• 无疑预计中的股市下跌似乎已经发生

    The predicted market dip certainly seems to have occurred.


  • 某位宠物医生的说法,这个数据预计中的感染率(大约1%)要

    According to one veterinarian, this figure is somewhat higher than the expected rate of infection (about 1%).


  • 同时允许他们利用预计中的那些电脑手机设备大规模迁移用户

    And it would allow them to capitalize on the predicted mass migration of users from PCs to mobile devices.


  • 美国预计中的200万次级可调整利率按揭贷款在未来2极可能重新调整提升

    In the United States, an estimated two million subprime adjustable-rate mortgages are expected to reset higher in the next two years.


  • 带着这样想法在秉持传统之上,一些医生轻视履行誓言轻视预计中的仪式还要多。

    With all this in mind, some doctors see oath-taking as little more than a pro-forma ritual with little value beyond that of upholding tradition.


  • 那辆91年福特汽车非常划算,只化了预计中的一半,可车开起来就新的一样。

    I bought this 91ford for a song, about half of what I expected to pay. And I've had good luck with it - it runs like a new car.


  • 这种混乱环境中可以预计开发完整项目费用不得能只用预计中的出价数额

    In this chaotic environment it would be expected that the low bid amount could not be used to develop predictions of the completed project cost.


  • 意味着有许多获得汽车顾客没有也许一般情况下预计中的汽车品质一些公司的汽车上出现凹陷刮痕更为普遍

    This meant many customers who did get cars, did not get the quality of vehicle that might be usually expected, with dents to bodywork and scratches more common with some companies.


  • 如果提前机票,并且一周预计不会满员特定日子乘机出行,通常情况下,航空公司都会提供特价

    Regular airlines may offer special rates if you book your flights in advance and fly on certain days of the week when they don't expect to have full planes.


  • 预计晚餐摄入卡路里,而不是饮料中摄入

    This is the amount of calories you might expect to have in an evening meal, not in a drink.


  • 他们预计看到某个特定的频率或者这里光谱中的条线

    They were expecting to see one certain frequency or one line in the spectrum at this point here.


  • STR每月预测更新数据显示,2010年美国酒店业三个关键绩效评估指标中,预计两个会提升

    The U.S. hotel industry is projected to end 2010 with increases in two of the three key performance measurements, according to STR's monthly forecast update.


  • 预计德州石油大亨布什本周国情咨文演讲谈到能源问题。

    Bush, the Texas oilman, is expected to talk about energy conversation in his State of the Union speech this week.


  • 美国老年人也是美国劳动力中增长最快群体,婴儿潮这一代的寿命预计人更长寿

    Older Americans are also the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. workforce, and boomers are expected to live longer than previous generations.


  • 我们预计通过应用系列中的技术将会使业务分析师架构师角色之间区别变得模糊

    We predict that the application of techniques like those in this series will lead to a blurring of boundaries between business analyst and architect roles.


  • 生活不可预计转折性事件中的件,这也是反常奇迹求婚

    In one of life's unpredictable turn of events, by some freak miracle, she proposed to you.


  • 每五个尼日利亚人就一个人开银行账户接下来年中预计手机银行用户会有10%的递增

    One in five Nigerians has a bank account, with a further 10% increase predicted from mobile-phone banking over the next five years.


  • 场景另一个副作用数据库中的任何形式实体化(预计聚合)可能会忽略,因为查询包含任何事实

    Another side effect to this scenario is that any form of materialization (pre-calculated aggregates) in the database may be ignored since no fact is included in the query.


  • 利用简单价电子成理论我们预计所有甲烷没有配对电子氢原子中没有配对的电子配对来形成

    So, using our simple valence bond theory, what we would expect is that we want to pair up any unpaired electrons in methane with unpaired electrons from hydrogen and form bonds.


  • 各超时值之间的时机差距根据网络中的预计延迟其他因素不同而有所不同

    The actual gap between the individual timeout values will differ depending on the expected latency in the network, and other factors.


  • 根据麦肯锡咨询公司近来作出的一项调查,500强企业中的34%预计今年研发中的花费减少并且仅有21%的公司认为增加支出

    Of almost 500 big businesses recently surveyed by McKinsey, a consultancy, 34% expect to spend less on R&D this year and only 21% think they will spend more.


  • 特克博士预计:“DARPA路线中的交通量也比较稀少因此仍然属于那种人类洛杉矶或是曼哈顿高速公路所要应对的情况更为简单的层次。”

    "The DARPA routes will have sparse traffic," predicts Dr Whittaker, "so it will still be orders of magnitude easier than what humans deal with on a freeway in Los Angeles or in Manhattan."


  • 特克博士预计:“DARPA路线中的交通量也比较稀少因此仍然属于那种人类洛杉矶或是曼哈顿高速公路所要应对的情况更为简单的层次。”

    "The DARPA routes will have sparse traffic," predicts Dr Whittaker, "so it will still be orders of magnitude easier than what humans deal with on a freeway in Los Angeles or in Manhattan."


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