• 分析土石方工程中坡口桩放样时,传统放样方法不足数字化放样方法的优点

    This paper analyzes the lack of traditional settingout method and the advantage of digitalization settingout method when analyzing settingout of chamfer stake in cubic meter of earth and stone.


  • 进行表面置换措施土体浅层主要受控于开挖过程中坡影响强度

    After the replacement measure of the canal surface, the loss of stability of the shallow surface of soil body is mainly subject to the strength of the expansion and reduction zone of slope plane.


  • 进行表面置换措施土体浅层主要受控于开挖过程胀缩影响带强度

    After the replacement measure of the canal surface, the loss of stability of the shallow surface of soil body is mainly subject to the strength of th...


  • 与上比较位和下土壤质量有所改善,反之可以认为土壤质量退化的趋势。

    Compared with that of upper slope, the soil quality of middle slope and lower slope improves, contrarily, the soil quality of upper slope can be considered to have the tendency to degenerate.


  • 阿拉斯加油田开发以及阿拉斯加地区输油管道建设就是石油资源勘探涉及到巨额开支巨大困难例子

    The development of the oil field on the North Slope of Alaska and the construction of the Alaska pipeline are examples of the great expense and difficulty involved in new oil discoveries.


  • 称颂鳄鱼漂亮,鳄鱼们暖和烂泥懒洋洋地晒太阳,在舒适只鳄鱼的前足趴在一只鳄鱼的背上时他拍摄它们

    He extolled their niceness, snapping them as they basked companionably on warm mud or on a favourite bank of long grass, the forefoot of one embracing the back of another.


  • 单单一个想法够了,”埃德加·艾伦·关于这些邪恶念头小说《反常之魔》写道

    "That single thought is enough," wrote Edgar Allan Poe in "the imp of the Perverse," an essay on unwanted impulses.


  • 短暂生涯第二时期,一名文学工作者的身份去往纽约里士满费城巴尔的摩

    During the second half of his short life, Poe went after a literary career in New York, Richmond, Philadelphia, and Baltimore.


  • 之后数千加仑石油蚀透BP管线泄露阿拉斯加

    A year later, thousands of gallons of oil spilled onto Alaska's North Slope from a corroded BP pipeline.


  • 里昂证券分析师魏晓警告说,随着安踏多个城市开设了直营旗舰,公司近期可能会面临利润压力

    Xiaopo Wei, an analyst at CLSA, warns that Anta could face near-term margin pressures following the rollout of directly managed flagship stores in several cities.


  • 苔丝没有休息,一口气完了还没有走完路,到了山崖边上,她向前面那个她所熟悉绿色世界望去,只见雾霭半隐半

    Tess went up the remainder of its length without stopping, and on reaching the edge of the escarpment gazed over the familiar green world beyond, now half-veiled in mist.


  • 如果图纸订单没有提供这一尺寸,则口尺寸符合认可焊接流程(WPS)规定的要求。

    If no dimensions are provided as part of the drawing or ordering documents, the dimensions shall meet dimensions specified by approved welding procedures (WPS).


  • 5月18日清晨地震使火山整个大雪崩崩塌

    On the morning of May 18, an earthquake caused the entire north flank of the volcano to collapse in a massive avalanche.


  • 研究爱伦·学者T·O·马博特(T.O.Mabbott)曾一篇文章写到,爱伦·创作这部小说时在很大程度上借鉴了韦伯斯特的陈词总结。

    Poe scholar T. O. Mabbott has written that Poe relied critically on Webster’s summation in writing the story.


  • 论证粒子优化算法工程实用性

    It demonstrates the practicability of particle swarm optimization method in slope engineering.


  • 我们很多人最终不得不室友住在一起,而不是公园自己安置一个

    Instead of setting up a home for ourselves in Park Slope, many of us end up having to live with roommates.


  • 结合工程实践介绍填方路基填方路段派水设计、边防护设计常用方法

    Based on the practice, it introduces the methods of design of side slope protection alongside the high fill subgrade construction.


  • 开挖公路路堑爆破工程必须确保路堑稳定平整。

    In the blasting engineering of highway excavation, the slope stability and flat-ness must be sure.


  • 稳定分析稳定安全系数稳定与否重要判断依据。

    In the analysis of the soil slope stability, safety coefficient is the key to measure the slope stability.


  • 土木工程稳定性分析一个十分重要课题

    In the civil engineering, it is a very important problem that the stability analysis of slope.


  • 大多数房间都是以可移动的窗户特点一些就设立在垂直墙面另一些则屋顶

    Most rooms feature large Windows that slide open, with some set into the straight walls and others puncturing the sloping roof.


  • 镀锌网箱施工图纸平整放在挖好的坑基

    The stone cage nets should be galvanized according to construction drawings flat on the pit dug or slope.


  • 为此本文揭示公路岩石应力状态出发结合公路岩石边度确定方法研究。

    Therefore, this paper start work form opening out the stress state and the method of rock slope degree on expressway.


  • 能量几个物理定律降雨径流联系起来,为进一步研究水上流失提供了理论基础

    The basic theory of soil and water loss research has been provided by combining the several physical laws of energy with rain and runoff on slope.


  • 短篇小说兰多小屋作者埃德加·爱伦·描绘了在纽约拥有个自己小屋这样一幅理想的图景。

    In Edgar Allan Poe's short story "Landor's Cottage," the author paints an idealized picture of his own New York Cottage.


  • GPS定位技术高效率高精度没有距离限制全天候作业模式观测和数据处理的高度自动化诸多优点,使GPS定位技术在大坝坝区高边安全监测得到应用

    Because of high-efficient, high-precision, no distance limitation, all-weather operation, highly automated and so on, the technology of GPS positioning is used in the security monitoring of the dam.


  • GPS定位技术高效率高精度没有距离限制全天候作业模式观测和数据处理的高度自动化诸多优点,使GPS定位技术在大坝坝区高边安全监测得到应用

    Because of high-efficient, high-precision, no distance limitation, all-weather operation, highly automated and so on, the technology of GPS positioning is used in the security monitoring of the dam.


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