• 他们非洲大象列为濒危动物。

    They placed the African elephant on their endangered list.


  • 当代非洲电影制作艺术很多贡献

    Contemporary African cinema has much to offer.


  • 南美洲非洲于2亿年前分离

    South America and Africa separated 200 million years ago.


  • 离开英格兰打算非洲旅行

    He left England with the intention of travelling in Africa.


  • 非洲国民大会威胁会谈中退出

    The African National Congress threatened to withdraw from the talks.


  • 许多非洲饮食中的主食

    Fish is a staple in the diet of many Africans.


  • 3/4学生非洲美国人

    Three-quarters of the students are African American.


  • 很多非洲部落相信转世再生

    Many African tribes believe in reincarnation.


  • 非洲旅行时患热病

    She caught a fever on her travels in Africa, and died.


  • 讲述非洲历险来使他们开心。

    She entertained them by narrating her adventures in Africa.


  • 2亿年前南美洲非洲分离

    South America separated from Africa 200 million years ago.


  • 十分动人地描述了非洲经历

    She described her experiences in Africa very movingly.


  • 娅姆•马凯称为“非洲之母”。

    Miriam Makeba became known as Mama Africa.


  • 音乐随时让人想起非洲音乐的节奏

    Her music is full of reminiscences of African rhythms.


  • 游历了许多地方,主要非洲亚洲

    He's travelled widely, chiefly in Africa and Asia.


  • 他们期望抗生素产品出口东南亚非洲

    They expect the antibiotic products to be exported to Southeast Asia and Africa.


  • 这里非洲干旱、灰尘最多地方之一。

    It was one of the driest and dustiest places in Africa.


  • 这种疾病起源于非洲

    The disease originated in Africa.


  • 津巴布韦自夸有着非洲最为工业化经济体制。

    Zimbabwe boasts Africa's most industrialized economy.


  • 政权逐渐建立一支非洲规模最大的军队

    The regime built up the largest army in Africa.


  • 观众中的一半非洲主要来自塞内加尔马里

    The African half of the audience was mainly from Senegal or Mali.


  • 热爱非洲大陆

    She loved the African continent.


  • 康复足以的1964年非洲之旅伴随

    She recovered sufficiently to accompany Chou on his tour of Africa in 1964.


  • 赞比亚撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲高度城市化国家

    Zambia is black Africa's most urbanized country.


  • 非洲生活了多年,到欧洲旅行真是有点平淡了。

    Travelling in Europe was something of an anticlimax after the years he'd spent in Africa.


  • 几个南部非洲国家脆弱经济可能无可挽救地被摧垮。

    The fragile economies of several southern African nations could be irreparably damaged.


  • 非洲语言中语音字母之间有着密切的对应关系。

    In African languages there is a close correspondence between sounds and letters.


  • 联合国给予10个旱灾严重影响非洲国家食品援助

    The UN wants to send food aid to 10 countries in Africa severely affected by the drought.


  • 最大损失者不发达国家特别是撒哈拉以南的非洲国家

    The big losers will be the undeveloped countries, especially in sub-Saharan Africa.


  • 非洲捕捉大型猎物所带来刺激,200年来一直吸引欧洲人

    The excitement of hunting big game in Africa has been a lure to Europeans for 200 years.


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