• 到目前为止这场灾难给我们最大的教训可能,我们手中必须准备足够紧急电源保持反应堆水循环的温度,阻止反应堆融化

    So far, the all-important lesson would seem to be: have sufficient emergency power at hand to keep cooling water circulating in the reactors to prevent a meltdown.


  • 迅速作出反应承诺用新的规则阻止再次发生

    He's reacted quickly and promised new rules to stop it happening again.


  • 恐惧死亡一种明智进化反应衰老却是死亡的必经之,因此,人们阻止衰老进程不足为奇了

    A fear of death is a sensible evolved response and, since ageing is a sure way of dying, it is no surprise that people want to stop it in its tracks.


  • 但是穿刺手术不能阻止有些容易得炎症发炎反应会会造成新的鼻腔阻塞。

    But they can't stop the inflammation some people are prone to, and that inflammation can cause new obstructions.


  • 日元急剧升值日本出口矛盾重重的时候,菅直人不不火的反应无法阻止危害产生。

    When a rapid rise in the value of the yen battered Japan’s exports last month, Kan’s tepid response did nothing to stem the damage.


  • 另一种阻止“过敏反应进行曲”的可能办法是:新生儿喂服大量的益生比如酸奶里面所含乳杆菌

    Another possible way to stop the atopic march: Get infants to chow down on probiotics, or friendly bacteria, such as Lactobacillus found in certain yogurts.


  • 抗体途径不同,细胞途径的免疫反应通常不会阻止得病能够制止严重症状的产生。

    Unlike antibodies, cell-mediated immunity doesn't usually stop you getting ill, but it does prevent severe disease.


  • 科学家发现用沙门氏菌培养肿瘤引发免疫反应从而有效杀死癌细胞-阻止生长

    Scientists have discovered that treating tumours with the Salmonella bacteria can induce an immune response that effectively kills cancer cells - and also vaccinates against further growth.


  • 研究小组继续致力于研究基因varenicline反应,varenicline是另一种流行的戒烟药物阻止尼古丁大脑中的邦定和接收。

    The group is also studying the genes involved in response to varenicline (Chantix), another popular smoking-cessation drug that works by blocking nicotine from binding to receptors in the brain.


  • 据所了解的人为阻止应激反应PHaSR,它包含两个不同激光惊吓个是加热皮肤造成击退效果”。

    It’s known asPersonnel Halting and Stimulation Response, or PHaSR, and itincorporates two different lasers: one to startle, the other to heatup the skin, causing arepel effect.”


  • 他们研发成功使用的核弹建造自己反应感到自豪,尽管之后的制裁阻止他们输入技术并出席讨论同位素会议

    They are proud of having developed a workable bomb and built their own reactors, despite sanctions that prevented them from importing technology or from attending conferences to discuss isotopes.


  • 核电站官员似乎无力阻止其中一个反应过热

    Officials at the plant seemed unable to stop the one of its reactors from overheating.


  • 人们试图控制自己表达方式但是大多数人都无法阻止他们把自己感受反应面部表情

    She said that even though people may try to control their expressions, most are not able to keep their feelings from showing on their faces.


  • 事故处理小组们努力根电力线导入站点使电站内重要的水泵恢复运行,它冷却过热反应阻止反应堆的爆炸。

    Disaster teams managed to get a power line onto the site in an effort to reactivate crucial water pumps to cool overheating reactors and prevent a calamitous meltdown.


  • 表示现有反应第一个需要改进的地方改善绝缘性,以便阻止热能流失。她期待简单的改进能够使反应利用率翻两

    She says the first improvements that will be made to the existing reactor will be to improve the insulation to help stop heat loss, a simple move that she expects to treble the current efficiency.


  • 组织现场派有流行病学专家,他们正在帮助建立一个疾病监测系统,以便能够发现疾病,疾病暴发作出反应阻止它们传播

    WHO has epidemiologists on the ground, who are helping to set up a disease surveillance system, which can detect and respond to diseases outbreaks before they spread.


  • 使得小型投资者内幕收购进行快速反应变得更为简单,阻止玛莎·斯图尔特们收到消息抛售股票

    This makes it easier for small investors to respond to insider purchases quickly and discourages the Martha Stewarts of this world from selling stock in anticipation of bad news.


  • 如果真的那这的确是一周以来反应堆冷却以及阻止核物质扩散工作获得的好消息

    If true, the announcement is one piece of good news in a week-long struggle to cool the fuel in the reactors and block the emanating radiation.


  • 他们知道如果一个反应熔化这会成为影响巨大范围大量人民主要灾难,他们牺牲自己生命试图阻止一切。

    They know that if there is a reactor meltdown it could be a major disaster affecting huge areas and massive Numbers of people, and they are risking their lives to try and prevent that.


  • 由于会破坏人体所需化学反应激素转化脂肪成为能量反应无法正常进行,这样无论如何健康饮食都无法阻止继续肥胖了。

    Because acidity disrupts the body's chemistry, the hormones needed to convert fat into fuel also fail to function properly, so the obesity persists no matter how healthy your diet becomes.


  • 系统可以根据策略做出各种反应包括生成警告实时阻止事务

    The system can respond with a variety of policy-based actions, including generating an alert and blocking the transaction in real time.


  • 作为病毒感染自然防御部分人类细胞蛋白质会锁住dsRNA,引发反应阻止病毒的自我复制

    As part of their natural defenses against viral infection, human cells have proteins that latch onto dsRNA, setting off a cascade of reactions that prevents the virus from replicating itself.


  • 并且可能或者没有可能反应了当时社会有一个多功能的词可能kalu,”另外的文本中的意思可能是阻止推迟、撤退、监禁或者侵扰等等

    And it may or may not reflect on the society that one of its more versatile verbs was "kalu," which in different contexts can mean detain, delay, hold back, keep in custody, interrupt and so forth.


  • 这些反应产生的腐蚀产物阻止正常阀门运转深入人造橡胶阀杆顶端造成阀门不能完全密封。

    Corrosion products formed by these reactions can prevent normal valve operation and can become embedded in the elastomeric stem tip, preventing the valve from making a complete seal.


  • 一种阻止减缓阴极反应化学物质

    A chemical substance that prevents or slows a cathodic or reduction reaction.


  • 此外虽然日本俄罗斯的双边关系充满荆棘,但也未能阻止东芝公司与俄罗斯国有Atomenergoprom公司(“原子能电力公司”)就合作进行反应建造与铀燃料生产达成一致。

    Japan's prickly relations with Russia did not stop Toshiba agreeing on joint reactor-construction and fuel-production efforts with state-owned Atomenergoprom.


  • 做出停药这个重大决定之后,没几天Donna身体开始出现排斥肝脏反应当时工作医院尽管我们给施用了类固醇药物,还是无法阻止她 的肝脏衰竭,我们因此给她动了第二次换肝手术。

    Within days of that fateful decision, Donna’s body began rejecting her liver, and she was admitted to the hospital where I worked. Despite massive doses of steroids, her transplanted organ failed.


  • 做出停药这个重大决定之后,没几天Donna身体开始出现排斥肝脏反应当时工作医院尽管我们给施用了类固醇药物,还是无法阻止她 的肝脏衰竭,我们因此给她动了第二次换肝手术。

    Within days of that fateful decision, Donna’s body began rejecting her liver, and she was admitted to the hospital where I worked. Despite massive doses of steroids, her transplanted organ failed.


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