• 美国南卡罗来纳州霍里爆发该州30多年来最严重山火

    South Carolina's Governor declared a state of emergency for Horry county as the state faced its biggest wildfire in more than 3 decades.


  • 星期二晚上,就算是霍里豪言壮语不了湖人

    Not even Horry's heroics could have saved the Lakers on Tuesday.


  • 霍里杰克逊波波维奇手下过球,并且都赢得了冠军

    Robert Horry has played for both Phil Jackson and Gregg Popovich. Winning multiple championships under each coach.


  • 霍里奥克学院第一座位女子提供男人相同教育学院。

    Mount Holyoke College was the first college to offer women the same kind of education as was offered to men.


  • 通常附近的霍里奇地区迎战博尔我的最爱纯粹是因为隔壁比赛。

    Normally the short trip to Horwich to face Bolton is a favourite, purely to see our neighbours.


  • 仔细回顾一下禅师芝加哥洛杉矶连续获得总冠军戒指年代,我们不难发现只有科尔霍里,甚至包括沙克在内,当他们离开了禅师之后取得更高更辉煌的成就

    Looking back over Phil Jackson's championship squads in Chicago and Los Angeles, only Steve Kerr, Robert Horry, and Shaq achieved a high degree of success after they went elsewhere.


  • 他们居住霍区改建的公寓里。

    They lived in a SoHo loft.


  • 里•霍耳36生日举行了年度娱乐界最盛大名流派对。

    He threw one of the biggest showbiz bashes of the year as a 36th birthday party for Jerry Hall.


  • 里克曼曾做过奈杰尔•霍索恩服装师

    Rickman worked as a dresser to Nigel Hawthorne.


  • 阿卡狄俄斯诺里乌斯分别东方西方当上了皇帝,说明了继承人不幸模式两个帝国不利影响

    The accessions of Arcadius and Honorius as emperors in the East and West respectively illustrate the unfortunate pattern of child heirs that had unfavorable effects for both empires.


  • 格蕾丝·默里·霍珀瓦萨尔学院学习数学物理在耶鲁大学继续深造获得数学博士学位。

    Grace Murray Hopper studied mathematics and physics at Vassar College and went on to earn her Ph.D. in mathematics at Yale.


  • 克·霍伊特是美国人,他在波士顿大学有一份不错的工作。

    Rick Hoyt is American and he has a good job at the University of Boston.


  • 为和他的父亲迪克·霍伊特一起,里克可以参加比赛。

    Rick can take part because he does it with his father, Dick Hoyt.


  • 到2021年初,参加项目的学校还将扩大至120所学校,惠及21000名学生。”阿德恩在霍克湾一所学校里准备午餐时说道。

    The number will extend to 21,000 students in 120 schools by the start of 2021 ," Ardern said while she was serving up lunch at a school in Hawke's Bay.


  • 霍洛维茨学习成绩很差,几乎没有朋友年里一直受欺负。

    Horowitz did badly in his studies, had few friends and was bullied for five years.


  • 霍夫设计木桩有一部分是隐藏房子地面其屋顶的外墙里的。

    Huff designed the timber pilings to be partially concealed by the house's ground-to-roof shell.


  • 现在历史教师多诺霍也认为,教育事业一些特定部分帮助:“肯定记得上学时一些特定日子里学到东西。”

    Donohue, now a history teacher, agrees that it helped during certain parts of her education, "I can definitely remember what I learned on certain days at school."


  • 要是重新设计一番,将翅膀加大,航空发动机替代现有发动机,向上倾斜5度角飞行小时大概飞900公里霍克斯

    Redesigned with aero engines and larger wings, it could be made to fly at about 900 kilometres per hour with its nose angled up by about 5 degrees, Hawkes says.


  • 普里霍季科总结俄罗斯面临两难境地:“我们知道此次峰会一个非常难得的机遇无人质疑我们要抓住机遇。”

    Mr Prikhodko summarises Russia's dilemma: "we know this is a very serious window of opportunity and nobody should be in any doubt that we want to use it," he says.


  • 里克·霍夫那样老兵拥护者们则希望士兵们得到公平合理对待,充分地了解他们工作的艰难所在。

    The hope that veteran's advocates like Rieckhoff have is that soldiers get a fair shake and a fuller understanding of the difficult job they do.


  • 房子没有霍夫街上的所房子黑,窗户上爆满灰尘看不到房子任何东西即便没有窗帘挡着;看上去隐蔽

    The house is no darker than it was on Bahnhofstrasse, but the windows are so dusty that you can`t see anything inside the rooms, not even the curtains; it looks blind.


  • 托里霍斯从车窗里向件T恤衫

    Torrijos tossed a T-shirt out the window to her.


  • 采访过程中见到伊拉克阿富汗美军老兵网站执行主任保罗·里克霍夫篇推特最近遇到过

    During the interview I saw a tweet from Paul Rieckhoff, the Executive Director of the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, who I met recently.


  • 现在人们他们作为工具使生活变得更美好。”霍洛大学心理学家玛莎·艾默里博士评论道。

    "People are now using their dreams as tools to make their lives better," comments Marcia Emery, PhD, a psychologist at Holos University.


  • 过去的年里波音公司空军海军,霍尼韦尔环球石油公司都已经系统性测试完善这些能源

    Over the last five years, Boeing, the U. S. Air Force and Navy, Honeywell UOP and others have systematically tested and advanced the alternative fuel.


  • 这位里克·霍洛·维茨曾经亨特先生年级班级一位同班同学

    The Livingstonite, one Rick Horowitz, had been a classmate of mine in Mr. Hunt's fourth-grade class.


  • 这位里克·霍洛·维茨曾经亨特先生年级班级一位同班同学

    The Livingstonite, one Rick Horowitz, had been a classmate of mine in Mr. Hunt's fourth-grade class.


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