• 自动化控制装置平稳定型节省人力生产效率高

    It adopts the automatic control with steady cloth clamping device and figurate three sets of products at one time. It can save the labor power and improve the production efficiency.


  • 就在到达那天早上,我遇见高尔夫球场经理告诉来自山西六位老板每位都包租了一个酒店豪华套间——而且的是一袋袋现款

    On the morning I arrived, I met the manager of a golf resort who told me that six coal mine owners from Shanxi had each rented luxury hotel suites for a month – and paid their bills with bags of cash.


  • 他们告诉,我可以美元四个城市旅游,包括旅馆

    They told me I could take a four-city trip for only three hundred dollars, including hotels and meals.


  • 今年信里面提到更多的单亲妈妈孩子没有冬衣、没有、没有毛毯不起账单食品贮藏室里没有足够食物

    This year, the letters are single moms, three kids, no winter coats, no shoes, blankets, can't pay the bills, not enough food in the pantry.


  • 奥巴马星期一呼吁国会批准现收现开支避免项目造成赤字膨胀众议院的议程避开一议题

    Obama also called Monday for pay-as-you-go spending, to avoid having new programs swell the deficits, but the legislation that the House will consider Wednesday eschews that approach.


  • 租户月租金作押金提前一个租金

    A: All tenants must pay three months rent deposit and one month's rent in advance.


  • 韦尔斯当然也提起了诉讼,产生了巨大的反响——意味着警察要纳税人给工资,虽然他朝年级老师开枪,职位却坐得稳稳当当。

    Wells will almost certainly Sue the county to great effect — meaning the tax-payers will pick up the bill, while a cop who tased a third-grade teacher effectively keeps his job.


  • 高昂的个税慷慨福利金——连续失业者原先收入的80%——意味着不鼓励工作

    High personal taxes and generous welfare benefits-which pay people who lose their jobs as much as 80% of previous incomes for three years-discourage work.


  • 租客月租金作按金一个租金

    A: All tenants must pay three month's rent deposit and one month's rent in advance.


  • 威廉老板吝啬饭。

    William's boss was so mean that he only paid him three meals a day.


  • 一方面,随着中国城市化进程,商业地产价格不断攀升,零售商需要两倍甚至倍的价格店面的租金

    As China urbanises, commercial-property prices are soaring and retailers face a doubling or tripling of rents on renewal.


  • 所以一样分之一工人,每个自己老板大约美元,让他上工单给自己到,自己别处另寻出路。

    So like more than a third of the workers, the worker said, he pays roughly $5 a month to sign in as an employee on the company’s daily log — and then toil elsewhere.


  • 年前搬进公寓的。完小费打发走搬运工人以后所做第一件事就是:在箱子坐下打开我的笔记本,嗅探空气中的Wi-Fi信号

    When I moved into my apartment three years ago, the first thing I did after I tipped the movers was sit down on a box, crack open my laptop and sniff the air for wi-fi signals.


  • 按照莱斯银行首席执行长丹尼尔斯(Eric Daniels)合同薪酬最高有望获得100万英镑年薪的225%,形式可能延迟股票

    Under his compensation package, Lloyds Chief Executive Eric Daniels, could receive up to 225% of his GBP 1 million annual salary, which would be paid in shares deferred for three years.


  • 房租每月到期。 你有时间(你的房租)。\n

    B: The rent is due on the 1st of each month.


  • 没有选定颜色型号的是现金并且告诉店员们,我将星期下午4点30分,带着我老婆决定颜色和型号。

    I didn't pick the color and I didn't pick the model, but I paid cash and told them I'd bring Jane in on Wednesday at 4:30 to make those two decisions.


  • WABC债务运作方面也是谨小慎微:分之一以上存款利息,因此小商业客户愿意交易获得高质量服务

    It has been canny with its liabilities, too: over a third of its deposits pay no interest, a trade-off its small-business clients are willing to make in return for sharp service.


  • 首期分之一,其余的分6个月

    One-third down, and the balance in six months.


  • 租金方式一个月。

    Payment of rent is paid one month pressure three months.


  • 突然间了起来明治报纸塞进了口袋里很快大门,就连餐费没有

    Suddenly he stood up, shoved his sandwich and newspaper into his pocket and ran out of the door really quickly, without paying for the meal.


  • 已经个月不起房租了。

    She was three months behind on her rent.


  • 不论芙妮钻石还是年的割草机,越来越多的来自各个阶层美国人正在典当他们的财产维持生计。

    Whether it's a Tiffany diamond or a three-year-old lawnmower, more and more Americans from all social classes are pawning their possessions to make ends meet.


  • 租户月租金作押金提前一个租金

    All tenants must pay three months rent deposit and one month's rent in advance.


  • 顺便说一下,需要出示护照张通知单一些费用大约

    By the way, you'll need to show your passport and this notice, and pay a small fee, probably about three yuan.


  • 租户月租金作押金提前一个租金

    A - All tenants must pay three months rent deposit and one month's rent in advance.


  • 客户机构持有、不属于机构自有财产资金

    Customer provisions is the money held by third-party organizations that are not the property of the organization.


  • 知道自己必须持续这些想法直到慢慢决心改变自身的整个生活

    I knew that I would have to keep dealing with these thoughts again and again until I slowly and determinedly changed my whole life.


  • 假如贵方无法正本文件的话,贵方可以寄副本或第副本给公司。

    If it is difficult for you to deliver the original document, you may send us the duplicate document or the triplicate.


  • 假如贵方无法正本文件的话,贵方可以寄副本或第副本给公司。

    If it is difficult for you to deliver the original document, you may send us the duplicate document or the triplicate.


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