• 这种烹调方法能使均匀受热

    This method of cooking also permits heat to penetrate evenly from both sides.


  • 荒凉旷野伸展开去,一望无际。

    The bleak moorland stretched on all sides as far as the eye could see.


  • 立方体几个

    How many faces does a cube have?


  • 要求看到问题然后做出理性决定

    He's asking you to look at both sides of the case and come to a rational decision.


  • 一些国家致命疾病免疫注射覆盖达到99%。

    Immunization coverage against fatal diseases has increased to 99% in some countries.


  • 当地工人正在用炸药小路旁边岩石以便拓宽

    Local workmen were blasting the rock face beside the track in order to make it wider.


  • 麦格拉思记得非同寻常幽默感,和他异想天开

    McGrath remembers his offbeat sense of humour, his whimsical side.


  • 毫不客气推出屋子一声当着关上了。

    He found himself pushed without ceremony out of the house and the door slammed in his face.


  • 孕期培训班上匆匆见了

    I'd met her briefly in a prenatal class.


  • 怀疑再见别有用心

    She distrusted his motives for wanting to see her again.


  • 不想当着同事们令她难堪

    I didn't want to humiliate her in front of her colleagues.


  • 突然明白他们以前可能

    Suddenly it dawned on me that they couldn't possibly have met before.


  • 警察从四八方向恐怖分子进逼。

    The police moved in on the terrorists.


  • 和成细润团。

    She mixed the flour and water to a smooth paste.


  • 他们山顶上插旗子。

    They planted a flag on the summit.


  • 观光客八方赶了过来。

    Sightseers arrived from all points of the compass.


  • 当着,让他幸灾乐祸。

    She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry.


  • 公司试图通过兼营其他领域下注

    The company tried to hedge its bets by diversifying into other fields.


  • 警察赶到后人群便八方散开了。

    When the police arrived, the crowd scattered in all directions.


  • 学生们每周两次讨论他们的经历

    Students meet biweekly to discuss their experiences.


  • 穿上那双厚重皮鞋鞋带

    He pulled on his heavy suede shoes and tied the laces.


  • 竖起眉毛,露责备

    She raised her eyebrows in reproof.


  • 消费者选择很广价格竞争很激烈

    Consumers have a wide array of choices and price competition is fierce.


  • 设法抓住下方40英尺处脊。

    He managed to cling on to a ledge 40 feet down the rock face.


  • 没有特有安详微笑

    He didn't speak much, he just smiled with that serene smile of his.


  • 他们所有家具啊都被装上了华丽的覆

    All of their furniture was upholstered in flowery materials.


  • 行为暴露使婚姻破裂了生活了。

    Marriages were broken and lives ruined by the revelation of double-dealing.


  • 突然凶相

    He suddenly looked fierce.


  • 房间仍然很简朴,四都是饰圆点绿色

    The room remains simple with bare, stippled green walls.


  • 房间仍然很简朴,四都是饰圆点绿色

    The room remains simple with bare, stippled green walls.


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