• 面对全国性血液供应不足的情况,亚特兰大匹兹堡纽约巴尔的摩华盛顿的医生都推迟非紧急手术的时间。

    Facing a national blood shortage, physicians in Atlanta, Pittsburgh, New York, Baltimore and Washington moved to postpone nonemergency surgeries.


  • 选择性pci用在所有其它非紧急冠心病患者

    Elective PCI is performed in all other less-urgent cases in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD).


  • 记住大地震后24小时内,如紧急情况不要打电话

    Remember, during the first 24 hours following a major earthquake, use your telephone only in case of an emergency.


  • 英国官员星期四取消了所有紧急航班包括伦敦希思罗机场进出的航班。

    Officials in Britain Thursday canceled all non-emergency flights, including those to and from London's Heathrow Airport.


  • 如果必须调用GC那么可以紧急阶段空闲阶段实现

    If you must call GC, do it during a non-critical or idle phase.


  • 记住大地震后24小时内,如非紧急情况不要打电话

    Remember, during the first 24 hours following a major earthquake; use your telephone only in case of an emergency.


  • 非紧急事件搁置直到两党达成协议资金再次开始流动

    Non-urgent tasks will be shelved until a deal is reached and the money starts to flow again.


  • 私人管理中心帮助非紧急病人转院协助运送病人医院

    Under private management, the center helps to transfer non-critical patients between hospitals and assists in transporting patients to and from hospital.


  • 医院不能使非紧急病症患者等待超过20,那么一些医院就让他们等待18周。

    Hospitals are not supposed to keep patients waiting more than 20 weeks for non-urgent operations-so some make everyone wait 18 weeks.


  • 过去经常性浏览邮件,后来发现我浏览那些紧急重要的邮件花费了十五分钟

    I used to hit the send / receive button so often and before I knew it I would have spent 15 minutes reading some non-urgent, unimportant emails.


  • 关键就是我们大部分时间放在第二象限,即那些紧急重要工作

    The key is to spend most of our time in quadrant two, doing the important work that isn't driven by crisis.


  • 公众对警察怀有信心持续增长,由于警察及时应对看似紧急性的公众投诉而酿成悲剧不断涌现。

    Confidence in the police is edging up, but there are repeated examples of tragedies arising from their failure to respond to apparently non-urgent complaints.


  • 巴马表示以后签署任何非紧急立法为其5天网上留言评论,以使美国人可以成为决策过程一部分

    The president-elect already has said he'll have a five-day online comment period before signing any nonemergency legislation, so Americans can be part of the process.


  • 现在,《英格兰医学杂志》在篇重要评论中指出睡眠不足医生准备执行非紧急手术时应当得到病人知情同意

    Now the New England Journal of Medicine argues in an editorial that sleep-deprived physicians set to perform elective surgery should have to get the informed consent of the patient.


  • 现在打进城市紧急电话911非紧急电话311的市民能够发送图片视频文件报告违法行为,或是投诉车库不整这样关于生活品质问题

    Callers to the city's 911 and non-emergency 311 lines will now be able to send in photos and video to report crimes and complain about quality-of-life problems like uncollected garbage.


  • 本周科罗拉多州的470万人口中的250,000合法居民投票否决了对那些无法证明自己合法居民身份的救济金法案,包括紧急医疗津贴。

    This week Colorado, with an estimated 250, 000 illegal residents in a population of 4.7m, voted to deny state benefits, including non-emergency health care, to anyone who cannot prove legal residence.


  • 本周科罗拉多州470万人口中的250,000合法居民投票否决了对那些无法证明自己合法居民身份的救济金法案,包括紧急医疗津贴。

    This week Colorado, with an estimated 250,000 illegal residents in a population of 4.7m, voted to deny state benefits, including non-emergency health care, to anyone who cannot prove legal residence.


  • 联合国难民署发言人雷德蒙,难民署及其合作伙伴正在开展紧急避难所工作定期分配食品的物资、并作保护监测工作确保民众得到他们所需要帮助

    Spokesman Ron Redmond says the UNHCR and partners are carrying out emergency shelter work, regular non-food distributions and protection monitoring to ensure people are receiving the help they need.


  • 容易此事视为紧急截止日期的一类(对于你们拖延者来说,截止日期超过一周,事情就会在心头的磐石。)

    It is easy to take this as an important task with a pressing deadline (for you non-procrastinators, I will observe that deadlines really start to press a week or two after they pass.)


  • 其它情况下,常规医疗紧急情况下和安全地侵入式的、药物的疗法失败的情况下被使用。

    In other cases, "conventional" medicine is only needed in emergencies or when the safer non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical methods fail.


  • 陛下紧急问题商业活动的社会基础,提请注意荷兰没有任何人注意受苦受难儿童令人震惊数字

    SIRE, a foundation for non-commercial campaigns for urgent issues in society, draw attention to the shocking number of children in The Netherlands who are suffering without anyone taking notice.


  • 同时大脑发现最好使感知一些寻常紧急信号保持运作,可能造成火灾的烟气味

    The brain finds it best to keep smell recepters available for unfamiliar and emergency signals such as the smell of smoke, which might indicate the danger of fire.


  • 紧急救援治疗期间购买报纸租借电视机、使用电话其他医疗设施费用

    Expenses for newspaper, TV rental, telephone and other non-medical facilities incurred during the emergency assistance or treatment period.


  • 循环气体压缩机紧急停车烷基联合装置计划停车中的一个比较典型事故案例。

    Emergent shutdown of the recycle gas compressor is a very typical accident of non-plan shutdown happened in alkyl benzenes combination plant.


  • 循环气体压缩机紧急停车烷基联合装置计划停车中的一个比较典型事故案例。

    Emergent shutdown of the recycle gas compressor is a very typical accident of non-plan shutdown happened in alkyl benzenes combination plant.


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