• 成本上升原因在于之前定价没有体现风险分散的真实收益

    Part of that increase would be due to the loss of genuine benefits from risk diversification.


  • 健全政策性农业保险制度建立农业再保险风险分散机制

    We will improve the policy-supported agricultural insurance system, and develop an agricultural reinsurance system and a mechanism for diffusing the risk of huge catastrophes.


  • 难怪克里斯先生国家灾难基金这么有兴趣,可是能将风险分散全国啊。

    No wonder Mr Crist likes the idea of a national catastrophe fund, which would spread the risk across the country.


  • 信用卡风险管理措施大致上可以分为风险规避风险预防风险分散转移风险补偿

    The measures to tackle credit card risk generally can be divided into risk aversion, risk prevention, risk transfer and risk compensation and so on.


  • 资产多元化只是假象不幸的是,贷款发起人借款人带来的违约风险分散很难的。

    Diversification was just an illusion - unfortunately it is hard to diversify rampant fraud risk linked to loan originators and borrowers.


  • 现实潜在最大问题之一表现保险业较高利率风险较低风险分散风险转移能力

    One of the major problems now and in the future is the high interest rate risk and low ability to diversify and transfer risks.


  • 这些受过教育中产阶级赞成基金管理人提出的'风险分散'的说法,他们想安全运作,避开风险

    "This group of educated middle class subscribes to the" diversify "dogma put out by mutual fund brokers and financial planners." Play it safe. Avoid risk.


  • 积极推动房地产抵押贷款证券化可以有效地解决银行贷款风险分散投资者开拓新的投融资渠道等问题。

    Actively propelling the securitization of the real estate mortgage can effectively decentralize the bank's loan risk and can provide new investing channel for the investors.


  • 通过增加评估可变性,将风险分散各个目标往往比较主观,也能很地实现——事实上,是通过扩大误差范围”。

    Factoring risk into goals tends to be subjective and is best accomplished by increasing the variability of the estimatesin effect, by widening the "margin for error".


  • 可以预见未来许多时期出现货币潮水般同时涌出涌入所有资产的情况,此时风险分散策略将会失败

    For the foreseeable future, there will be plenty of periods in which diversification will seem to fail as tidal waves of money crash in and out of all assets at once. As Mr.


  • 股票市场通过财富效应风险分散效应、交易效应替代效应等多种渠道影响货币需求不同效应的影响方向是不同的。

    According to Friedman's analysis, stock market affects monetary demand from four perspectives: wealth, riskspreading, transaction and substitution, with different effects in different directions.


  • 这种观念就是说如果风险分散…,风险仍然存在没有消失如果风险分散到许多身上,一个受到风险冲击会减少

    The idea is that if you spread risks they don't disappear, they're still there, but they're spread out over many people and the impact on any one person is reduced.


  • 他们无需进入廉价证券的整个儿森林,哪怕抓住2025支没有关联关系证券树木——对于风险分散来说这个数目也就够了

    They don't need the entire market to be bargain priced, just 20 or 25 unrelated securities—a number sufficient for diversification of risk.


  • 本文当前银行QDII”业务的发行运营收益的现状进行分析针对暴露出的风险分散意识不足、产品设计存在缺陷等问题提出建议。

    This article analyzes the present "Bank QDII" issue and operation situation, and points out some Suggestions to the lake of risk awareness and product design drawings.


  • 引入多个期货合约收益率向量代替单个合约收益率,推导多种期货合约对一种现货进行套期保值模型解决了交叉套期保值的风险分散问题。

    We introduce the futures return vector to replace the single future return, deduce the multiple futures to single cash hedge model to realize the dispersion of basis risk.


  • 他们越来越多地他们同一产业内的竞争对手共同努力设立共同规则,以分散风险达成共识

    Increasingly, too, they get together with their competitors in the same industry in an effort to set common rules, spread the risk and shape opinion.


  • 通过实现不同功能银行分散风险——就是说不要所有鸡蛋放在一只特定金融篮子里面

    By taking on different functions, a bank spreads its risk - it is not putting all its eggs in one particular financial basket.


  • 前,日本汽车公司把生产地本土撤离分散风险生产地尽量迁至销售地,这场地震加快迁移进程

    Japanese car firms were already shifting production away from Japan, to spread their risks and move closer to their customers. The quake will accelerate this process.


  • 私募股本集团联合竞标大型企业有些人对此趋势感到担忧——这是否是反竞争行为或者仅仅分散风险的聪明手段?

    Some fret about the growing tendency for private-equity groups to club together to bid for large companiesis that anti-competitive behaviour or simply a wise effort to spread risk?


  • 多元化-拥有共同基金股份比起单独拥有股票或者债券来说风险分散了。

    Diversification - By owning shares in a mutual fund instead of owning individual stocks or bonds, your risk is spread out.


  • 同时显现出来的问题是,现代金融系统分散风险能力并没有人们认为那么强。

    At the same time, it became clear that the modern financial system had dispersed risk much less successfully than people believed.


  • 批评家们指责信用评级机构变得自以为是,质疑贷款品种单一,分割不够合理,以致不能分散风险

    But critics say the agencies got complacent, and doubt the pooled loans were sufficiently diverse, or sliced up with sufficient art truly to have dispersed risk.


  • 格林斯潘先生说对一半金融工程的确可以分散风险而且帮助整个系统更好工作

    Mr Greenspan was half right. Financial engineering can indeed spread risk and help the system work better.


  • 这样降低先期成本的同时也分散风险

    This spreads risk with lower up-front costs.


  • 证券化分散风险理论使人们产生了错误安全感

    And the theory that risk had been dispersed because of securitisation added to the false sense of security.


  • 证券化分散风险理论使人们产生了错误安全感

    And the theory that risk had been dispersed because of securitisation added to the false sense of security.


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