• 最后除非使用高级消息队列协议(AMQP),否则不同供应商消息实现之间不会有线互操作性

    Finally, unless Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is used, there is no on the wire interoperability between messaging implementations from different vendors.


  • 本文介绍了协议实现者所使用的一些高级编程技术,它们可以帮助充分利用现有带宽

    This article discusses advanced programming techniques employed by protocol implementers for squeezing the most out of your existing bandwidth.


  • 检察长还因诈骗罪起诉厄瓜多尔签署协议高级官员以及雪佛龙工作地厄瓜多尔律师

    The attorney-general charged seven former senior officials who had signed the agreement with frau as well as two Ecuadorean lawyers for Chevron.


  • 有些情况下比如高级支持相关服务电子的方式提交P MR只能使用基于付费的支持协议

    In a few cases, such as for services related to Premium support or to submit PMRs electronically, access is restricted to those with fee-based support agreements.


  • 高级消息队列协议AMQP1一个异步消息传递所使用的应用层协议规范

    The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP 1) is an application layer protocol specification for asynchronous messaging.


  • 此外高级别的协议提供复杂的应用层服务Telnet

    In addition, the higher level protocols provide more sophisticated application layer services, such as Telnet.


  • 苏霍伊公司总经理高级顾问AlekseyPoveshchenko,“他们这种飞机方方面面都非常兴趣,但是现在还达成购买飞机的协议。”

    "They showed a very keen interest in all aspects of the plane, but no agreement to buy the planes was made, " said Aleksey Poveshchenko, adviser to Sukhoi's director general.


  • JamesMurdoch议员们宣称公司高级管理者——Croneand Myler在说服签署Taylor秘密协议隐瞒封电子邮件

    James Murdoch claimed to the MPs that this email had been concealed from him by two company executives, Crone and Myler, when he was persuaded to sign off the secret deal with Taylor.


  • 科莎公司认罪协议承认1999年12月2001年1月之间“有高级职员主管经理或者员工参与了共谋”。

    "Officers, directors, managers or employees participated in the conspiracy" between September 1999 and January 2001, KoSa admitted in the plea agreement.


  • 系列下一文章开始介绍 Acegi一些较为高级应用首先编写访问控制协议将其存储目录服务中。

    The next article in this series will get you started with some more advanced uses of Acegi, beginning with writing an access control policy and storing it in a directory service.


  • Linux可以支持诸如控制传输协议(SCTP)之类的协议提供了很多tcp更高级特性(传输协议接替者)。

    Linux also supports protocols such as the Stream Control Transmission protocol (SCTP), which provides many advanced features above TCP (as a replacement transport level protocol).


  • 最近高级官员已经建议延长去年十二月达成协议工资削减计划。因为这个计划将2011年底满期。

    Recently officials have suggested extending the payroll tax cut agreed on last December, which is due to expire at the end of 2011, for a year.


  • 美国高级官员日内瓦举行会议美国俄罗斯谈判人员接近重要的削减核军备条约达成一项协议而且美国参议院很可能批准这项条约

    A senior U.S. official says American and Russian negotiators meeting in Geneva are closing in on a deal for a key nuclear disarmament treaty, and the United States Senate would likely ratify it.


  • ICMP使用IP基本支持,就好象协议

    ICMP USES the basic support of IP as if it were a higher level protocol.


  • icmpip一些协议使用,传输控制协议(TCP)。

    ICMP is used by IP as well as some higher level protocols, such as Transmission Control protocol (TCP).


  • 所有这些场景中可以使用诸如ws - AddressingWS - Security高级Web服务协议这些协议分别为提供灵活路由方案安全交互

    In all these scenarios, you can use the higher-level Web service protocols such as WS-Addressing and WS-Security, which give you flexible routing schemes and secure interactions, respectively.


  • JAXM目的基于标准的并且基于SOAP消息传递协议的消息传递协议(ebxml)提供一个基础

    The intent of JAXM is to provide a foundation for higher-level standards-based messaging protocols, such as ebXML, that are based on the SOAP messaging protocol.


  • Twisted Matrix存在许多级别中—包括用于Web服务其他公共协议模板制作

    But Twisted exists at many levelsincluding high-level templating for Web services and other common protocols.


  • 标准远程技术支持协议相比,高级支持(Premium Support)提供了一种更加主动个性化帮助,而作为回报,您需要为此付出额外的费用

    Premium Support offers a more proactive and personalized assistance beyond what is typically provided by the standard Remote Technical Support agreement, in return for an additional fee.


  • 组织正在遵守停火协议高级将军告诉BBC他们对这次爆炸袭击表示谴责

    Senior commanders in the group, who are abiding by a ceasefire, have told the BBC that they condemn the bombs.


  • 1917年1月15日高级联合委员会解散达成协议

    The joint high commission broke up without agreement on January 15, 1917.


  • 协议英国银行承诺减少银行家奖金并且程度公开大部分高级主管收入

    Under the deal British Banks promised to reduce bankers' bonuses and be more open about how their most senior executives are paid.


  • 第三系指接收可能依照本协议第3披露机密信息任何接收方的高级职员员工承包商财务法律顾问

    Third Party means any officer, employee, contractor, financial or legal advisor of the Recipient to whom the Recipient may disclose the Confidential Information under clause 3.


  • 名委内瑞拉经济高级官员最近表示他们国家已经中国达成石油贷款协议

    A top Venezuelan economic official recently said that the country has reached a deal with China to improve the conditions of an oil-for-loans deal.


  • 简单介绍广域网性能参数描述了几种改善网络性能方法包括TCP调节路由调整以及采用高级TCP协议等。

    This paper describes some parameters relationship to the WAN performance, and the means for the WAN performance improvement, Including TCP Tuning, Route Tuning and New TCP Protocol.


  • 协议促进不列颠哥伦比亚省中国联合研究高级培训合作以及师生互换交流,从而扩展双方教育合作关系

    The agreement will expand educational ties between B. C. and China by promoting co-operation in joint research and advanced training, as well as exchanges of students and faculty.


  • 协议促进不列颠哥伦比亚省中国联合研究高级培训合作以及师生互换交流,从而扩展双方教育合作关系

    The agreement will expand educational ties between B. C. and China by promoting co-operation in joint research and advanced training, as well as exchanges of students and faculty.


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