• 离子化学成分研究雪冰化学研究具有重要地位

    Snow and ice plays an important role in the studies of the past global changes; the ice core research is also an extremely important area in studying the past global changes.


  • 国家数据中心评估NASA数据的档案中都假设极点覆盖

    The sea ice estimates from the National Snow and ice data Center, NASA's archive for sea ice data, assume that this hole is ice-filled.


  • 南极作用南半球雪冰作用区面积58%,约占地球表面积的3.58%。

    The area of Antarctic sea ice takes about 58% of all the area of south hemisphere cryosphere, and 3.58% of Earth surface area.


  • 碳黑记录的研究可以追溯历史时期生物量燃烧信息以及人类活动污染物的排放研究提供线索。

    Therefore, the black carbon concentration in ice core samples can provide valuable information concerning the biomass burning and anthropogenic activity.


  • 结合物理参数建立含水量评估方法给出北极夏季温度测试期间层内水分含量温度关系以及水分变化的时空分布。

    The evaluation method of the water content in snow is set up with the known physical parameters of snow and ice. The relation of water content and the snow temperature, and the water content...


  • 道路检测到路面上有时,就会自动升温,融化

    When they detect snow or ice on their surfaces, the roads will heat themselves up, melting the snow or ice away.


  • 们与空气中的混合,然后以的形式落在地上。

    They mix with ice in the air and fall to the ground as snow.


  • 剩余能够集成由于多年的积形成压力,剩余的积能够让掩埋变成,这些厚度足以使流动

    A surplus allows snow to accumulate and for the pressure of snow accumulated over the years to transform buried snow into glacial ice with a depth great enough for the ice to flow.


  • 随着大量通过蒸发抽离,形式沉淀形成海洋同位素比率就发生了变化

    The oxygen isotope ratio of the ocean changes as a great deal of water is withdrawn from it by evaporation and is precipitated as snow to form glacial ice.


  • 重量到能下层固体时,最终形成

    Glaciers are eventually created when the weight of the snow is so great that the lower layers are pressed into solid ice.


  • 放射微波潮湿融化放射的微波信号与未融化的不同

    Snow and ice emit microwaves, but the signal is different for wet, melting snow than for dry.


  • 它们生存条件就是——改变这些条件,相当于拿走它们栖息地和食物。

    They're built for the snow and ice -change those conditions, and you take away their habitat and their food supply.


  • 它们生存条件就是——改变这些条件,相当于拿走它们的栖息地和食物。

    They're built for the snow and ice - change those conditions, and you take away their habitat and their food supply.


  • 发动汽车如果滴水成天气你们停在户外的汽车了,可以出去勇敢的面对严寒她发动汽车(如果是下了,顺便帮她车上的清理掉!)

    Warm their car up for them: If chilly weather makes your car parked outside too cold, you could go out there and brave the cold to start the car for them (and if it snowed, even clear it off for them!


  • 形成断裂而成,主要由淡水组成,一般漂浮开阔海域

    Icebergs are large pieces of freshwater ice that break off snow-formed ice shelves or glaciers and float in open water.


  • 房顶斑斑,庭院还有残留迹。

    Snow dotted roofs and there were patches of ice in the courtyards.


  • 现在太阳光线深蓝色海洋吸收不是具有反射性的反射太空

    The sun's rays are now absorbed by dark-blue sea rather than bounced back into space by reflective ice and snow.


  • 意大利文艺复兴时期艺术家试着忽视冬季事实上鲁盖尔开始表现以及厚实的衣物的时候,成为了一种背叛断言欧洲北部人身份行为

    Italian Renaissance artists tried to ignore winter.In fact, when Bruegel dwelt on snow, ice and heavy clothes, it was an act of rebellion and an assertion of north European identity.


  • 这些稀有造物大自然一己之力创造了它们湿的地面并且不黏附于地面时,卷才有可能产生,强风吹动地面上的湿,滚动后便形成卷。

    These rare creations are called snow rollers, and Mother Nature makes them all by herself. Snow rollers form when wet snow falls on ground that is icy, so snow won't stick to it.


  • 随后雨水他们冲刷上,表面变黑,因而融化也更快

    Then, when snow or rain wash them onto an ice floe, they darken its surface and thus cause it to melt faster.


  • 如果马路干净了,而且不会交通危险,你可以马路上跑步不过要小心有地方

    Run on the street if it's been plowed, provided that it's safe from traffic, and watch out for areas that could have black ice.


  • 例如南极并没有缩小大概是因为融化和多下的持平

    Antarctic sea ice, for instance, does not seem to be shrinking, probably because increased melting is balanced by more snow.


  • 融化时刚刚暴露出来的水对光线的吸收作用大于反射作用,不那样,对光线更多的是反射作用。

    When sea ice melts, the newly exposed dark water absorbs radiation rather than reflecting it, as snow or ice would.


  • 昨天刚刚下小路非常井台上冻了厚厚的

    It snowed yesterday, so the alley was very slippery. A layer of thickice was frozen on the platform of the well.


  • 消费者机会囤积牛奶面包木柴以及

    Shoppers had a chance to stock up on milk, bread, firewood as well as snow shovels and ice melting products.


  • 反射了大概超过90%左太阳能量然而,附着上方烟尘加热下方层,将他们融化成水。

    Snow and ice normally reflects much of the sun's energy — up to 90 percent — back the way it came. But a layer of soot on top of the ice will absorb the sunlight, warm the ice beneath, and melt it.


  • 夹着融化和冒着烟

    A spill of molten ice, smoking snow.


  • 欲渡黄河,将登太行

    I'd ferry across the Yellow River, but waterway blocked by ice; About to go up Mt. Taihang, but snow darkens the sky.


  • 欲渡黄河,将登太行

    I'd ferry across the Yellow River, but waterway blocked by ice; About to go up Mt. Taihang, but snow darkens the sky.


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