• 来自亲戚额外贷款礼物出于集体义务不是狭隘投资计算,补充个人储蓄

    Additional loans and gifts from relatives, forthcoming because of group obligation rather than narrow investment calculation, have supplemented personal savings.


  • 交通堵塞会产生额外开销不可预测性投资望而却步

    Traffic jam leads to expense and unpredictability, things that keep investors away.


  • 通过首轮投资得到一个包含首轮投资发行额外股票基础股价(计算公式有点)。

    With this, the Series a investor gets a new price on the shares that is based on the inclusion of the additional shares issued to the Series a investor (the formula is a bit long).


  • 而且实际上很时间这些垃圾债券额外收益,远高于违约风险投资带来损失。

    And indeed over time the extra yield offered by these bonds more than compensated investors for the risk of default.


  • 降级立刻增加了借贷成本因为投资要求额外费用补偿更高感知风险

    A downgrade immediately increases borrowing costs as investors demand a premium to compensate for the higher perceived risk.


  • 一个更为严密的论证考虑证券的风险溢价,即投资持有股票所要求额外回报

    A more sophisticated argument revolves around the equity risk-premium, the extra return investors should demand for holding shares.


  • 由于要求出席审判太多,以至于不得不额外提供两个房间受骗的投资媒体观众观看闭路电视

    The demand for access to the sentencing were so high that two additional rooms were provided for defrauded investors, media and spectators to watch on closed-circuit television.


  • 伴随着希腊施以额外帮助细节敲定当中,德国希望私人投资能够分担负担

    With the details of an additional bail-out for Greece still to be hammered out, Germany wants private investors to share the burden.


  • 避免令人们失望印度额外努力获得国内外投资支持兑现以往承诺

    To avoid disenchantment, India will need to work extra hard to get support from investors at home and abroad, and to deliver on past promises.


  • 所有投资都能减少费用受益但是对于女性来说,如何增加收益却没有额外风险才是关键。

    All investors benefit from lower fees, but it's critical for women looking for more growth without additional risk.


  • 目标可以投资提供额外信息用以确定该不该买只股票,因此评级要好

    Because they provide additional information that an investor can use to determine if a stock is right for him or her, target prices are better than ratings.


  • 但是公司利率并未提高,于是银行家提出越来越多创造性方式定息投资提供额外回报

    But it hasn't and bankers are coming up with increasingly ingenious ways to offer fixed-income investors additional returns.


  • 如果基金非常受欢迎那该投资可能会赚到额外利润。

    If the fund is particularly popular, the investor might even earn a premium on his stake.


  • 一些投资开始有了他们的基金投保需求从而避免为支付诉讼费而额外付款的风险

    Some investors have also started to demand that their funds buy insurance, to avoid the risk that they might use their money to pay legal fees.


  • 投资者还面临陷入“空头轧平”额外风险股票推高时,卖空卖家必须坚持立场

    Investors face the additional risk of being caught in a "short squeeze", when the price of a stock is pushed up and short-sellers have to cover their positions.


  • 新近发行债券中,针对2013年7月MF总裁乔恩克辛即将离职从政这一现实状况,MF投资者们手中的债券追加额外利率

    It is offering an extra percentage point of interest to investors in its latest bond issue, should Jon Corzine, MF's chief executive, quit to take a government job before July 2013.


  • 最近华尔街投资银行不良资产救助计划所展现的“太大而不能失败”学说通过鼓励人们承担额外风险扭曲效率

    The too-big-to-fail doctrine, exhibited most recently in the TARP bailout of Wall Street Banks, distorts efficiency by encouraging excess risk-taking.


  • 投资出现部分导致了信用价差(Credit spreads)(公司补偿违约风险付出额外收益)强烈震荡

    The advent of these new investors may have been responsible for some wild swings in credit spreads (the excess yields paid by companies to reflect the risk of default).


  • 金融产业不会短期额外边际要求并且即使那样投资不会立即认为意大利债务“毫无风险的”。

    The finance industry will not soon reverse its extra margin call and even if it did, investors are not about to treat Italian debt as "risk free".


  • 研究发现公允价值变动损益对上市公司盈利波动的确具有显著影响,并且投资会对公允价值变动损益带来的公司盈利额外波动要求风险溢价

    The results show that earnings became more volatile under fair value accounting, and investors require risk premium on the extra earnings volatility in which fair value accounting results.


  • 意味银行不仅因此增加额外成本提供海外美国客户投资选择财务顾问也会减少

    S. Government. This means that Banks will not only add additional costs to provide investment options and financial advisers of overseas customers will be reduced.


  • 为了补偿投资购买股票所承担额外风险

    This was to compensate investors for the extra risk involved in buying equities.


  • 期间我们必须投资妥善沟通筹募额外资金招募人才加入;在没有具体开业时间的情况下做好宣传。

    During this time, we had to communicate effectively to our investors to raise additional capital as well as attempt to hire talent and market to customers without an exact opening date.


  • 风险国债相比企业债券投资必须承担由于企业无力偿还债券本息额外违约风险。

    Compared with the non-risk national bond, the corporate bond investors must undertake the extra default-risk which the enterprise couldn't repays the principal and interest of the bond.


  • 市场运动永不停歇更多货币资金流风险资产提供额外收益会减少引诱投资使用越来越借贷资金增加获利

    But the markets never rest. As more money flowed into risky assets, the excess yields on offer were reduced. Investors were tempted to use more and more borrowed money to enhance the returns.


  • 用以补偿投资平均风险超过风险利率额外收益

    RPM is the additional return over the risk-free rate needed to compensate investors for assuming an average amount of risk.


  • 用以补偿投资平均风险超过风险利率额外收益

    RPM is the additional return over the risk-free rate needed to compensate investors for assuming an average amount of risk.


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