯子”,使得收到了2万宗投诉,这是《60分钟》节目历史上收到的最多的观众投诉。

    His essay in 2004, in which he said God told him that the Rev. Pat Robertson and Mel Gibson were "whackos, " resulted in 20, 000 complaints - the most response any "60 Minutes" issue ever drew.


  • 今天要说的记忆系列中的第二宗,健忘。

    This is the second in a series on the 7 deadly sins of memory.


  • 伦敦金融城,衍生物交易所NYSELiffe交易大厅白糖期货合约成交量已经攀升了40%,8月的145554宗上升9月的204662宗。

    In the City, on the trading floor of the derivatives exchange NYSE Liffe, the volume of trades in white sugar contracts jumped by 40% from 145, 554 in August to 204, 662 in September.


  • 伦敦金融城,衍生物交易所NYSELiffe交易大厅白糖期货合约成交量已经攀升了40%,8月的145554宗上升9月的204662宗。

    In the City, on the trading floor of the derivatives exchange NYSE Liffe, the volume of trades in white sugar contracts jumped by 40% from 145, 554 in August to 204, 662 in September.


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