• 忌食辛辣、烟熏霉变腐烂食品辛辣食物刺激粘膜,久而久之损伤胃粘膜;

    Diet acrimony, sootiness, salt bloats, mildew changes, cankered food : hot food stimulates gastric mucous membrane, as time passes injures gastric mucous membrane ;


  • 含有丰富碳水化合物食物刺激大脑释放一种叫做血清素的化学物质血清素,可调节情绪,促进进食睡眠

    Carb-rich foods stimulate the release of a brain chemical called serotonin that regulates mood, food cravings, and sleep.


  • 食物呈现为了刺激食欲

    The presentation of the food is designed to stimulate your appetite.


  • 根据康奈尔大学食品品牌实验室一项研究小小的食品奖励——比如麦当劳开心乐园餐中的玩具——同样刺激大脑反应中枢,就食物那样

    According to a new study from Cornell University's Food and Brand Lab, small non-food rewardslike the toys in McDonald's Happy Mealsstimulate the same reward centers in the brain as food does.


  • 比如条件作用形成之前只是简单的存在无条件刺激,即食物以及无条件反应,即唾液

    Well, when Pavlov, for instance, started before conditioning there was simply an unconditioned stimulus, the food in the mouth, and an unconditioned response, saliva.


  • 对于感冒有关的症状大蒜最好的食物治疗尤其是富含维生素C其他食物合并食用更为有效,因为这样刺激白血球消除感染

    To fight cold-related symptoms, garlic is an excellent food therapy, specially if taken with other foods rich in vitamin C, which helps to stimulate white blood cells fight off infections.


  • 那么结论便是肠道微生物不仅分解食物释放能量而且刺激肌体这些能量脂肪的形式贮存起来并且不断地沉积。

    The upshot is that gut microbes not only release energy from food, they also encourage bodies to store that energy as fat and to keep the fat on.


  • 而且记住含有洋葱香辛料大蒜刺激性气味食材食物使用油产生味道不是烹炸甜食理想可重复用油

    Also, keep in mind that strong tasting foods containing Onions, spices, or garlic will flavor the oil, and it will not be ideal for reuse when frying sweet treats.


  • 尤其是泡菜中的大蒜,可以有效杀灭可能引起食物中毒胃溃疡微生物刺激能量代谢因此对于缓解疲劳提高活力很好的作用

    In particular, the garlic kills the germ causing food poisoning and stomach ulcer and activates the energy metabolism, thus having good influence on relieving fatigue and increasing vigor.


  • 这些小鼠无限制进食食物,其刺激食欲激素水平会升高。

    These mice also had higher levels of appetite-stimulating hormones after exposure to the high-fat binge food.


  • 迄今为止海豚表现出她们擅长人类食物奖励回应刺激完成任务

    Up to now, dolphins have shown themselves to be adept at responding to human prompts, with food as a reward for performing a task.


  • 我们开始议论食物中的‘环境毒物’,开始意识留神可能拿到一有害健康片,把刺激物从环境中移开不失为一条好计策。

    We are starting to talk about 'toxic environments' with food and to understand how easy it is to mindlessly reach for a bag of potato chips.


  • 某些价格上扬可以归咎于离谱的低效补贴刺激下,某些国家将原本是食物的农作物当作燃料使用。

    Some of the increase can be blamed on the shift of crops from food to fuel, prompted by wildly inefficient subsidies.


  • 税收鼓励以及其他刺激方式主要目标终止食物沙漠,然而主要受益者大型零售商店,而不是可怜消费者

    The primary beneficiaries of tax incentives and other nudges aimed at abolishing food deserts are big grocery chains, not poor shoppers.


  • 很多观察给出了很好的依据如果是熟人准备分享食物或者品尝名酒感官刺激

    Some of the observations are well judged, if familiar: the sensuality of preparing and sharing food, or tasting fine wine;


  • 虽然比起彻头彻尾的环保策略,Gastronauts俱乐部的宴席看上去仿佛像是刺激电视真人秀,但是Gracer正在进行一个严肃的项目:了解我们食物供应的想法。

    The Gastronauts’ meal may seem more like a reality TV stunt than a radical environmental strategy, but Gracer is on a serious mission to shake up how we all think about our food supply.


  • 刺激我们追逐那些具有潜在回报事情,比如食物或者其它原始奖励金钱,”Kuhnen,她从事大脑如何处理风险方面的研究

    "This results in us being motivated to go grab that potentially rewarding thing, be it food (or any other primitive reward) or money, " said Kuhnen, who studies how risk plays out in the brain.


  • 发生的事情不过无条件刺激条件刺激铃声食物因为恰巧同时出现而联系在了一起

    So, what happens is the UCS and the CS, the bell and the food, go together because they happen at the same time.


  • 我们可以获得食物饮料药物,设计发明它们为了显著刺激我们的神经系统

    We have access to food and drink and drugs that have been devised to stimulate our nervous systems in magnificent ways.


  • 假如第一某人千万不要味道刺激食物例如洋葱大蒜或是其他味道强烈的东西。当然,要是的那一位恰好嗜好同种食物则另当别论。

    If you are intending to kiss someone for the first time then avoid strong foods like onion, garlic or strong flavours, unless of course your partner has been indulging in the same foods.


  • 这些区域受到刺激时会产生愉悦感觉食物饮料甚至金钱利润都会刺激这些区域。

    When these areas are stimulated — as they can be by food and drink, or even monetary gainthey produce feelings of euphoria.


  • 研究结果表明以免费的现成食物的物质刺激结构减肥程序,较之常规减肥,更有效促进减肥。”研究作者表示

    "Findings from this study suggest that this incentivized structured weight loss program with free prepared meals can effectively promote weight loss compared with usual care group," the authors said.


  • 不仅排除舌部毒素可以刺激味蕾唤醒胃部能量迎接新一食物

    This not only rids the tongue of ama, but also unearths the taste buds, awakening the gastric fire for another day of savoring food.


  • Panksepp动物陷入疯狂的方法它们一小食物这种受到刺激但又不被满足的戏弄同时传给探索系统会使之变得愈加亢奋。

    Panksepp says a way to drive animals into a frenzy is to give them only tiny bits of food: This simultaneously stimulating and unsatisfying tease sends the seeking system into hyperactivity.


  • 可以食用酸的食物刺激味蕾唤醒大脑

    You can wake up your brain by shaking up your taste buds with spicy or tart foods.


  • 冒险型食客总是寻求下一场美食历险。论及食物,或者生活中其他领域,这样寻求刺激能承担风险

    The adventurous eater is always looking for the nextgastronomic adventure. When it comes to food — and probably otherareas of lifethis person is a thrill-seeker and arisk-taker.


  • 食物竞争减少刺激出生率存活力。

    Reduction of competition for food stimulates both natality and survival.


  • 食物竞争减少刺激出生率存活力。

    Reduction of competition for food stimulates both natality and survival .


  • 食物竞争减少刺激出生率存活力。

    Reduction of competition for food stimulates both natality and survival .


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