• 中央机构成立地方分会支部的特许权。

    An authorization from a central organization to establish a local branch or chapter.


  • 处理转介中期长期护理服务中央机构

    Centralised agency for the handling of referrals to intermediate and long-term care services.


  • 现代西方社会中,社会秩序依靠庞大地方中央机构以及一整套复杂法律来维持的。

    In modern Western society, social order is maintained by a vast administrative machinery, both regional and central, and by a complex body of laws.


  • 作为免费义务教育理念一部分,在15之前,每个人都中央教育机构Monbusho 提供教科书

    Everyone has their own copy of the textbook supplied by the central education authority, Monbusho, as part of the concept of free compulsory education up to the age of 15.


  • 那么中央权力机构负责说得了,对吗?

    It makes sense to have a centralized authority in charge of that, right?


  • 因为中央银行机构投资者保险公司购买东西付款,购买中等规模的资产本身增加广义货币供应并且影响可能会大。

    That in itself would raise the broad money supply as the central bank pays for its purchases from institutional investors such as insurance companies. And the impact might be much greater.


  • 我们现在那些,现如今运行没有金子转换功能,中央银行机构打交道。

    We're left with the central banking institutions that are now functioning without convertibility to gold.


  • 资本质量要好一直中央银行监管机构重建基础更加稳固银行系统时所倡导的。

    MORE capital, better capital” has been the chant of central bankers and regulators, as they strive to rebuild the banking system on more solid foundations.


  • 计划当中项就是授权中央银行那些威胁国家经济稳定问题金融机构帐目进行检查

    One provision of the plan would give the Federal Reserve the power to examine the books of financial institutions whose problems could threaten the nation's economic stability.


  • 中央银行黄金供应(除了可能国库持有部分)保管机构负责严格按照黄金比率发行该国货币

    This central bank is the custodian of the gold supply (except what part might be held by the Treasury) and issues the country's currency, governed strictly by the gold ratio.


  • 五月中央工资调控机构实现了3.5%的实际工资增长,最近几年中最高次。

    Spain’s centralised wage-bargaining system awarded real pay rises of3.5% in May, the highest in a dozen years.


  • 欧洲金融稳定机构(EFSF)借贷范围扩大运转之前,欧洲中央银行(ecb)将购买西班牙意大利国债最近决定视为权宜之计。

    The European Central Bank (ECB) regards its recent decision to buy Spanish and Italian bonds as a stopgap until the expanded EFSF is up and running.


  • 中央银行信誉就是建立时刻准备做出不受欢迎的决定的基础上:不顾经济苦难而提高利率以及放手让部分金融机构崩溃

    The central Banks' credibility depends on being prepared to do two unpopular things: raising interest rates, despite the economic pain, and letting financial institutions fail.


  • 中央银行已经准备好购买私人机构资产从而使存款再次流动起来比如商业债券。

    The central bank has already started buying private-sector assets, such as commercial paper, in an attempt to get credit flowing again.


  • 美国关于这些工具规章制定工作已进入完善收尾阶段,这些规章迫使更多金融工具进入场内交易中央结算机构

    America is putting the finishing touches to regulations that will force more of these instruments onto exchanges and into central clearing houses.


  • 欧元到来使人对金融城前景不乐观,人们推测灵活的金融机构因此将背离伦敦转向法兰克福这个欧洲中央银行总部的所在地。

    Ahead loomed the euro. The risk was that footloose financial firms might forsake the City and cluster instead in Frankfurt, home of the new European Central Bank.


  • 相较之下欧洲中央银行则超越国界机构虽然最早是旧时的法德条约演化而来。

    The ECB, by contrast, is a supranational institution, although it emerged from an old-fashioned Franco-German deal.


  • 他们雇佣少量聪明人比如中央银行监管机构抢先到了商学院毕业生,在平时这些毕业生可是不会这些机构一眼的。

    They have hired a few smart people: central Banks and regulatory agencies have been scooping up business-school graduates who would normally not have given them a second glance, for example.


  • 因此意大利西班牙债券收益再次上涨(图表),只有一个机构能力购买欧洲中央银行。

    So when Italian and Spanish bond yields jumped up again (see chart right) there was only one institution with the capacity to act: the ECB.


  • 阶段中央银行迅速放贷避免出现有损于金融机构两性运行的流动性危机

    In the containment stage, central Banks need to lend quickly, to avoid a liquidity crisis that will undermine sound institutions.


  • 最后货款机构中央银行一个职能商业银行其他金融机构其他募款手段时,便由中央银行他们提供贷款。

    Lender of last resort: A central bank's role as the entity that lends money to commercial banks and other financial institutions when they have no other means to raise funds.


  • 国际货币基金组织,欧洲中央银行其他机构催促各国放松刺激方案

    The IMF, European Central Bank and others urged countries to take steps to unwind their stimulus schemes.


  • 最近几个月中央银行私立民调机构制表稀缺指数再次显示超市货架上缺口正在加宽

    In recent months the scarcity indices prepared by the Central Bank and private polling organisations have once again revealed widening gaps on the supermarket shelf.


  • 最近几个月中央银行私立民调机构制表稀缺指数再次显示超市货架上缺口正在加宽

    In recent months the scarcity indices prepared by the Central Bank and private polling organisations have once again revealed widening gaps on the supermarket shelf.


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