• 阿尔的一位居民木屐树篱英尺以上,并因此被捕

    A Palo Alto city resident allowed her xylosma hedge to grow above two feet and was arrested for it.


  • 我们退避想到施乐如何完全失败·阿尔托研究中心的发明允许苹果微软他们这儿逃走

    We all wince at the thought of how Xerox utterly failed to innovate on PARC's inventions, allowing Apple and Microsoft to run away with most of them.


  • 一直能陪他们身边,我希望他们明白原因,希望他们理解所做的一切”,加州帕阿尔家中,乔布斯令人心酸地补充道

    "I wasn't always there for them, and I wanted them to know why and to understand what I did", he added poignantly at his home in Palo Alto, California.


  • 按照帕·阿尔托的房子做的,浴室还是保持原样。

    And that was it for the Palo Alto house. The bathrooms stayed old.


  • 另外据加州帕·阿尔托的老年法律师吉尔菲斯人们往往低估自己资产忘记自己的账户所以可能会发现自己原来的要富有。

    Plus, says Michael Gilfix, an elder-law attorney in Palo Alto, Calif., people tend to underestimate their holdings or forget about accounts, so you may find that you have more than you think.


  • 最近西海岸圣塔芭芭拉·阿尔度过了段愉快的时光

    I had a great time on the West coast recently with stops in Santa Barbara and Palo Alto.


  • 通常交易完成后,相关交易公司需通报欧盟委员会。但是阿塞谢韦这种集中问询的方式似乎并不认同

    Usually, the company that will be in charge when the deal is complete notifies the commission, but Arcelor and Severstal do not seem to agree on this central question.


  • 但是十之后回到阿尔的家中。

    Ten days later he was heading home to Palo Alto.


  • 过去几个月里不断有人加州阿尔(旧金山)想要拜访他们的老朋友乔布斯,打电话询问能否接待这些客人也许是见最后一面。

    Over the last few months, a steady stream of visitors to Palo Alto, Calif., called an old friend’s home number and asked if he was well enough to entertain visitors, perhaps for the last time.


  • 如果塔尔标购到期之前能够收购阿塞超过50%股票,阿塞谢韦合并案就会化为泡影

    If Mittal manages to buy more than 50% of Arcelor shares by the time the tender offer expires, the Severstal deal will fall through.


  • ·阿尔托研究中心(PARC),研究人员打算建造一些几的吸收吹送过这些高塔空气一种状的吸收剂接触。

    At PARC, researchers propose building towers several metres high through which the air would be wafted, coming into contact with a sorbent mist.


  • 现在五十来岁了,乔布斯的非常安静且隐秘,他他的妻儿阿尔郊区所普通的房子中。

    Now in his early fifties, Jobs live quietly privately, with his wife and four kids in a large, unostentatious house in suburban Palo Alto.


  • 1973年,搬去那里·阿尔研究中心研究院发明第一个用户友好计算机激光打印面向对象程序设计个人工作站以及建立以太网络

    By 1973, when I moved there, PARC researchers had invented the first user-friendly computer, laser printing, object-oriented programming, a personal workstation, and the foundation of the Ethernet.


  • 该项立法变动的始作俑者,国会议员阿尔多·雷贝认为此前的法律可能满足农民生存要求,而且几乎没有农民依法行事。

    Congressman Aldo Rebelo, who introduced the measure, said the law makes it impossible for farmers to make a living and almost no one complies with it.


  • ·阿尔托的周日家庭项目运用音乐艺术研讨方式鼓励个人表达求知欲和协同合作。

    The Palo Alto Sunday family program USES music, art and discussion to encourage personal expression, intellectual curiosity and collaboration.


  • 四十八个·阿尔托研究中心工作真的聪明两种重要类型聪明

    The four dozen people working at PARC were really smart, with two important kinds of smarts.


  • 当时,凯默家乡·阿尔办公场地市场需求正在迅速扩大,几位家人朋友当地的房地产行业工作。

    Several family members and their friends were in commercial real estate in Kammerer's hometown of Palo Alto, where the market for office space is booming.


  • 随着脸谱网大受欢迎扎克伯格收拾行装,将这家公司搬入加州·阿尔托市永远离开了哈佛神圣殿堂

    As Facebook's popularity exploded, Zuckerberg packed up his bags and relocated the fledgling company to Palo Alto, California, forever leaving behind Harvard's hallowed halls.


  • 好些微软视窗卖命年轻人原先都效命施乐公司帕阿尔托研究中心。

    Some of the guys who wrote Microsoft Windows had previous worked on window systems at Xerox PAPC.


  • 林书豪到了5时候林杰明带他加州·阿尔当地基督教青年会参加儿童联赛

    By the time Jeremy was 5, Gie-Ming was taking him to the local YMCA in Palo Alto, Calif., to play ball in a kids' league.


  • 丽丝·阿尔拉辛博士研究关于“引爆点”的问题。 (之前在大脑不是你的朋友》提到过)。

    The study, led by Dr. Dolores Albarracin, explored issues related to “priming”, which I’ve written about before (Your Brain Is Not Your Firend).


  • 然而最近他们搬出了帕·阿尔托市中心(为了制止当地企业)一个加利福尼亚大道生物技术在佩奇·米尔旁的中心位置

    However recently, they moved out of downtown Palo Alto (to the determent of local businesses) to a centralized location on California avenue in biotech row off Page Mill.


  • 粉色到处都有。JLM时装秀安娜·迈尔雷姆阿克拉安妮·巴吉尔、阿尔弗雷德·安吉伊内斯·桑托等时装秀全都展示粉红绯红色系的长礼服

    Pink was everywhere: JLM Couture, Anna Maier, Reem Acra, Anne Barge, Alfred Angelo and Ines Di Santo all showed off beautiful pink and blush-colored gowns.


  • 早期理论生物学家阿尔弗雷德·特卡[4]1925年写道:“进化只是生物物种而是物种环境整个系统。”

    Alfred Lotka, an early theoretical biologist, wrote in 1925, "It is not so much the organism or the species that evolves, but the entire system, species plus environment."


  • 这家公司发源地加州阿尔(PaloAlto, California)的一间小车库现在看作是硅谷诞生地。

    The tiny garage in Palo Alto, California, where the company originated is now regarded as the birthplace of Silicon Valley.


  • 或者正如阿尔宾塞·斯托宾(SpencerSchoeben本周末告诉的,“喜欢回头查看标记历史边看边回忆我做美妙之。”

    Or, as Palo Alto's Spencer Schoeben told me this weekend, "I love looking back at my check-in history and remembering the awesome things I've done.


  • 什么使得·阿尔托研究中心与其他组织创造力上有如此大的差别?

    What made PARC so different from organizations where creativity falters? An abundance of all three key ingredients!


  • ·阿尔托研究中心诞生40周年工作场所得到任何有更好条件分类光芒

    Forty years after the birth of PARC, have workplaces gotten any better at fostering that sort of brilliance?


  • ·阿尔托研究中心诞生40周年工作场所得到任何有更好条件分类光芒

    Forty years after the birth of PARC, have workplaces gotten any better at fostering that sort of brilliance?


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